Microsoft Launches AI Business School
The "dementia village" that's redefining elder care | Yvonne van Amerongen
One-fourth of Americans drink water from systems that don’t meet standards
raspberry_pi: Project finished! NES CLOCK, my new gaming station
esp32: ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Getting available messages and free spaces of FreeRTOS queue
OpenBazaar: Ransomware alert from Malwarebytes - WTF?
Engineering for the Long Haul, the NASA Way
US Government Will Be Scanning Your Face At 20 Top Airports, Documents Show
The ZENOS 3D printed prosthetic arm is designed for cycling
Principal component analysis: pictures, code and proofs (2018)
Nvidia to Acquire Mellanox for $6.9B
esp32: Power ESP32 using 16850-battery (deep sleep project)
RTLSDR: Unable to run bias tee
Size Venn Diagram
Chinese Carriers, Ethiopian Airlines Halt Use of Boeing 737 MAX 8 Aircraft After Crash
homedefense: Home Security Camera with Geoforcing and lens cover?
EngineeringPorn: No more getting stabbed
blender: My first animation (yes, it really is that short)
Salon: Republicans Are Launching Fake Local News Sites To Spread 'Propaganda'
Introduction to Memory Management (2018)
RTLSDR: Modifying rtl-sdr.c to create multiple data files
homeautomation: Is there any way to make a "mimic bus" like this for door/temp sensors? Trying...
esp32: Continuous servo or Stepper motor for this use case
Russia Is Testing Online Voting
ESP8266 Gets Its Game On With Open Source Engine
Most long-standing XHCI (USB 3.0+) issues resolved
Wipe and reinstall a running Linux system via SSH, without rebooting (2017)
AskElectronics: Circuit for Microcontroller to Cut Itself From Power
financialindependence: Animated diagram explaining the Roth Conversion Ladder
To Disrupt America's 2020 Elections, Russian Internet Trolls Amplify Divisive Messages, Assemble...
Technical Debt Is Like Tetris
blenderhelp: White background without affecting lighting in Cycles?
homeassistant: Danfoss Eco Home
RetroPie: Project finished! NES CLOCK, my new gaming station
postmarketOS: First ever PlasmaMobile sprint: ported PlaMo to new devices, tweaked graphic...
europe: European Railway Map
MeFi: Irony appearing in the wild in its purest form
The Voyage of the Kon-Tiki Misled the World About Navigating the Pacific (2014)
How the Internet Travels Across Oceans
homestead: Bought FLIR camera to spot predators and wildlife on the ranch at night. Not much...
Show HN: The Jankest Autonomous Drone Built and Programmed from Scratch
DataHoarder: National Library launches 'enormous' archive of Australia's Internet
OpenSCAD Gives You Parametric Boxes
Fukushima's Radiation Is Contained By a Mile-Long Wall of Ice
seedexchange: [US] ISO: Cherry/pear tomatoes, peppers, herbs
Welding: Not sure if being unproductive at work or practicing welding skills...
Melatonin's Effect on Skin and Hair
How Transformers Work – Model Used by Open AI and DeepMind
China orders its airlines to suspend use of Boeing 737 Max aircraft
AskElectronics: Help Identify Panasonic Capacitor
science: Study suggests humor could be an emotion regulation strategy for depression - Humor...
science: Counties in the United States with greater gaps between rich and poor have a higher...
Miniature 3D Printed Forklift is quite pallet-able
USA Today Tech Columnist: Millennials Will Live To See a Cashless World
homeassistant: Configuring a light timer?
Insert Skimmer + Camera Cover PIN Stealer
In Estonian parliamentary election, 44% of the votes were cast online
Apple Maps Flyover Reverse Engineering
Future You Masturbation
ArtisanVideos: Extremely Accurate Chainsaw Demonstration - An Aid to Building Timber Houses [8:30]
blender: Old Friend - Gravity Gun
specializedtools: I work at a country club. Anytime you see ball pyramids at your local course...
Hundreds of luxury Vancouver mansions being rented for cheap
A Touchpad Embedded Keyboard
AskElectronics: Pairing a fan with a heatsink
homelab: Repurposed laptops in a Docker swarm. Details in comments.
blenderhelp: Blender to Unity procedurally generated models?
DIY Reflow Oven is Heavily Documented
homeautomation: Snips or Mycroft? (Openhab) What do you prefer?
homeassistant: Configuration with https not working
RetroPie: What do I do with the gold flat heatsink?
esp8266: Anyone familiar with SM2135E 5 Channel LED Driver?
homeassistant: Multiple Zwave sensors of same type
Has the Great 'Moonrush' Begun?
I’d rather be dead than linger on in an old folks’ home
foraging: Found a friend while picking dandelions! Don't worry, I left him the flower :)
homeassistant: Hassio NGINX v2.1 addon install error
A Gazillion-Dollar Standoff over Two High-Frequency Trading Towers
India Imposes Complete Ban on Solid Plastic Waste Imports
blender: Making big Splosions in Blender
RTLSDR: Adventures in capturing NOAA APT
Hackaday Links: March 10, 2019
Cringley's Next 2019 Predictions: Only 3.5 Cloud Players Will Survive
Using Let's Encrypt for Internal Servers (2018)
Peak California?
blenderhelp: Dual Radeon 500 series card setup on Blender for rendering?
esp32: Just played around with ESP-NOW a little, it's peer-to-peer messaging protocol using...
Ubisoft's Day-One Patch For 'The Division 2' on PS4 is 90 Gigabytes
Debian Package Maintainer Steps Down, Complaining About 'Old Infrastructure'
Flickr says all Creative Commons photos are exempt from picture limits
How a small group of activists got gas-powered leaf blowers banned in D.C.
homestead: As requested our surprise kid rocky, he looks like he’s smiling .
ArtisanVideos: Wonderously talanted metalworker makes a tsuba [12:20]
homeassistant: Remote https access
'Angry Birds' Developer Rovio Seeks Backers For 5G 'Netflix of Games' Service
raspberry_pi: Voice Control Smart Mirror
europe: 35.000 people in Amsterdam protesting Dutch government's lack of action in regards...
From A Dead Laptop To A Portable KVM And PiTop
Coders Used Ham Radio To Send Bitcoin From Canada To San Francisco
Why does Google prepend while(1); to their JSON responses? (2010)