homeautomation: HowtoGeek thinks that "Google and Amazon Are Killing the Smarthome Hub, and...
Nerf Mods Via 3D Printing
Norwich's Fortnite Live Festival Was a Complete Disaster
Apple to Close Stores in Eastern District of Texas to Fight Patent Trolls
RetroPie: Just thought I’d share a fix that took me a while to figure out concerning PPSSPP....
Welding: I can only be so mad about this...
raspberry_pi: My school’s engineering class was tasked to make arcade machines for the school...
OpenBazaar: OpenBazaar in a box
Supercon: Ruth Grace Wong and Firmware From the Firehose
Lessons From Six Software Rewrite Stories
Inside Elizabeth Holmes's Chilling Final Months at Theranos
Datomic, Datalog, GraphQL, APIs, etc.
You Do Not Need Blockchain: Eight Popular Use Cases and Why They Do Not Work
How to Make Other Developers Hate to Work with You
foraging: Washington razor clamming
specializedtools: Round bale slicer
OpenBazaar: 🔦 WEEKLY SPOTLIGHT - Buy & Sell for BTC, BCH, LTC or ZEC - Share your OpenBazaar...
specializedtools: Portable Rebar Bender
blenderhelp: Absolutely zero idea on how to fix this hand
Hackaday Podcast Ep 007 – Everything Microcontrollers, Deadly Clock Accuracy, CT X-Rays,...
Slashdot Asks: What Are Some Programming Books You Wish You Had Read Earlier?
World's largest bee ‘rediscovered’ after 38 years
Show HN: Material Kit – Open Source UI for Bootstrap, React, Vuejs, React Native
zfs: ZFS + NVMe SLOG + sync=always?
Welding: Mechanic bench
ArtisanVideos: Sunset Seascape Oil Painting By Yasser Fayad
homeautomation: One button to rule them all! A "goodnight" button that also controls multiple lights
What Happens When You Cross A Brick With a Pixel?
Cooking Sunday Roast Causes Indoor Pollution 'Worse Than Delhi'
Test Shows Facebook Begins Collecting Data From Several Popular Apps Seconds After Users Start...
Four new DNA letters double life’s alphabet
A Heavily Commented Linux Kernel Source Code [pdf]
Mark Zuckerberg Promised a Clear History Tool Almost a Year Ago. Where Is It?
zfs: o_direct error with fio direct=1
homeautomation: Water tank monitor
AskElectronics: Does anyone know where to find small switches to wire inline inside a wiring...
EngineeringPorn: After the subsea cable cross-section, thought you all might like a cutaway version
homelab: Now the fun begins - wish me luck [Update]
Drops of Jupyter Notebooks: How to Keep Notes in the Information Age
Linux Users Are Unable To Manage Their Apple ID on Applecom
Linus Torvalds on Why ARM Won't Win the Server Space
Apple Is Blocking Linux User-Agent on
Outrage culture is out of control
blender: Congratulations, /r/blender! You are Subreddit of the Day!
financialindependence: "Wealthy, successful and miserable: The upper echelon is hoarding money...
A Third of All Chrome Extensions Request Access To User Data on Any Site
MeFi: "It was a gift for me when I realized: I'm done."
Nanoscale 3D printing helps reveal how firefly-inspired surface can boost LED efficiency
darknetplan: Yggdrasil 0.3.3 released
AskElectronics: Powering 10 WS2812 (2020) LED's from one single AA battery.
esp32: ESP32 CoinCell Project
Former Facebook Employees Say The Company's Prioritization Of Privacy is About Optics
GE Power unveils 1000-sq-ft 3D printing lab for Clemson University
Notes from Malcolm Gladwell's Writing Masterclass
Firefox to Block All 3rd Party Trackers by Default
museum: Lovis Corinth (1858-1925), Salome
AskElectronics: OSC readout that I can't quite explain.
blender: Re rendered this skull, just for you guys. No artifacts and compression.
12 Year Old Builds Successful Fusor At Home
Nginx Is Giving Away a Free O'Reilly Book on Cloud Native Devops with Kubernetes
Computer Modeling Should Become a Popular Hobby
Facebook Will Shut Down Its Spyware VPN App Onavo
Gen. Nakasone on US CyberCommand
MeFi: There is the potential for elements (and children) being stressed
Apple Could Be Working with Goldman Sachs on a Credit Card
Hayabusa-2: Japan Spacecraft Touches Down on Asteroid
homeassistant: Clear Theme Dark
science: Researchers watched in real time as a single-celled algae evolved into a multicellular...
Facebook Will Shut Down Its Spyware VPN App Onavo
New Stratasys J720 Dental 3D printer makes full color, multi-material parts in a single run
RTLSDR: How to properly ground an SDR?
Radiation Detector Eschews Tubes, Uses Photodiode
Philippine Department of Science and Technology opens Advanced Manufacturing Center
US plans to strip H1B immigrants' spouses of work permits
homeautomation: Want to Automate Bed Control via Google Assistant
EngineeringPorn: Elastic Region?
DataHoarder: Book Flipping Scanning
Israel Launches Spacecraft To the Moon
France Enters the Matrix
homeautomation: Fears about Sonoff Ewelink hacking might be true
esp32: ESP32 Arduino web server: Get free heap and reset device remotely
Noise: It Turns Out You Need It
A Fairly Fast Fibonacci Function
darknetplan: Prototype of SSH over 900MHz XBee
esp32: ESP32 / ESP8266 Tutorial: Class constructors
YouTube Videos Could Get Demonetized If They Have 'Inappropriate Comments'
Teaching People to Trade Stocks Is Like Starting Them on Heroin – Munger
Redis Labs Changes Its Open-Source License Again
DataHoarder: Upping The Optical Ante: Sony's 128GB Quad Layer Blu-Ray
gundeals: [Rifle]Century GP WASR-10 $641.99 decent price
homestead: Daughters took the trash cans to the curb and saw the dog sniffing the bush. In...
China's CRISPR Twins Might Have Had Their Brains Inadvertently Enhanced
MeFi: MetaClean: "How often should you..."
openwrt: Are VLANs necessary at home?
gundeals: [other] Aero Precision is getting into the packing peanut game. Stripped AR15 lower...
Hexagonal Lamp Is A Stylish Application Of Plywood
Waymo Self-Driving Cars Can Now Obey Police Hand Signals
Segment Is Now Free for Early-Stage Startups
homedefense: Moving somewhere new with stranger roommates