blender: Timelapse built entirely in Blender cycles
From the Bootloader to the Kernel
An Intuitive Derivation of Eigenvectors
RTLSDR: What are these signals? They are all over the LF band and periodically stop and continue...
blenderhelp: Problemo
blenderhelp: Having trouble connecting the bones to the mesh, legs get flipped
homeautomation: Automating a rented flat advice
Stalin's daughter on her life in Wisconsin (2010)
Goodbye Docker and Thanks for All the Fish
RTLSDR: SDRSharp DDE Tracker fix for 1700 (release)
homeautomation: 350+ devices, thinking of moving to Home Assistant
Component Video For The Commodore 64
After Amazon Increases Worker Wages, Whole Foods Responds By Cutting Worker Hours
europe: Arc de Triomphe and Place Charles de Gaulle, Paris
europe: Go to a beach or climb a mountain? Why not both? Omiš, Croatia
esp8266: Opto coupler on gpio0 of esp01 problem
List of Emerging Technologies
esp32: SQLite3 Library for ESP32 Arduino core
Bash Pipeline Puzzle: Green, Blue, or Blue Green?
German Regulators Tell Tesla to Stop Advertising Cars with Gas Savings in Price
homedefense: What's New Home Security Camera System Installation On Amazon
How Facebook Could Profit From Zuckerberg's So-Called 'Privacy' Push
The Sad State of Logging Bugs for Apple
China's GDP Growth Pace Was Inflated for Nine Years, Study Finds
homestead: So we thought she might be pregnant, came home tonight to find out we were right
Come To The Hackaday Cambridge Mini Unconference!
Hackers ransack Citrix, make off with 6TB+ of emails, biz docs, secrets
museum: William Mason Brown - Peaches on a White Plate (1880)
Three Engines for Every Lada
EngineeringPorn: Potholes being repaired using thermoplastics
MeFi: Normalization of Deviance
CERN cuts ties with 'sexist' scientist Alessandro Strumia
PC Assembly Book (2006)
GoFundMe CEO: ‘Gigantic Gaps’ in Health System Showing Up in Crowdfunding
Ask HN: How to talk like a leader, not like an engineer
zfs: Few Questions - Mirror Zpool, New Drives, Backup and Managing Zpool
homeassistant: DIY ESPHome Multisensor - Temp, Humidity, RGB LED, Motion and LUX
DST-Hating Reps in Washington State Vote To 'Ditch the Switch'
Look Ma, No Glue! Electrostatic Adhesion As If By Magic
blender: Landscape Scene Breakdown
homelab: kubectl apply -f cat.yaml
science: Risks for autism and depression are higher if one's mother was in hospital with an...
A Doctor Remotely Told A Patient He Was Going To Die Using A Video-Link Robot
ArtisanVideos: Coconut dessert from Le Bernadin
homeassistant: NodeRed - tell me your methods to "enable/disable" flows?
MeFi: Should Law Subsidize Driving?
AskElectronics: Best way to protect 3.3V microcontroller pins from a potential ~12V input?
EngineeringPorn: Turning screws inside a piece of wood using a magnetic drill
Model Car Indicates Door Is Ajar
Is Bad Customer Service More Profitable Than Good?
Tufts student claims innocence after being expelled for grade hacking
Deadlines and sprints are bad for you
Welding: Anyone else weld glass here?
homelab: Picked this up for 50 bucks today! Can't wait to build my lab!
science: Mechanical engineers at Boston University have developed an “acoustic metamaterial”...
signalidentification: Strange four "near" peaks, seems digital, but sdrangel gives nothing :/
RetroPie: House Of The Dead 2 + others now working on the Raspberry Pi
Tufts Expelled a Student For Grade Hacking. She Claims Innocence
DataHoarder: Oh god they sent two for the price of one.
esp32: Just created a project template for clion which automatically configures the toolchain
'Smart' Car Alarm App Could Allow 3 Million Cars To Be Unlocked Remotely
ArchiveBox: Open-source self-hosted web archive. Takes browser history/bookmark
Gotify – a self-hosted push-notifications service
ArtisanVideos: "In search of Katsuhira's tiger" Another example of a true artisan video. Bring...
homeassistant: I have some "ghost" locks on my Z-Wave network. How do I remove them?
blenderhelp: Subdivision surface modifier rounding edges on mirrored center, any ideas how to fix?
Truly Random MIDI Control
Amazon's Charity 'AmazonSmile' Funds Anti-Vaccine Groups
Japanese Police Charge 13-Year-Old Girl For Sharing 'Unclosable Popup' Code Online
Launch HN: Mudrex (YC W19) – Automated Trading Without Code
homeautomation: Nest or Ring
europe: Polish Mountains visible from Krakow
Facebook Begins Hiding Anti-Vaccine Misinformation
Ask MeFi: Emotional support in hetero relationships
MathML in Chromium
homedefense: Do you feel safe from jamming attacks?
homeautomation: Anyone else using Alexa controlled dmx lighting?
raspberry_pi: Aircraft tracking radar - range up to 430km (~270 miles)
financialindependence: My father had a severe stroke last week at 57 after working diligently...
blenderhelp: Weird bug with normal map
Many Android VPN Apps Request 'Dangerous' Permissions They Don't Need
homeassistant: Should I go with Z-wave? I have nightmares with it
foraging: Can anyone identify please
RetroPie: Sd card and raspberry 3b+ work but retropie doesnt!
A Nurse Call System Becomes Turing Complete
Major League Baseball Finally Begins Experimenting With Robot Umpires
H-1B: Outsourcer HCL games visa system to discriminate against non-South Asians
“No, we’re telling everyone we are using Java”
What Happens Now That China Won't Take U.S. Recycling
ArtisanVideos: After seeing a few popular videos here that had nothing to do with artisans,...
raspberry_pi: A really simple Dropbox
homeassistant: Automations turn off immediately after I turn them on, what am I doing wrong?
Apple Is Now Forcing Its Suppliers to Go 'Green'
Run full Linux distros or specific applications on top of Android
blenderhelp: Is it possible to remap a key to just Shift, Ctrl, or Alt?
homestead: Deceitful, lying, rodent.
specializedtools: Pancake machine at an elementary school in South Africa...
Satellite Magnate Argues Post-Brexit Britain Will Be 'Lost In Space'
VMware Touts Dismissal of Linux GPL Lawsuit
US citizens will need a visa to visit Europe starting in 2021