gundeals: [Magazines] Magpul PMAG AK M3 7.62x39 (Sand) 30RD $14.29 each + shipping ($8.99 or less)
homeautomation: Just got my new hue bulbs:)
Your Next Car Could Have Airbags That Inflate on the Outside
The SDK “Power Mac G5” for the Xbox 360
zfs: [codeshare] a script to reliably mount/umount entire sub-trees of ZFS datasets
Welding: Weave it then leave it, keep it tight!
Thinkpad T25 Gets Less Retro with Hardware Swap
specializedtools: Turn champagne bottle into a water gun.
specializedtools: Thick stick in mud unsticks truck stuck in sticky mud
Did A US Navy Scientist Just Invent A Room-Temperature Superconductor?
Overpaid CEOs 2019
DataHoarder: [Good to know] Best Backup Software Info
blenderhelp: Is there really a way to make a true toon shader material in Cycles? - Blender...
C++20 Design Is Complete: Modules, Coroutines in C++20
homelab: Just recabled the home lab rack. I'm quite proud of it. It's in the closet.
Payroll Provider Gives Extortionists a Payday
Polar Platform Spins Out Intricate String Art Portraits
NYT Reporter 'Ditched My Phone and Unbroke My Brain'
Buefy: UI Components for Vue.js Based on Bulma
Open Letter from New York State Budget Director Robert Mujica Regarding Amazon
Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control
blender: Maybe the right place for this
zfs: I zpool create, now what?
esp8266: How can I run the esp8266 off a 18650 and drain less than 100 microamp in deep sleep ?
blenderhelp: Can a laptop support Blender?
Samsung's Newest Phones Read Your Fingerprints With Ultrasonic Sound Waves
Ask MeFi: You loved "alternative" music in the 80s. What do you listen to now?
Google Maps: Bird Mode
Amazon Prime Air Cargo Plane Crashes in Texas, Three Dead
MeFi: Peter Sjöstedt-H on Mind, Panpsychism, Philosophy and Psychedelics
Impossible Mathematics of the Real World (2017)
openwrt: How do I force TLS for my Cloudflare DNS?
science: Having only 6.5 hours to sleep in 24 hours degrades performance and mood, finds a...
blenderhelp: Material on sphere to a 2D image?
Charging LiPos with USB Power Delivery
New Material Can Soak Up Uranium From Seawater
Berkshire Hathaway 2018 Annual Shareholder Letter [pdf]
gundeals: [PARTS] No Step on Snek AR-15 Ejection Port Dust Cover - $15 plus shipping
homestead: Meet Lucky Ducky just before a bath. After being saved from a mink attack she's...
homedefense: Did I completely waste my money by going Simplisafe?
homelab: For you guys: my little Datacenter at home
Record-Breaking Jet Stream Accelerates Air Travel, Flight Clocks In At 801 MPH
A Famous Photo of Chernobyl’s Most Dangerous Radioactive Material (2016)
museum: Aubrey Beardsley (1872-1898), The Black Cat
AskElectronics: How to read sin/cos quadrature encoder?
RetroPie: OpenCADE - A new Configurable Arcade Case for RetroPie
homeassistant: 10$ WiFi Energy plug meters with ESPhome (Final Code, Calibration and Home Assistant...
blenderhelp: Unable to rotate the camera with the shortcut r/rr
What Happens When Police License Plate Readers Make Mistakes?
MeFi: It is O.K., finally, to freak out. Even reasonable
U.S. Is a Rich Country with Symptoms of a Developing Nation
blenderhelp: Weight Transfer-only on specific area of mesh?
Ultra Tiny PC plays Snake
Virgin Galactic Reaches Space Again In Highest, Fastest Test Flight Yet
Why Does Julia Work So Well?
We’re Reading Fahrenheit 451 Wrong (2018)
Cleave.js – Format input text content when you are typing
Welding: My parents didnt believe me when i told them how bright stick was
Microsoft's Cloud Evangelist Adds 'Clippy' To Their Business Card
MeFi: "Did you know she never once criticized my appearance?"
Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ in Drinking Water Leave Military Families Reeling
homedefense: Visonic PowerMax Express
financialindependence: Just Hit $300k NW! 26 Years Old. $82k Income. Here's My Story.
RTLSDR: How I received my first noise free NOAA images while only having a desktop pc in a...
12-Year-Old Boy Reportedly Builds A Nuclear Fusion Reactor
Why's a Big Red Tanker Drifting Near Boston?
Halley: Lightweight Game Engine Written in C++14
seedswap: Roommate showing lots of interest in growing veggies, heard peppers are great for...
datasets: Dataset for cards detection
openwrt: Is there a test I can run to see if OpenWRT all of the connections are running TLS...
esp32: Powering an ESP32
The PC Speaker Lives On As A New Album
Redis Changes Its Open Source License -- Again
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6GB Review
Facebook Planned to Spy on Android Phone Users, Internal Emails Reveal
gundeals: [Parts] Raptor-LT 5.56 Ambidextrous Charging Handle (Black) $48.99 +anything>$0.01...
gundeals: [Rifle] In stock - CETME L RIFLE-GR - MARCOLMAR - $1399 + s/h
EngineeringPorn: How a heat sink is made
specializedtools: Vacuum cleaner for cleaning escalator steps
esp32: proximity detection between ESP32 boards?
openwrt: Layman's guide for Adblock (on WRT1900AC)
homelab: My homelab. Not much, but mine. Kubernetes, debian router, dns and dhcp. Lots of cool stuff
ArtisanVideos: Insulator changeout by lineman
science: Drug pollution in rivers reaching damaging levels for animals and ecosystems. Between...
foraging: Your mother was a hamster.....
AskElectronics: Monitor LG Flatron W2261V display turn off
raspberry_pi: After spending a week trying to install Windows 10 on my Pi 3, and eventually...
blender: Architecture render in Blender 2.8
Art Deco Control Panel Looks Out of Metropolis
European Governments Approve Controversial New Copyright Law
Why I prefer objects over switch statements
Why Language-Oriented Programming? Why Racket?
Upvote for HN Darkmode?
RTLSDR: What is this signal that I see almost every time I record a satellite pass?
esp8266: esp8266 and AWS IoT
esp32: Has anyone got FabGl going on the esp32?
homeautomation: The silent extinction of IoT startups – Medium
gundeals: [Optics] Holosun HE510C-GR Elite Green Circle Dot - $265 shipped w/ code "RDSALE"
zfs: ZFS / ZoL on root: what is the correct way to (manually) setup zfs mounts in the initrdfs...