homestead: Daughters took the trash cans to the curb and saw the dog sniffing the bush. In...
China's CRISPR Twins Might Have Had Their Brains Inadvertently Enhanced
MeFi: MetaClean: "How often should you..."
openwrt: Are VLANs necessary at home?
gundeals: [other] Aero Precision is getting into the packing peanut game. Stripped AR15 lower...
Hexagonal Lamp Is A Stylish Application Of Plywood
Waymo Self-Driving Cars Can Now Obey Police Hand Signals
Segment Is Now Free for Early-Stage Startups
homedefense: Moving somewhere new with stranger roommates
Welding: Is anyone here a Star Wars fan?
RetroPie: Completely redoing a 1up Cabinet to run retropie. Yes, I stole the concept for the...
science: Between 2014-2017 in Berkeley, California, sugary drink consumption decreased by 52...
Google Will End Forced Arbitration For Employees
ArtisanVideos: Building the 1/700 Flyhawk model of the battleship Bismark [29:38]
Welding: Little chopper I made out of scrap metal.
homelab: Small apartment networking
Hack A ThinkPad Display
Experts Find Serious Problems With Switzerland's Online Voting System
Verizon Plans To Roll Out Its 5G Mobile Network In 30 Cities This Year
Some Details of My Personal Infrastructure
Yelp Fired Manager After He Didn't Take Calls, Check Email 24/7, Lawsuit Claims
esp32: How do I modify the IDF config on my esp32?
Consumer Reports No Longer Recommends the Tesla Model 3
Google Ends Forced Arbitration for Employees
specializedtools: Wood plitter
American Airlines Has Cameras In Their Screens Too
Unearthed Emails Show Google, Ad Giants Know They Break Privacy Laws
Shorewall – The End of the Road
AskElectronics: Errant solder ball in my portable power supply
signalidentification: 455.775Mhz Intermittent signal. Portsmouth UK
Relive The Dot Matrix Glory Days With Your 3D Printer
Queensland, Australia Drivers Set To Get Emoji Number Plates
TSMC's Photoresist Material Incident: $550M Loss
American Airlines Has Cameras in Their Screens Too
RTLSDR: Using USB sound card for VLF reception?
Right To Repair Legislation Is Officially Being Considered In Canada
Nike Bricks Its Shoes With a Faulty Firmware Update
Ramses – A distributed system for rendering 3D content
Delta Chat
Librem 5 Smartphone: Massive Progress, Exact CPU Selected, Shipping Adjustment
Facebook Decided Which Users Are Interested in Nazis – and Let Ads Target Them
specializedtools: New favorite tool for running CAT6
raspberry_pi: My piratebox running on a pi zero hidden in a book
FPGA Brings Arduboy to the Game Boy Advance
Facebook Continued To Identify Users Who Are Interested in Nazis -- and Then Used the Info...
MeFi: Chicainery
We're Entering the Golden Age of Podcasts
Travis CI Is Laying Off Senior Engineer Staff
Practical Go: Real World Advice for Writing Maintainable Go Programs
America’s Professional Elite: Wealthy, Successful and Miserable
foraging: Black sage is coming in everywhere in the Gabilan Hills of CA.
AskElectronics: I don't quite understand what some components mean in a specific schematic (CSG24).
blender: This is where the default cube goes when you delete it. Blender purgatory...
Building A Simple Python API for Internet of Things Gadgets
Amazon To Fund Computer Science Classes at 1,000 US High Schools
Japan Wants To Boost the Use of Electric Vehicles as a Power Source During Natural Disasters
Do Jails Kill People?
RetroPie: Joystick Selection Script Odd Behavior
blenderhelp: [bpy] How do I compute the location to move the target object away from the camera?
blenderhelp: Rig twist distorts mesh
Earth's Atmosphere Extends Much Farther Than Previously Thought
2.7M Medical Calls Breached in Sweden
Crazy Circuits: An Open Source Electronics Learning System
Show HN: ICONSVG – Customize and Generate Common SVG Icons
EU Countries Back Copyright Reforms Aimed at Google, Facebook
homeautomation: WIP: GE Low Voltage Relay Lighting System add-on box
homelab: IKEA PLATSA turned into sound dampened whitebox cabinet
esp32: ESP32 development board and camera
homeassistant: Clear Theme
Death Generator Makes Game Over More Personal
Linux Foundation Launches ELISA, an Open Source Project For Building Safety-Critical Systems
Google Researchers Say Software Alone Can't Mitigate Spectre Chip Flaws
A Beach Nobody Can Touch
Why Does My Remote Control Need to Know My Location?
PostgreSQL's Explain Analyze Made Readable
foraging: What kind of mushrooms are these? Are they edible?
homestead: Quail update: The two that hatched in my first batch, named Tap and 24, are 10 days...
financialindependence: It's still possible... It took me 15 years longer than I had dreamed...
homeassistant: Question: Samsung washer integration
science: Transplanting the bone marrow of young laboratory mice into old mice prevented cognitive...
When Will Our Cars Finally Speak the Same Language? DSRC for Vehicles
Pinterest Cracks Down on Anti-Vaxxers, Pressuring Facebook To Follow
Indonesia reports reduced deforestation, triggering carbon payment from Norway
AskElectronics: Passing 115200 baud RS232 signal through terminal blocks
AskElectronics: Help identifying fuse (?)
EngineeringPorn: Tight fit
blenderhelp: Mesh to match edits to bounding box?
Scientists Dressed Horses Like Zebras To Figure Out Why They Have Stripes
DEEPTIME unveils Ionic Sound System, 3D printed speakers made from sand
homedefense: Private Dropcam (nest cam) replacement
Welding: New welder and hood
OpenBazaar: Introducing Zokos Beta - setup your OpenBazaar store in less than a minute on the web
esp8266: ESP-01 modules programming board
New Breed of Fuel Pump Skimmer Uses SMS and Bluetooth
Montana Legislator Introduces Bills To Give His State His Own Science
Oracle Claims a Fighter of Pirated Apps is a Front For Ad Fraud
COI – Chat Over IMAP
Reverse Location Search Warrants
EcoLogicStudio installs two 3D printed living sculptures exploring future forms of spatial...
Earth’s Atmosphere Stretches Out to the Moon and Beyond