Alternate Day Fasting Improves Physiological and Molecular Markers of Aging [pdf]
Trimmed Dreamcast Board Makes For Perfect Portable
A Growing Community Called Randonauts Believe That Journeying To Random Locations Can Help...
Jakarta Has Sunk By Up To 4 Meters, Forcing Indonesia To Build a New Capital
openwrt: Wireless router or high-end dedicated hardware w/ USB3
gundeals: [Rifle] Happy Prepper Deal Tuesday! Today's Deal is a Barrett Model 82A1 Black .50...
RetroPie: Loading screen Emulationstation Windows
Helsinki Central Library chosen as the best new public library
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Purdue Pharma Offers $10-12B To Settle Opioid Claims
MeFi: The End of Agile
AskElectronics: Are there any companies like Yokowo that build surface mountable pogo-pin ...
homeautomation: What kind of smart Lock can I put on this?
Privacy Fundamentalism
Former Star Google and Uber Engineer Charged with Theft of Trade Secrets
We know the bugs are coming. We just don't know when. Throughout the month of August, every...
Edward @Snowden's memoir, Permanent Record, is coming out next month. Have you pre-ordered...
I wrote a
A Car Phone — No, Not That Kind
Former Google and Uber Engineer Indicted For Trade Secret Theft;
ArtisanVideos: Traditional Cheesemaking at a Romanian Sheepfold
Small towns in much of the country are dependent on punitive fines and fees
Why do we need modules at all? (2011)
Following Pigs: Building an Injectable Livestock Tracking System
Cybersecurity Firm Imperva Discloses Breach
Brazil Says It Will Reject Millions in Amazon Aid Pledged at G7
TOR: Snowden tweets about defense in depth, how security is about what's "good enough" not...
homestead: My wife's growing flowers on the farm this year, I think it's a success!
Welding: Mjölnir
science: Graphene-lined clothing could prevent mosquito bites, suggests a new study, which...
The thoughts running through our heads are more varied than we might suppose
Google Calendar Event Injection with MailSniper (2017)
Xfce 4.14 released
Palantir forced out of job fair after outcry over ICE contracts
Ask HN: Recommended resources to learn the Linux kernel and OS theory?
Just Enough Piracy Can Be a Good Thing
Using Multi-Factor Authentication Blocks 99.9% of Account Hacks, Microsoft Says
Uber And Lyft Take A Lot More From Drivers Than They Say
Verizon's Anti-Robocall Service Will be Automatically Enabled on Android Phones
zfs: Expanding Pool with ZFS replace: Should I scrub between replacing drives?
specializedtools: This little red stick is used by field workers to harvest only perfectly...
RetroPie: Making an image backup with Win32DiskImager
DataHoarder: The Remarkable Story of a Woman Who Preserved Over 30 Years of TV History
How climate change affects your mental health | Britt Wray
Duckling: a Clojure library that parses text into structured data
It’s Official, No More Cheap Shipping for Chinese Sellers
Steve Schwarzman, a Top Financier of Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump, Is a Driving Force Behind...
Vintage Car Radio Now Plays Games and Chiptunes
Bernie Sanders Thinks We May Want to Tax Silicon Valley to Save Journalism
MeFi: Prisoners' Inventions
homedefense: Adding a louder siren to a Reolink system?
homedefense: Looking for advice
Civilizational Collapse, Part 4
I Am the Cheapest Bastard in Indie Games
The Amazon Dash Button: A Retrospective
The Fairphone 3 Packs in Features While Keeping Its Green Credentials
Netflix Has Now Shipped 5 Billion DVDs To Its Members
openwrt: Asus R6050 AC750 router
gundeals: [PISTOL] Chipmunk Pistol Bolt Action 22lr Camo $187.48
foraging: Morning forage in North Wales
homedefense: cheap way for power supply to the camera?
ArtisanVideos: Woodturning - Vanuatu bowl
homelab: How to Home Lab: Part 3 - Host an Intranet Site with pfSense and NAT
28Gbps Microstrip with Pepper Jack Cheese as Substrate (2016)
RetroPie: Looking for a good splashscreen?
raspberry_pi: Saw this in a Target in Orlando
RTLSDR: My SDR and Amateur Radio Mobile Setup
Processor Design: An Introduction (1998)
GlobalFoundries sues TSMC, wants U.S. import ban on some products
Show HN: A clean and minimalist theme for Jekyll
3D Printed Rover Enjoys Long Walks on the Beach
seedswap: Seeds and plants for trade - US, MN
datasets: TensorFlow with Apache Arrow Datasets
museum: Willem Claesz. Heda - Breakfast table with Blackberry Pie (1631)
ArtisanVideos: Intricacies Of Steam Engines With An Expert
esp32: Just want to know in case anyone have success implemented 9-bit SPI in ESP32?
The Provocations of Camille Paglia
The Threat of Fake Academic Research
science: Gluten Does Not Induce Gastrointestinal Symptoms in Healthy Volunteers: A Double-Blind...
Huawei in Talks To Install Russian OS On Tablets For Country's Population Census
MeFi: They're back—in podcast form!
Welding: Few months ago getting some practice during our tow out. Been awhile since I’ve...
ArtisanVideos: Deep Fried Biscuit "Cat Ears"
financialindependence: Daily FI discussion thread - August 27, 2019
GigaDevice Releasing RISC-V MCUs And Development Boards
EngineeringPorn: An emergency stop sign projected on a water curtain to stop tall trucks from...
DataHoarder: Linux ISOs organiser program (NSFW)
esp8266: [In Progress] NeoPixel Minecraft Sword w/ Motion-Activated Sound FX
Waymo’s Backseat Drivers: Confidential Data Reveals Self-Driving Taxi Hurdles
seedswap: [NEWBIE] Starting Rare Tropical Fruit Farm In Costa Rica :-)
datasets: Need Dataset of Computer parts
zfs: Tuning Dataset Recordsize for torrents, local vs over SMB
AskElectronics: I often find that using a large capacitor to create "fade out LED" is more...
Credit cards have a privacy problem
specializedtools: Ice spray for muscle pain.
Keeping Tesla Roadsters Alive Is Serious Work
Another World On The Apple II
US Officials Fear Ransomware Attack Against 2020 Election