Database schema changes are hard (2017)
UI redesigns are mostly a waste of time
Truffle: Finds business deductions in your personal spending history
GNU Octave 5.1.0
SpaceX Crew Demo-1 Mission [video]
Best Deep Learning Books
homestead: How to make ducks pay
homeautomation: Three-Way Switches and Ceiling Fans
RetroPie: I made a retro pie arcade machine with some help in my high school.
SpaceX Aces First Launch of Crew Dragon, Built to Carry Humans, and Falcon 9 Touchdown
MeFi: Self-transcendence and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (March 2019)
Vice Media Had YouTube Shut Down My Gaming Channel Without Contacting Me
The periodic table is 150 years old this week
RTLSDR: Help, my esd diode burnt, need the model to replace, it's a NooElec
Facebook Sues China-Based Companies For Selling Fake Accounts
Amazon Web Services CEO: We’re a $30b revenue business in the ‘early stages’
ArtisanVideos: How traditional Japanese bamboo steamers are made
esp8266: WiFi + SIM800L 2g/3g for internet connection
WiFi Makes The Heart Glow Fonder
blender: Small broken quartz - Eevee screen space refractions
AskElectronics: Help with experimentally measuring the inductance of a coil
homeautomation: Hope this is enough for the new home!
blenderhelp: I keep tearing up my sculpts
Wireless Skin Sensors For Newborns Will Let Parents Cuddle Fragile Babies
blenderhelp: How to make a rotation animation as smooth as possible at 25 fps?
europe: Barcelona, day and night
MeFi: The Equality Wheel
Zulip 2.0: Open source team chat
homestead: Button Quails!!
esp8266: A basic circuits question
esp32: Pin Function ESP32
Live Hacking And A MIDI Keytar
RTLSDR: Signal ID help - Been seeing a few of these around 438M
financialindependence: FI saved my job... and got me promoted
esp8266: how much power can i draw from ESP8266 for a copper LED string?
financialindependence: Job that supports delaying FIRE.
AskElectronics: Simulation Doesn't Match Build
Balena Introduces DIN-Capable Pi Compute Module Carrier Board
Periodic Table Turns 150 Years Old
esp32: i want to get alexa on esp32 any one know how to do
homeassistant: Lovelace CSS Value Repo
science: After exploring a giant sinkhole in Belize, a Go-Pro, dead bodies, and a huge layer...
Facebook admits 18% of Research spyware users were teens, not 5%
europe: Most popular languages studied on Duolingo by country [OC]
science: Researchers develop soft, flexible wireless sensors to replace wire-based sensors...
europe: Street art in Vienna
museum: Paul Nash - "The Mule Track" (1918)
blender: Experimenting with different aperture shapes 100% Blender
Russia Limits Operations of Foreign Communications Satellite Operators
MeFi: UC system drops Elsevier subscription
Ask HN: Tools or sites you use to scope out a workplace before taking a job?
AskElectronics: scroll wheel repair advice
Pack Your SD Cards Swiss Army Style
Qbot Malware Resurfaces In New Attack Against Businesses
openwrt: Looking for a router that supports openwrt <= 200
OpenBazaar: Self hosted OpenBazaar search engine?
Facebook, Twitter, and Google Still Aren't Doing Enough About Disinformation, EU Says
MeFi: Saying it as it is
Why OpenBSD Rocks
Accepting Bitcoin as a Small Business – 4 Years In, No Customers
blenderhelp: How to change default viewport shading in 2.8?
homelab: My home lab, can you smell the freedom?
A Big, Mean, Inflated Machine
Tim Cook To Investors: Apple is Working on Future Products That Will 'Blow You Away'
Google's Sidewalk Labs Thinks a Reinvented Awning Will Fix Toronto's Winter
Ask HN: Who is hiring? (March 2019)
homedefense: Replace euro cylinder lock on slave french door
Welding: Sharpie for scale, given as a gift for someone’s last day. 3/8 stainless to 7/8 stainless
Comcast Set Mobile Pins To '0000,' Helping Attackers Steal Phone Numbers
AutoML toolkit for neural architecture search and hyper-parameter tuning
How to Be a Stoic (2016)
Minimum Viable Personality (2011)
Richard Feynman's Extraordinary Letter to His Departed Wife
Nobody Likes the “Idea Guy”
Lyft Files S-1
homedefense: Are there any wireless remotes that can work with an old Aiphone GT-Series home...
homelab: My homelabs Network Diagram
Friday Squid Blogging: Chinese Squid-Processing Facility
Canada Allows US Extradition of Huawei CFO To Proceed
Microsoft Builds a Chat Bot To Match Patients To Clinical Trials
Does Windows 10's telemetry include sending *.doc files if Word crashed?
Teardown: Casper’s Clever Little Nightlight
homedefense: Surveillance Station camera recommendations?
Meet Tympan, The Open Hardware Hearing Aid
Amazon To Launch New Grocery-Store Business Separate From Whole Foods
esp8266: Esp take frame and upload it to email/help
raspberry_pi: Retropie Switch V2 is operational!
DataHoarder: Here is the next target to beat; a PC purchased in 2003 with 16.1 years running...
esp8266: Micropython on a D1 Mini connected to oled display
specializedtools: Smoothing tool.
Microsoft Excel Can Now Turn Pictures of Tables Into Actual, Editable Tables
Facebook Admits 18% of Research Spyware Users Were Teens -- Not Less Than 5% It Claimed Earlier...
U.S. personal income posts first drop in over three years
China bans 23m from buying travel tickets as part of 'social credit' system
gundeals: [Rifle]/artillery Prepper Gun Shop Deal of the Week! Do you have a SCUD Missile to...
foraging: Spring Onions
Grape Plasma Explained
Ridley Scott's 'Alien' Will Finally be Released in 4K HDR For Its 40th Anniversary
Breakthrough - Mobile bedside 3D bioprinter can print skin to heal wounds