esp32: Powering an ESP32
The PC Speaker Lives On As A New Album
Redis Changes Its Open Source License -- Again
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6GB Review
Facebook Planned to Spy on Android Phone Users, Internal Emails Reveal
gundeals: [Parts] Raptor-LT 5.56 Ambidextrous Charging Handle (Black) $48.99 +anything>$0.01...
gundeals: [Rifle] In stock - CETME L RIFLE-GR - MARCOLMAR - $1399 + s/h
EngineeringPorn: How a heat sink is made
specializedtools: Vacuum cleaner for cleaning escalator steps
esp32: proximity detection between ESP32 boards?
openwrt: Layman's guide for Adblock (on WRT1900AC)
homelab: My homelab. Not much, but mine. Kubernetes, debian router, dns and dhcp. Lots of cool stuff
ArtisanVideos: Insulator changeout by lineman
science: Drug pollution in rivers reaching damaging levels for animals and ecosystems. Between...
foraging: Your mother was a hamster.....
AskElectronics: Monitor LG Flatron W2261V display turn off
raspberry_pi: After spending a week trying to install Windows 10 on my Pi 3, and eventually...
blender: Architecture render in Blender 2.8
Art Deco Control Panel Looks Out of Metropolis
European Governments Approve Controversial New Copyright Law
Why I prefer objects over switch statements
Why Language-Oriented Programming? Why Racket?
Upvote for HN Darkmode?
RTLSDR: What is this signal that I see almost every time I record a satellite pass?
esp8266: esp8266 and AWS IoT
esp32: Has anyone got FabGl going on the esp32?
homeautomation: The silent extinction of IoT startups – Medium
gundeals: [Optics] Holosun HE510C-GR Elite Green Circle Dot - $265 shipped w/ code "RDSALE"
zfs: ZFS / ZoL on root: what is the correct way to (manually) setup zfs mounts in the initrdfs...
Life and society are increasingly governed by numbers
AskElectronics: I'd like to design my own non-smart digital watch which only has a chrono,...
Colour-Code Your Way To Timber Satisfaction
President Trump Wants US To Win 5G Through Real Competition
zfs: new to ZFS advice for 15 disk setup
AskElectronics: Question: besides guitar effects, what were bucket brigade device (BBD) chips...
museum: Camille Corot - Study for "The Destruction of Sodom" (1843)
Sam Altman: Bay Area is no longer the obvious place for startups
homestead: This blue-eyed boy’s first day in the world ❤️ 2/22/19
Raspberry Pi Revives Stand-Alone DivX Player
Japan's Hayabusa 2 Successfully Touches Down On Ryugu Asteroid, Fires Bullet Into Its Surface
homelab: Long time lurker. First time poster. Need some advice on storage for these
blender: My first ever actually finished project. I've finally overcome my inability to finish...
EngineeringPorn: You can check the level of tightness visually with these smart bolts🔩
blenderhelp: Problems with boolean modifier in 2.8
Useful Postgres Extension: Pg_stat_statements
Foundations For Machine Learning In English (Or Russian)
Researchers Make Coldest Quantum Gas of Molecules
A Brutal Look at Balanced Parentheses, Computing Machines, and Pushdown Automata
esp32: Help with WaveShare EPaper Display and Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board
Frontier Demands $4,300 Cancellation Fee Despite Horribly Slow Internet
Forecasting in Python with Prophet
DataHoarder: Windows needs a reality check
Microsoft Workers' Letter Demands Company Drop $479 Million HoloLens Military Contract
NVIDIA Turing-Based GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Launched At $279
12-Year-Old Claims to Have Achieved Nuclear Fusion at Home
EA and Activision Blizzard CEOs Featured in 'The 100 Most Overpaid CEOs' Report
Microsoft Workers Demand It Drop $450M U.S. Army Contract
YouTube Just Demonetized Anti-Vax Channels
zfs: Unable to offline device from pool
homestead: My first egg! (white ones from store and for colour comparison)
esp32: DIY Home Automation - Part 2 Code and Node Red Explanation | ESP32, Raspberry Pi, MQTT,...
AskElectronics: Is it a good idea to tap into 5v somewhere on my LCD TV in order to power a...
RTLSDR: How to receive DVB-S2 Digital Amateur TV signals from geostationary orbit with a rtl-sdr...
A Coin Cell Powers This Tiny ESP32 Dev Board
Instagram Code Reveals Public 'Collections' Feature To Take On Pinterest
Apple to Close Retail Stores in Patent Troll-Favored Eastern District of Texas
homeassistant: My Slate dark theme fully complete.
YouTube Is Heading For Its Cambridge Analytica Moment
Once Hailed As Unhackable, Blockchains Are Now Getting Hacked
It Started With a Jolt: How New York Became a Tech Town
New 'more' link on HN front page
RIP Culture War Thread
homestead: When the sun just feels SO GOOD!!
blenderhelp: Question - How do you make your GIFs?
Friday Squid Blogging: A Tracking Device for Squid
Apple To Close Retail Stores In the Patent Troll-Favored Eastern District of Texas
Launch HN: Modern Labor (YC W19) – Paying People to Learn to Code
New York Governor Orders Probe into Facebook Access to Personal Data
gundeals: [handgun]Prepper Deal of the Week! USED Gen 3 Glock 22 Police Trade-In, Decent Condition...
Building An Optically Pumped Laser Pointer
A Philosopher Argues That an AI Can't Be an Artist
ArtisanVideos: Steamboat Gondola Cable Splice
Welding: The wife asked for a sexy pic. I reckon this counts
Linus Torvalds on Why ARM Won't Win the Server Space
'Netflix Is the Most Intoxicating Portal To Planet Earth'
An Office Designed for Workers with Autism
Programming Books You Wish You Read Earlier
Gitlab 11.8 Released
Facebook collects a wide range of private data from developers
An update about Redis developments in 2019
homedefense: Bought a new house and trying to figure out the Security System
esp32: ESP32 + MPU9250: 3D Orientation Visualisation
RetroPie: Sharing a gallery piece I’m working on. Let’s-a-go!
science: Earth's Atmosphere Is Bigger Than We Thought - It Actually Goes Past The Moon. The...
homeautomation: HowtoGeek thinks that "Google and Amazon Are Killing the Smarthome Hub, and...
Nerf Mods Via 3D Printing
Norwich's Fortnite Live Festival Was a Complete Disaster
Apple to Close Stores in Eastern District of Texas to Fight Patent Trolls
RetroPie: Just thought I’d share a fix that took me a while to figure out concerning PPSSPP....
Welding: I can only be so mad about this...