MeFi: When modern builders meet old houses
Data leak reveals China is tracking almost 2.6m people in Xinjiang
We Lost Our Ability to Mend
You probably don't need a single-page app
homedefense: Where to buy genuine original Dahua products?
AskElectronics: What connector is this?
homeautomation: Using a Sonoff and some willing to tinker, make the output side a dry contact...
DataHoarder: We were moving, had to make sure my girl was safe.
homeautomation: Advice on automated, 3 zone, RGBWW, addressable installation powered from 5A...
blender: Just another skull
Infinity Icosahedron Is Difficult To Contemplate Even Looking Right At It
Bill and Melinda Gates: Textbooks Are Becoming Obsolete
AskElectronics: I have a question about getting practice with Electronic equations
financialindependence: I read "Playing With Fire" by Scott Rieckens and there was one point...
homeassistant: Why can’t we have UI like these? Quite inspiring!
Google Backtracks on Chrome Modifications That Would Have Crippled Ad Blockers
gundeals: [Handgun] Get rid of that boring Glock and get yourself a nickel-plated sissy pistol....
Txti – Fast web pages for everybody
esp8266: Help find the bug in the 'Lightning' effect
RTLSDR: Indoor dipole working wonders!
science: Scientists have discovered a new technique can turn plastic waste into energy-dense...
blenderhelp: Trying the anvil tutorial and Im getting stuck on the Boolean and subsurf section,...
Vulkan Raytracing Tutorials
financialindependence: Just hit 100k net worth today. Feels good but so much work to be done.
esp8266: ESP32 HTTP server: Multiple methods allowed on same route
RetroPie: System in a cigar box, need to mount fan & button, drill vents, then glue the lid...
Command Line Utilities… in the Cloud?
Why Some US Cities are Fighting 'Dollar Stores'
DataHoarder: $139.99 WD Elementals 8TB on Amazon
Identifying a 3D Printer From a 3D Print
Google backtracks on Chrome modifications that would have crippled ad blockers
1,100 Schools Now Scan Social Media For Violent Students - and Alcohol Use
Going Solo, Successfully
Intel Starts Publishing Open-Source Linux Driver Code for Discrete GPUs
Faceswap Github repo is public but requires a logged in user
signalidentification: Westmoreland County PA 462.950.000?
Cygwin 3.0.0-1
Payless is closing all its U.S. stores
Chaos Monkey Guide for Engineers
Going Solo, Successfully
foraging: Could anyone ID what these are? Found in Southern Tasmania, Australia.
ArtisanVideos: Restoring rusty dented soviet firefighter's helmet [18:30]
esp32: Defeated by esp32 Bluetooth stack & lack of memory
Calling World Cup Goals Before They Happen, By Polling a Betting Site
RetroPie: Newbie issues
homeassistant: $6 MQTT Push Button to Control Sonoff Devices
Welding: Here's a wolf I welded. I hadn't done a piece in a few months so I was happy to see...
EngineeringPorn: 12 hours of wiring later...
RetroPie: are there any 3d printed cases for the freeplay cm3?
homeassistant: How to use Tasker to automatically turn off your lights at night when you charge...
Relative's DNA Solves A 1993 Murder Cold Case
homedefense: Running cable for POE enabled cameras
blender: Link and Pikachu 3D Sketch
Microsoft’s New MT-DNN Outperforms Google BERT
Finding Lena Forsen, the Patron Saint of JPEGs
What ABC called "pink slime," USDA now says can be labeled "ground beef"
AskElectronics: My Oscilloscopes trace is walking.
RetroPie: Trouble after cloning SD
AskElectronics: Need help finding a replacement for this transformer
specializedtools: Laser cutter for nuclear decommissioning
The Magnetic Rubik’s Cube
homelab: My Kubernetes cluster for school research
esp8266: Stupid accident with capacitor
Facebook Becomes 'A Haven For the Anti-Vaccination Movement'
Making My Own USB Keyboard from Scratch
homestead: Blood Oranges are ready to be harvested!
homeassistant: Better way of controlling AC units?
Color Spaces
The Rest of Us Always Knew Churchill Was a Villain
DataHoarder: Nickel and Dime Novels Hoard (135GB)
DataHoarder: Step by step instructions for creating 1:1 backup solution.
homeassistant: Automating home fragrances/air fresheners?
Drones Rain Down Rat Poison on the Galapagos
NASA's Plans To Build A Human Settlement on The Moon
MeFi: unbelievably me
Artificial intelligence, algorithmic pricing, and collusion
Startup Credits – Free/discounted plans for startups
Why I hate the weekends
Why CISA Issued Our First Emergency Directive
openwrt: VPN guest wifi
openwrt: Router recommendation for VPN client + VPN server + TOR client
gundeals: [Other] Harbor Freight Apache 3800 Case - Pelican 1450 Knockoff - $29.99 with coupon...
science: Men Who Can Do More Than 40 Push-Ups Far Less Likely To Develop Heart Disease
Star of Film 'Downfall' and Widespread 'Hitler Finds Out...' Meme, Dead At 77
Is it creepy when brands pester you on social media?
openwrt: Can't set DNS Server permanently / does not survive reboot
homeassistant: Conditional directions map?
Lobbyists Demonize 'Right To Repair' Legislation
Why I hate the weekends
Welding: I build these in my free time in trade school
homedefense: LTS Cameras
What Can We Learn From The Retraction of the Mediterranean Diet Study?
Bruce Perens Calls For Open Source, Security, and Data Rights In IBM Ad
Spoofing Google Search Results
datasets: Looking for of Dataset of whiskey and cigars
homedefense: Looking for comprehensive outdoor security cameras
openwrt: Linksys WRT-1900ACS running OpenWRT keep losing WiFi
museum: Claude Monet - Bathers at La Grenouillere (1869)
EngineeringPorn: This is how it should ALWAYS be done.
AskElectronics: Adjustable constant current driver with SPI or I²C interface?