$35,000 Tesla Model 3 Available Now
financialindependence: NYU Professor Scott Galloway on "How to Get Rich"
ArtisanVideos: Creating Saturday Night Live: Cue Cards [MIC]
AskElectronics: Downside of specifying a higher-wattage resistor?
OpenBazaar: Did You Know These 4 Things? - How to Spend Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies...
Mozilla Updates Common Voice Dataset With 1,400 Hours of Speech Across 18 Languages
The Volvo Polestar 2 Is the First Google-Powered, All-Electric Car
A Death Sentence for a Life of Service
homestead: Greetings from Wisconsin.
Teardown Of A Luxury Bluetooth Nightlight
Anti-Cheat Software Causing Big Problems For Windows 10 Previews
UOW researchers develop 3D Alek bioprinter to combat congenital ear deformity
Paper – Hyperscan: A Fast Multi-Pattern Regex Matcher for Modern CPUs
Did Strava copy its mobile route builder from another app?
Announcing Rust 1.33.0
YouTube bans comments on all videos of children
gundeals: [Parts] Magpul Mbus pro set for $100 again. ($106 shipped) @ Peacegeek
US Bars Lithium-ion Batteries From Passenger Aircraft Cargo
US Companies Put Record Number of Robots To Work in 2018
Discarded smart lightbulbs reveal your WiFi passwords, stored in the clear
Pagedraw is shutting down and going open source
UC terminates subscriptions with Elsevier in push for open access
Welding: With a heavy heart, I'm relaying the sad news of the passing of a founding member...
homelab: Found this on my HomeServer... do i have to worry? ;-)
esp8266: Wifi led controller problem
Zach Archer: Live Coding 500 Watts For ToorCamp
YouTube Will Disable Comments on Nearly All Videos With Kids
Empathy is not endorsement | Dylan Marron
The mission to create a searchable database of Earth's surface | Will Marshall
The power of diversity within yourself | Rebeca Hwang
What your smart devices know (and share) about you | Kashmir Hill and Surya Mattu
What the Russian Revolution would have looked like on social media | Mikhail Zygar
Where are all the aliens? | Stephen Webb
"Dead Romance" | Boy Girl Banjo
How to train employees to have difficult conversations | Tamekia MizLadi Smith
Why doctors are offering free tax prep in their waiting rooms | Lucy Marcil
How AI is making it easier to diagnose disease | Pratik Shah
How to stop swiping and find your person on dating apps | Christina Wallace
Fake videos of real people -- and how to spot them | Supasorn Suwajanakorn
You may be accidentally investing in cigarette companies | Bronwyn King
You are fluent in this language (and don't even know it) | Christoph Niemann
How AI can save our humanity | Kai-Fu Lee
How teachers can help kids find their political voices | Sydney Chaffee
The little risks you can take to increase your luck | Tina Seelig
Why I fight for the education of refugee girls (like me) | Mary Maker
What a scrapyard in Ghana can teach us about innovation | DK Osseo-Asare
How cancer cells communicate -- and how we can slow them down | Hasini Jayatilaka
How urban spaces can preserve history and build community | Walter Hood
"Interpassion" / "Ba$$in" | Yelle
How women in rural India turned courage into capital | Chetna Gala Sinha
Why the "wrong side of the tracks" is usually the east side of cities | Stephen DeBerry
To transform child welfare, take race out of the equation | Jessica Pryce
How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace | Janet Stovall
Don't fail fast -- fail mindfully | Leticia Gasca
How we can use light to see deep inside our bodies and brains | Mary Lou Jepsen
How art can shape America's conversation about freedom | Dread Scott
Why art thrives at Burning Man | Nora Atkinson
A rare galaxy that's challenging our understanding of the universe | Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil
How China is (and isn't) fighting pollution and climate change | Angel Hsu
How I went from child refugee to international model | Halima Aden
A new way to think about the transition to motherhood | Alexandra Sacks
"Wild Women" | Sunni Patterson
Let's get honest about our money problems | Tammy Lally
How data is helping us unravel the mysteries of the brain | Steve McCarroll
What commercialization is doing to cannabis | Ben Cort
3 ways businesses can fight sex trafficking | Nikki Clifton
Let's launch a satellite to track a threatening greenhouse gas | Fred Krupp
A love letter to realism in a time of grief | Mark Pollock and Simone George
How AI could compose a personalized soundtrack to your life | Pierre Barreau
A new way to fund health care for the most vulnerable | Andrew Bastawrous
Did the global response to 9/11 make us safer? | Benedetta Berti
"You Never Can Tell" / "Over the Mountain, Across the Sea" | Elise LeGrow
What are the most important moral problems of our time? | Will MacAskill
How I'm using LEGO to teach Arabic | Ghada Wali
How to create a world where no one dies waiting for a transplant | Luhan Yang
3 ways to make better decisions -- by thinking like a computer | Tom Griffiths
"Rebelosis" / "Rebel Rock" / "Rebel on That Level" | The Soul Rebels
Your fingerprints reveal more than you think | Simona Francese
Why we choke under pressure -- and how to avoid it | Sian Leah Beilock
The press trampled on my privacy. Here's how I took back my story | Kate Stone
Why the hospital of the future will be your own home | Niels van Namen
How we could teach our bodies to heal faster | Kaitlyn Sadtler
Why museums are returning cultural treasures | Chip Colwell
"Afterneath" / "Killing Me" | Luke Sital-Singh
How I became part sea urchin | Catherine Mohr
The simple genius of a good graphic | Tommy McCall
How police and the public can create safer neighborhoods together | Tracie Keesee
What happened when we tested thousands of abandoned rape kits in Detroit | Kym Worthy
How to build a thriving music scene in your city | Elizabeth Cawein
"Chasms" | Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes
Intimate photos of a senior love triangle | Isadora Kosofsky
3 lessons on decision-making from a poker champion | Liv Boeree
How we can make energy more affordable for low-income families | DeAndrea Salvador
What doctors should know about gender identity | Kristie Overstreet
Why being respectful to your coworkers is good for business | Christine Porath
3 ways to be a better ally in the workplace | Melinda Epler
Why it's too hard to start a business in Africa -- and how to change it | Magatte Wade
"New Second Line" | Camille A. Brown
The secrets of spider venom | Michel Dugon
How I climbed a 3,000-foot vertical cliff -- without ropes | Alex Honnold