ArtisanVideos: "In search of Katsuhira's tiger" Another example of a true artisan video. Bring...
homeassistant: I have some "ghost" locks on my Z-Wave network. How do I remove them?
blenderhelp: Subdivision surface modifier rounding edges on mirrored center, any ideas how to fix?
Truly Random MIDI Control
Amazon's Charity 'AmazonSmile' Funds Anti-Vaccine Groups
Japanese Police Charge 13-Year-Old Girl For Sharing 'Unclosable Popup' Code Online
Launch HN: Mudrex (YC W19) – Automated Trading Without Code
homeautomation: Nest or Ring
europe: Polish Mountains visible from Krakow
Facebook Begins Hiding Anti-Vaccine Misinformation
Ask MeFi: Emotional support in hetero relationships
MathML in Chromium
homedefense: Do you feel safe from jamming attacks?
homeautomation: Anyone else using Alexa controlled dmx lighting?
raspberry_pi: Aircraft tracking radar - range up to 430km (~270 miles)
financialindependence: My father had a severe stroke last week at 57 after working diligently...
blenderhelp: Weird bug with normal map
Many Android VPN Apps Request 'Dangerous' Permissions They Don't Need
homeassistant: Should I go with Z-wave? I have nightmares with it
foraging: Can anyone identify please
RetroPie: Sd card and raspberry 3b+ work but retropie doesnt!
A Nurse Call System Becomes Turing Complete
Major League Baseball Finally Begins Experimenting With Robot Umpires
H-1B: Outsourcer HCL games visa system to discriminate against non-South Asians
“No, we’re telling everyone we are using Java”
What Happens Now That China Won't Take U.S. Recycling
ArtisanVideos: After seeing a few popular videos here that had nothing to do with artisans,...
raspberry_pi: A really simple Dropbox
homeassistant: Automations turn off immediately after I turn them on, what am I doing wrong?
Apple Is Now Forcing Its Suppliers to Go 'Green'
Run full Linux distros or specific applications on top of Android
blenderhelp: Is it possible to remap a key to just Shift, Ctrl, or Alt?
homestead: Deceitful, lying, rodent.
specializedtools: Pancake machine at an elementary school in South Africa...
Satellite Magnate Argues Post-Brexit Britain Will Be 'Lost In Space'
VMware Touts Dismissal of Linux GPL Lawsuit
US citizens will need a visa to visit Europe starting in 2021
museum: Geertgen tot Sint Jans (circle of) - The Tree of Jesse (1500)
AskElectronics: What type of wire-to-board connector is this?
RTLSDR: My first Meteor-M 2 image (only about 5% of the recording was usable)
homelab: Scored this equipment for $230 locally. Details in comments (this time with flair!)
RGB Word Clock Doesn’t Skimp on the Features
Will A No-Deal Brexit Void 340,000 British-Owned
.EU Domains?
CDC: Low-income parents send sick kids to school due to lack paid sick leave
Welding: I am currently working on a concrete hopper. What are you working on?
DataHoarder: NASA WorldWind Project Suspension
esp8266: [help] Driving IR LEDs on ESP8266 (D1 mini)
Sick marine mammals turning up on California beaches
DataHoarder: How to transfer 28TB?
blender: I made a landscape scene. All land you can see is geometry.
DataHoarder: The nerve of some people!
zfs: What's taking up all space in pool & cannot delete snapshot
financialindependence: How many here have been hitting the generally recommended 7% mark or...
homedefense: What are some of the best books or online resources on how to practically keep...
EngineeringPorn: Retired aerospace engineer Built Rollercoasters In His Garden For His Grandchildren
RetroPie: Can a RetroPie start on a ROM?
esp32: WiPhone: A Beautiful ESP32 Phone (
This Cardboard Box Can Tell You What It Sees
The Official Android Beta Community Moves From Google+ To Reddit
homestead: Decided to give Portrait Mode a go. Finn wasn’t so sure about it.
blenderhelp: Default cylinders are not symmetrical?
science: The pressures of climate change and population growth could cause water shortages...
Ask HN: Where should I start as a 34-year-old switching to software as a career?
An “acoustic metamaterial” that can cancel 94 percent of sound
blenderhelp: Need help with the Cycles Enginge
blenderhelp: Blender 2.8 Archimesh
Show HN: My CV is also a bootloader
Proton Technologies awarded €2M from the EU
europe: Zermatt and Matterhorn, Switzerland
Speedrunning Windows 95
Infrared Drowning Detection System To Be Installed At 11 Public Swimming Pools In Singapore
blenderhelp: Absolutely no idea what I have done this time. Please help
MeFi: so it goes
Investigating the 900GB “Collection #1-5” password leaks with R
Applied Monotonicity: A Brief History of CRDTs in Riak
homedefense: Advice for security camera - but can't be added to house wiring?
financialindependence: I became a multimillionaire by age 26 and this is how it affected my life:
blenderhelp: [Help] Adding Textures To Meshes (2.8)
SVG Rendering Comes To 8-bit Atari Computers
Prioritizing the MacBook Hierarchy of Needs
How to pass a programming interview (2016)
blender: Falling
ArtisanVideos: A marble sculpture from an unhewn block
raspberry_pi: PiKaraoke
blender: Automation is taking over. (Cycles)
Welding: I made a thing. I don't know what it is, but I made it and I'm proud of it. This is...
financialindependence: Thoughts on retirement strategy of using 401k to fund retirement from...
homeautomation: How come there are three different types of switches?
A generalised solution to distributed consensus
homeautomation: Hey guys, I’ve finally been able to create myself an awesome smart bedroom....
homeassistant: Do you use Home Assistant for iOS? Please vote in this quick poll!
blenderhelp: Blender 2.8 opens to a black field
blenderhelp: Join these two objects together? [New]
Graphene Desalinates Sea Water
Ajit Pai's Rosy Broadband Deployment Claim May Be Based On Gigantic Error
I agree with @DanielEllsberg, and admire @xychelsea's courage. Compelling sources to testify...
This is what @xychelsea gave to Julian Assange on @wikileaks, 9 years ago, aptly named "Collateral...
North Korea Amassed Cryptocurrency Through Hacking, Says UN Panel
foraging: Are you a foraging expert with an instagram profile?
RTLSDR: My first decent (night) image from NOAA 18!