esp8266: Graph Room Temperature using ESP8266, Mongoose OS and Losant
DataHoarder: How do you decide what to encrypt and what not to encrypt when backing up online?
specializedtools: Nail painting machine
Implementing End-To-End Encryption in Matrix Clients
Advent of Code 2018, in Coq
datasets: Huge New NSFW Dataset for Content Filtering
raspberry_pi: Another e-ink calendar
financialindependence: Admission: I'm Pursuing FIRE to Save Face
MeFi: The Modern Trap of Turning Hobbies Into Hustles
esp32: Graph room temperature using ESP32, Mongoose OS and Losant
homeassistant: Trying to learn lovelace since 0.86. How do I get these to line up in horizontal...
science: Analysing data about cannabis use among more than 100,000 teenagers in 38 countries,...
MIT IAP Tackles Radio
Windows 7 Users: You Need SHA-2 Support or No Windows Updates After July 2019
A humble alternative to technical interviews
homeassistant: What in-wall switch options in Australia?
ArtisanVideos: Hypnotic and Impressively skilled bricklayers.
MeFi: Rise of the mid-rise
BlazingSQL – GPU SQL Engine Now Runs Over 20X Faster Than Apache Spark
A Newly-Generated Create-React-App 2.1.5 App Has 1,568 Dependencies
blenderhelp: Grid snapping not behaving as expected.
SOCKMAP – TCP splicing of the future
RetroPie: Cigar box Odroid XU4 RetroPie system
Inefficient NeoPixel Control Solved with Hardware Hackery
Stop Saying, 'We Take Your Privacy and Security Seriously'
How Badly Is Google Books Search Broken, and Why?
Explaining Code Using ASCII Art
foraging: What is your favorite Oxalis (sour grass, sorrel) recipe?
esp8266: Powering NodeMCU 8266 with 6v
Magic Lantern
National Sword
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (2018) [pdf]
Underactuated Robotics
gundeals: [Handgun] Surplus FN Browning Hi-Power $480 Shipped for the Majority of Stock
homelab: Pro tip: A single pillow on top may grant exceptionally high WAF
esp32: Esp32 stream video webserver
Apple Plans To Launch an 'All-New' 16-inch MacBook Pro and 32-inch 6K Monitor This Year, Says Report
Japanese government will access home devices in security survey
Kodak's Discovery of A-Bomb Testing (2016)
openwrt: Linksys EA3500 18.06.2
AskElectronics: Hi guys, I have a university project coming up where I need to find a way to...
esp8266: Anybody know a working ESP8266-to-ArtNet/DMX tutorial?
Travelling The Oregon Trail With An Apple II Robot
Deep Learning May Need a New Programming Language That's More Flexible Than Python, Facebook's...
homedefense: Package theft in apartment building
raspberry_pi: Building my own 4G LTE Router with a Raspberry Pi and a 4G Mobile Broadband Dongle
homeassistant: Biweekly Showoff/Success Thread!
I Am Not Associated with Swift Recovery Ltd.
Netflix Cancels The Punisher and Jessica Jones, Ending its Marvel Shows
I ruin developers’ lives with my code reviews and I'm sorry
2.7M medical calls breached in Sweden
When India Kicked Out Coca-Cola, Local Sodas Thrived
Harder programming questions do a worse job of predicting outcomes
esp32: So I just discovered that the two GND pins on my dev board aren't the same potential...
The Rotary Joystick Can Take A Beating
How Badly is Google Books Search Broken, and Why?
MeFi: Ken Nordine (1920 - 2019)
CSS Grid the Right Way
blender: F's for the fallen one
Welding: Welder chic
homeautomation: DIY Smart Blinds for $15
Electron Microscopes Are Awesome: Everything You Didn’t Know You Wanted to Know
Return To Sender: High Court To Hear Undeliverable Mail Case
U.K. Lawmakers accuse Facebook's CEO of leadership failure
Why I Write CSS in JavaScript
Drug Combo Creates New Neurons from Neighboring Cells
gundeals: [Rifle] Just a .50BMG - Barrett 13316 M82 A1 SA 50 BMG 29" 10+1 Fixed Metal Stock...
homestead: My 20 Ohio acres. I named it Heavens Hootin Hollow .
esp32: Is something wrong with my ADC?
RetroPie: Madden 2000 invisible player problem
The Battle Lines Have Been Drawn on the Green New Deal
Black Critics of Kamala Harris and Cory Booker Push Back Against Claims That They’re Russian...
Goldman Lobbyist Turned Schumer General Counsel Is Hiding Most Former Clients’ Names
As Giuliani Calls for Regime Change in Iran, Netanyahu Raises the Specter of “War”
Immigrant Rights Groups Trash Border Deal: “Immigrant Families Will Pay the Price”
House of Representatives Orders Donald Trump to Stop Backing Saudi-led War in Yemen, Paving...
The Truth About Islam and Democracy (With Anwar Ibrahim)
Ralph Northam Still Doesn’t Understand What It Takes to be Forgiven
Rep. Ilhan Omar Went After Elliott Abrams for Lying to Congress. Then He Did It Again.
Amazon’s Home Surveillance Chief Declared War on “Dirtbag Criminals” as Company Got Closer...
Six GOP House Members Who Need to Resign for Anti-Semitism Before Ilhan Omar
Even for Washington, the Fight Over Online Gambling Has Been Unusually Shady
After 18 Years of War, the Taliban Has the Upper Hand in Afghanistan Peace Talks
Amazon Pullout Shows What Anti-Capitalist Organizing and Leftist Politicians Can Do
The Supreme Court Will Decide if Census Citizenship Question Is Legal. Democrats Should Also...
Jair Bolsonaro Praised the Genocide of Indigenous People. Now He’s Emboldening Attackers...
Locked Inside a Freezing Federal Jail, They United to Protest Their Conditions — Only to...
What Brett Kavanaugh’s Dishonest Anti-Abortion Dissent Reveals About His Supreme Court Agenda
Ilhan Omar, AIPAC, and the 2020 Democratic Presidential Contenders
How the Federal Government Undermines Prison Education
X-Rays and High Voltage Hack Chat
Huawei's Efforts To Steal Apple Trade Secrets Include Employee Bonus Program and Other Dubious...
E3D releases Pathio, a brand new slicer for FFF/FDM 3D printers
A faster, more efficient cryptocurrency
museum: Kerry James Marshall - Past Times (1997)
EngineeringPorn: The inside of the rebuilt Bombe from Bletchley Park
signalidentification: Identifying and reading steganography in audio
specializedtools: This Charger Spy Camera
homeassistant: homeassistant running with usb device, no devices found, z-wave used by
Entry-Level SLA Printer Gets Upgrades, Prints Better