Ralph Northam Still Doesn’t Understand What It Takes to be Forgiven
Rep. Ilhan Omar Went After Elliott Abrams for Lying to Congress. Then He Did It Again.
Amazon’s Home Surveillance Chief Declared War on “Dirtbag Criminals” as Company Got Closer...
Six GOP House Members Who Need to Resign for Anti-Semitism Before Ilhan Omar
Even for Washington, the Fight Over Online Gambling Has Been Unusually Shady
After 18 Years of War, the Taliban Has the Upper Hand in Afghanistan Peace Talks
Amazon Pullout Shows What Anti-Capitalist Organizing and Leftist Politicians Can Do
The Supreme Court Will Decide if Census Citizenship Question Is Legal. Democrats Should Also...
Jair Bolsonaro Praised the Genocide of Indigenous People. Now He’s Emboldening Attackers...
Locked Inside a Freezing Federal Jail, They United to Protest Their Conditions — Only to...
What Brett Kavanaugh’s Dishonest Anti-Abortion Dissent Reveals About His Supreme Court Agenda
Ilhan Omar, AIPAC, and the 2020 Democratic Presidential Contenders
How the Federal Government Undermines Prison Education
X-Rays and High Voltage Hack Chat
Huawei's Efforts To Steal Apple Trade Secrets Include Employee Bonus Program and Other Dubious...
E3D releases Pathio, a brand new slicer for FFF/FDM 3D printers
A faster, more efficient cryptocurrency
museum: Kerry James Marshall - Past Times (1997)
EngineeringPorn: The inside of the rebuilt Bombe from Bletchley Park
signalidentification: Identifying and reading steganography in audio
specializedtools: This Charger Spy Camera
homeassistant: homeassistant running with usb device, no devices found, z-wave used by
Entry-Level SLA Printer Gets Upgrades, Prints Better
homeautomation: Black Mirror's home automation episode
financialindependence: Are you moving to a lower cost of living area once you reach FIRE?
specializedtools: Deep hole digger
esp32: Anyone have any details about this board?
Predicting Weather with the Internet of Cars
Australia's Major Political Parties Targeted by 'Sophisticated State Actor', Prime Minister Says
The Weird Rise of Cyber Funerals
homedefense: CCTV Video Transmission question
ArtisanVideos: Wood+Resin pendants by The Crafsman
RTLSDR: I know they're lonely, but this?
DataHoarder: jdupes 1.12 released, and a friendly reminder enclosed
science: Breeding bees with "clean genes" could help prevent colony collapse, suggests a new...
blender: Dancing phone
A Deep Dive on the Recent Widespread DNS Hijacking Attacks
Major Games Publishers Are Feeling The Impact Of Peaking Attention
NASA awards $2M to team making tiny 3D printed sensors for planetary rovers
JPL Institutional Coding Standard for the C Programming Language (2009) [pdf]
I took 50,000 images of the night sky to make an 81 Megapixel image of the moon
Cataloging IoT Vulnerabilities
Physics Suppression
MeFi: Drowning in Debt
The shady economics of ‘buy one, get one free’ deals
blenderhelp: The glass shader is working, but not the transparency shader. Why?
Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report published
AskElectronics: Need to filter noise from a low voltage signal (5v)
Offline E-Paper Typewriter Lets You Write Without Distractions
Goldman Sachs Asks: 'Is Curing Patients a Sustainable Business Model?'
Ask MeFi: Books about Engineering
FELIXprinters introduces large-format Pro L and Pro XL FFF/FDM 3D printers
AWS Nitro System
homedefense: Securing data at home
homedefense: PC as a DVR?
AskElectronics: IC Identification. F130P4 ARM MCU. Came from a chinese device.
homelab: From the land of the Hobbit
Hexagonal Grids (2013)
Warning: Debian stable kernel upgrade breaks most ARM SBC
How the US has hidden its empire
AskElectronics: Anyone able to identify this SMD LED?
Immersive Augmented Reality on a Budget
YouTube To Blame For Rise in Flat Earth Believers, Says Study
homestead: Wife re-arranged the pantry today (Great-great grandparents mid 1800's Bald Cypress...
blender: Scene I did while learning how to make tubes out of Paths.
Muscle memory discovery ends 'use it or lose it' dogma
blender: AKM created in blender
Deciphering the Messages of Apple’s T2 Coprocessor
foraging: Sweet nothings.
blenderhelp: three-way mirror
Downloadable 3D Cockpits Enhance FPV Racing
RTLSDR: My TV is transmitting all audio heard
blenderhelp: Baking multiple material textures into a single sheet (game asset)
MeFi: My Life at 47 Is Back to What It Was Like at 27
LD_PRELOAD: The Hero We Need and Deserve
Welding: All 3 teeth had massive cracks all the way through both sides of each one two day...
OpenBazaar: Deleted OpenBazaar2.0-ClientData but store still exists when I restart?
The Rise of the Tech-Savvy Parent
science: A combination of two drugs - one of them an immunotherapy agent - could become a new...
science: Teachers’ helping behaviors leads to better student relationships and academic ...
Anti-Lock Brakes for Bike Might Make Rides a Little Safer
'No, You Can't Ignore Email. It's Rude.'
Technical Recruiting Needs to Focus on Selling the Position
gundeals: [Shotgun]When you want to cosplay Jurassic Park on a budget. SAS 12 12GA Semi-Auto...
esp32: bitluni's ESP32 VGA Beginner Tutorial [Arduino Library ESP32Lib]
blenderhelp: Help! best way to non destructive modeling.
'Digital Gangster' Facebook Intentionally and Knowingly Violated UK Privacy and Competition...
On Being an Engineering Manager
Hackaday Links: February 17, 2019
Researcher Scans All IP Addresses of Austria, Finds a Ton of Things That Shouldn't Be Online
Etsy sellers say their bank accounts were emptied in major billing snafu
WireGuard for MacOS
Google Fixing Chrome API To Prevent Incognito Mode Detection
Y Combinator’s latest batch of startups is too big for one Demo Day stage
OpenAI Trains Language Model, Mass Hysteria Ensues
RetroPie: Bar top for my bar top. Bar top games only. Rpi2
RTLSDR: What's wrong with MMSSTV? QSSTV decoded it fine, with color (image from ISS)
signalidentification: Digital stream on the HF band?
House Bill Requires Pornography Filter on All Phones, Computers Purchased in Kansas
Web page service workers bypass ad-blockers after Chrome 72 upgrade?