NASM Tutorial (2018)
Gif2xlsx – Convert GIFs to Excel files
homelab: My humble home setup. We remodeled the kitchen and I couldn’t help myself and have...
blenderhelp: [Hardware] Is Vega64 better then RTX 2060 for rendering in cycles?
esp8266: Motion Activated Stove Light with WiFi - Night Schedule Only
The Easiest Thermal Camera Build You’ll Ever See
Twitter Confirms It's Working On a 'Hide Tweet' Feature
homelab: The start of something beautiful, and expensive.
OpenBazaar: Question: Why do I not see illegal items on OpenBazaar?
science: Rich students who have poor classmates become (i) more prosocial, generous, and e...
blender: 24h mech design
Data Leakage from Encrypted Databases
Cheap renewables won’t stop global warming (2018)
museum: Anselm Feuerbach - Iphigenie (1862)
EngineeringPorn: Cool
homedefense: How about this IP camera ?anyone had bought it ?
LineageOS 16.0
homedefense: IP camera recommendations?
EngineeringPorn: Hypnotic
Lithium Jump Starter Disassembly Is Revealing
Folding iPhone Patent Application Shows How the Company Could Prevent Damage In Cold Weather
homedefense: Molilock’s fingerprint door lock C163 is specially designed by Moli’s Technician...
JSON with Sqlite
ArtisanVideos: Wallace sculpted from a 40lb block of sharp cheddar
Programming Books You Wish You Read Earlier
foraging: Know anything about mushrooms in Taiwan?
EngineeringPorn: Trying to make a seat warmer
Spot This DIY Electronic Load’s Gracefully Hidden Hacks
Nanotechnology Makes It Possible For Mice To See In Infrared
California's San Bernardino County slams the brakes on big solar projects
specializedtools: This little dude made for pulling out oven grates while they’re hot.
RetroPie: I made a TMNT themed Gameboy with a Raspberry Pi CM3 housed inside!
blenderhelp: particles
A community-driven port of Emacs to Rust
Announcing the Erlang Ecosystem Foundation
blenderhelp: Edge dosent smooth out when applying a subsurface modifier and is the only edge...
blender: I made a small pilgrimage to where it's all happening
raspberry_pi: I made a TMNT themed gameboy with a Raspberry Pi CM3 housed inside!
financialindependence: 63% of millennial homeowners regret buying home: survey
homeassistant: I just wanted to say, how cute are the Xiaomi Human Body sensors? They look...
homeautomation: Amazon stops selling press-to-order Dash buttons
LittlevGL Brings GUI Tools to Micropython
Prominent New Yorkers Are Trying To Get Amazon To Bring Back HQ2
MeFi: Dear White People
2FA on the Command Line
DataHoarder: To the person posting about the person who posted about their drive that's been...
blenderhelp: Vary emission based on distance from center?
homeassistant: MQTT Messages missing in HA (see comments for text)
homeautomation: Question about switching from Iris to Home Assistant
esp32: ? Is there Arduino code for ESP32 or ESP8266 as MQTT broker?
$200 Million Dollars a Year Could Reverse Climate Change, Says Wave Energy Pioneer
Show HN: I wrote a book about WebAssembly
Redesigning GitHub Repository Page
specializedtools: Not so special, but it makes sixpacks!
Facebook Is Working On a New Cryptocurrency For WhatsApp Payments
Elasticsearch Clusters Face Attacks From Multiple Hacker Groups
AskElectronics: When do EL caps need to be flush with the board? When should they be glued?
esp8266: outputting ook to a fr transmitter
esp8266: Esp8266 mitm attack
esp8266: ? Is there Arduino code for ESP32 or ESP8266 as MQTT broker?
Vacuum-Powered Rotary Tool Redux, This Time Machined
Tesla Launches Base Model 3 For $35,000 With Shorter Range, New Interior
Tesla Will Close Most of Its Stores, Only Sell Cars Online
A Camera Lens Made from an Iceberg
$35,000 Tesla Model 3 Available Now
financialindependence: NYU Professor Scott Galloway on "How to Get Rich"
ArtisanVideos: Creating Saturday Night Live: Cue Cards [MIC]
AskElectronics: Downside of specifying a higher-wattage resistor?
OpenBazaar: Did You Know These 4 Things? - How to Spend Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies...
Mozilla Updates Common Voice Dataset With 1,400 Hours of Speech Across 18 Languages
The Volvo Polestar 2 Is the First Google-Powered, All-Electric Car
A Death Sentence for a Life of Service
homestead: Greetings from Wisconsin.
Teardown Of A Luxury Bluetooth Nightlight
Anti-Cheat Software Causing Big Problems For Windows 10 Previews
UOW researchers develop 3D Alek bioprinter to combat congenital ear deformity
Paper – Hyperscan: A Fast Multi-Pattern Regex Matcher for Modern CPUs
Did Strava copy its mobile route builder from another app?
Announcing Rust 1.33.0
YouTube bans comments on all videos of children
gundeals: [Parts] Magpul Mbus pro set for $100 again. ($106 shipped) @ Peacegeek
US Bars Lithium-ion Batteries From Passenger Aircraft Cargo
US Companies Put Record Number of Robots To Work in 2018
Discarded smart lightbulbs reveal your WiFi passwords, stored in the clear
Pagedraw is shutting down and going open source
UC terminates subscriptions with Elsevier in push for open access
Welding: With a heavy heart, I'm relaying the sad news of the passing of a founding member...
homelab: Found this on my HomeServer... do i have to worry? ;-)
esp8266: Wifi led controller problem
Zach Archer: Live Coding 500 Watts For ToorCamp
YouTube Will Disable Comments on Nearly All Videos With Kids
Empathy is not endorsement | Dylan Marron
The mission to create a searchable database of Earth's surface | Will Marshall
The power of diversity within yourself | Rebeca Hwang
What your smart devices know (and share) about you | Kashmir Hill and Surya Mattu
What the Russian Revolution would have looked like on social media | Mikhail Zygar
Where are all the aliens? | Stephen Webb
"Dead Romance" | Boy Girl Banjo
How to train employees to have difficult conversations | Tamekia MizLadi Smith
Why doctors are offering free tax prep in their waiting rooms | Lucy Marcil