Show HN: I created Postwoman, an online, open-source API request builder
Dockless Roombas
Doorbell-Camera Firm Ring Has Partnered With 400 Police Forces, Extending Surveillance Reach
AskElectronics: How to Filter AC Noise out of a Digital input pin on an arduino.
museum: Georg Schrumpf - Porto Ronco (1917)
homeautomation: Ever wondered about Tasmota (The free and open source custom automation firmware)?...
Tell HN: Skype on web does not support Firefox
North Carolina Sues 8 E-Cigarette Companies For Allegedly Marketing To Kids
AskElectronics: Does LCSC sell genuine parts?
signalidentification: Does anyone have a idea what this abnormal signal might be?
Mainlanders don't all view Hong Kong the same way
Firefox Quantum: Developer Edition
The Myth of Consumer-Grade Security
Secret Messages Could be Hiding in Your Server Logs
TOR: Snowflake Extension design update! Now shows if your Snowflake is working and connected...
datasets: I'm need a single spreadsheet containing a broad range of global economic data for...
RTLSDR: Does anyone have a idea what this abnormal signal might be?
WTF – A personal information dashboard for your terminal
datasets: Looking for US State Procurement Database
specializedtools: Foam Gun
How do we cut down on emissions from steel, cement, and plastic?
Google Will Shut Down Google Hire In 2020
zfs: Ridiculously slow zfs writes on smr disk?
esp32: Yet another ESP32 wifi beacon sniffer
Show HN: Dat-keyserver: a distributed PGP keyserver based on the Dat protocol
Finely Machined Valve Controls Miniature RC Hydraulics
ArtisanVideos: How Indians Build Canoes ( 1946 in Color ) [10:16]
esp32: Tasmota on ESP32
science: Teenagers estimated to have higher levels of prenatal exposure to organophosphate...
China’s CCTV network took just 7 minutes to capture BBC reporter (2017)
SpaceX Launches Starship 'Hopper' On Dramatic Test Flight
gundeals: [NFA] Gander is running a 50% off suppressor sale again, and there’s a 20% off...
financialindependence: Just hit 1x salary - six years early!
Keyringless GnuPG
Association of dairy intake with cardiovascular disease and mortality
A Buddhist monk confronts Japan's suicide culture (2013)
What happens when you launch Google Chrome for the first time?
The phpCE 2019 conference in Dresden has been cancelled and won't be continued
Clever Functional Design
Elon Musk Gambled Tesla to Save SolarCity
Gamedev Tutorial: Trigonometry Basics – Sine and Cosine
Chemists discover water microdroplets spontaneously produce hydrogen peroxide
Harvard Student Says He Was Barred From U.S. Over Friends’ Social Media Posts
Fixing A Cheap UPS HAT For Your Raspberry Pi With A Tiny Daemon
foraging: Biggest rose hips I’ve ever seen! I guess they enjoy the salt water 🌸 I use...
science: In Largest Study of Its Kind, a 36-Hour Fast Rivals Caloric Restriction: A randomized...
Welding: slipping in for meme monday
How Web Content Can Affect Power Usage
Fracking in U.S. and Canada Linked to Worldwide Atmospheric Methane Spike
Ask MeFi: Any old-school bloggers still posting?
homedefense: Ebay Security Keypad
Google will shut down Google Hire in 2020
Chemists Discover Water Microdroplets Spontaneously Produce Hydrogen Peroxide
openwrt: Xiaomi MiWiFi 4A Gigabit Edition is pretty awesome, especially for the price
zfs: Rebuilt system, kept the ZFS pool but zpool disappears on reboot
raspberry_pi: I made my old Smart TV smart again!
Peloton S-1
Sunsetting Hire
New Cray Will Reach 1.5 exaFLOPS
Study Suggests Link Between Air Pollution and Psychiatric Disorders
esp8266: RFID candy dispenser + LED light show!
EngineeringPorn: Cordless auto-feed screw driver
RetroPie: GPI case got stolen
Lessons we learned when debugging a scaling problem
150 Meter SpaceX Starhopper Test [video]
Microsoft Announces Surface Event On October 2nd, Could Launch New Dual-Screen Tablet/Laptop Hybrid
homestead: Sometimes I second guess buying our “project” house on 20 acres, but days like...
DOJ's Plan To Make Dish the Fourth Major Carrier Has a Fatal Flaw
Facebook Succeeds In Blocking German FCO's Privacy-Minded Order Against Combining User Data
AskElectronics: Where can I buy the small camera on iphones and other smartphones?
AskElectronics: How do I solve this ringing/noise/something on my RMII data lines?
homelab: I love my 3d printer for parts for my servers
Another Way To Make PCBs At Home
College Board Drops Plans For SAT Student 'Adversity Scores'
datasets: Looking for datasets capturing discrete state transitions to test / add to an open...
EU governments choose independence from US cloud providers with Nextcloud
If you must run Windows 10
WeWork Gets Tax Rebate Meant for Its Small-Business Tenants
Businesses Are Using VR To Learn How To Best Fire People
Trojan Dropper Malware Found In CamScanner Android App With 100+ Million Downloads
MeFi: The Case For Climate Rage
museum: Solomon Joseph Solomon - Ajax and Cassandra (1886)
RTLSDR: Was struggling with Inmarsat until I picked up the Nooelec SAWbird+ iO.... problem solved
RTLSDR: NOAA-19 18:37 137.1Mhz APT West over Spain evening pass🛰️
financialindependence: It's all about the vantage point...
A mobile phone that respects your freedom [video]
Time anxiety: is it too late?
Show HN: Wave-based non-line-of-sight computational imaging in Julia
Wi-Fi 6 Will Upgrade Your Workhorse Wireless Network
MeFi: When people say we're going to hell, I say "Thanks! Very productive."
Curl exercises
A book from Alan Turing and a mysterious piece of paper
Alternate Day Fasting Improves Physiological and Molecular Markers of Aging [pdf]
Trimmed Dreamcast Board Makes For Perfect Portable
A Growing Community Called Randonauts Believe That Journeying To Random Locations Can Help...
Jakarta Has Sunk By Up To 4 Meters, Forcing Indonesia To Build a New Capital
openwrt: Wireless router or high-end dedicated hardware w/ USB3
gundeals: [Rifle] Happy Prepper Deal Tuesday! Today's Deal is a Barrett Model 82A1 Black .50...
RetroPie: Loading screen Emulationstation Windows
Helsinki Central Library chosen as the best new public library