US Air Force's Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Sets New Record For Time In Space
Blacksmith: I made a adjustable vise mounted bending jig today
raspberry_pi: Weapon of mass destruction. (Pi running raspian and tools for Wifi pentest)
PySceneDetect – A tool for detecting scenes in movies
Does Playing Video Games Improve Your Workplace Performance?
gundeals: [Ammo] 12 gauge 00 Buckshot $79.50 for 250 shells
ArtisanVideos: The Restoration of Ave Maria
EngineeringPorn: Mechanical iris used for marking and measuring circles.
Study Shows Some Exoplanets May Have Greater Variety of Life Than Exists On Earth
MeFi: "I will *not* start World War Three for you."
askscience: How do we know how to build large scale, but rare, civil engineering projects?...
science: An indigenous farming technique that’s been around for thousands of years provides...
Knoppix 8.6 abandons systemd
What a tweet tells us about spy satellites [video]
The “mail is hard” myth
Elsa Godart : « Le virtuel pose la question de l’effacement des limites »
Le numérique abolit la frontière entre réel et virtuel
Human-Powered Henhouse Keeps Chickens on the Job
Here's What Would Happen If You Tried to Storm Area 51
WikiLeaks: The Story Of A Hero: Man Is Walking 280 Miles For Julian Assange and Catalan Political...
science: Scientists used CRISPR to create albino lizards - the first-ever gene-edited reptiles....
HamRadio: Not Ham, but still a radio, 2kW local radio transmitter
TOR: Defend the Open Internet
MachineLearning: [D] What are some promising research directions for model-based RL?
gundeals: [Rifle] $250 shipped Mossberg 715P .22 LR 25rd 6" Semi-Automatic Pistol w/ Red Dot Sight
EngineeringPorn: Scaling up a pen
esp32: Interfacing an ESP32 gateway with a wireless 433Mhz fire alarm, get notifications on...
NetNewsWire 5.0 – Open-Source RSS Reader for Mac
Some of the Best Video Game Streamers Are Senior Citizens
Ask MeFi: Looking for the coziest procedurals on TV
Blacksmith: Rebar cradle for the power hammer foundation. This is going to be a sweaty day...
esp8266: Newbie Question: What is this thing? [attached:image]
museum: Max Ernst - Meal of the Gods (1948)
AskElectronics: What type of bulb is this?
HotPeppers: Stingers
RetroPie: On screen controls
datasets: Looking for Uighur Human Rights Data
hydro: Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System - Loads of sweet juicy cherry tomatoes at #PakistanHydroponics
ArtisanVideos: How canal lock gates in the UK are created.
RTLSDR: Made a shield for my LNA4ALL
How White Nationalists Have Been Inspired by the Genocide of Muslims in Bosnia
Running Doom on a Doomed GPS
ArtisanVideos: Timelapse: Classic Range Rover meticulously restored
museum: Rembrandt van Rijn - Belshazzar's Feast (1635)
Vector – Open-source Rust utility for logs, metrics and events
Should We Be Allowed To Kick Robots?
mycology: Gorgeous.
HamRadio: Direct qsling by email qso?
DataHoarder: First post here, thought some of you may like Skyrim as much as I do
What Happened in the UK Blackouts?
Force Sensitive Resistor Takes the Pain Out Of Bed Leveling
HotPeppers: Peppers
AskElectronics: Simulating low power AA's?
Firefox has lots of room to improve if it wants to beat Chrome
An Alternative for 'Less Relevant' Agile: the Studio Model
AskElectronics: What is SSHK315-03??? QFP100
gundeals: [Parts] Aero Precision M4E1 Complete Upper, 10.5" 5.56 Barrel, 9" Quantum M-LOK Handguard...
TOR: Yadex routed through TOR, traceable?
esp32: Hint for Noobs like me
Double 3: Your Instant Physical Presence Anywhere, No Matter Where You Are
gundeals: [Rifle] Springfield Saint Victor 308 16” Barrel 15” M-Lok Freefloat BCM Furniture...
TOR: How to run multiple Tor Brower instances?
gundeals: [Magazine] Ten D&H 5.56 30rd Aluminum Magazines & Ten Magpul PMAG 5.56 30rd Magazines...
esp8266: Project Update: The Brita auto-refill IoT project – we added NTP And ThingSpeak....
Waypipe: GSoC Project Complete
Filthy surgical instruments: a threat in America's operating rooms
Is Silicon Valley Building a Chinese-Style Social Credit System?
TOR: Is there tor for my cromebook?
HomeImprovement: I went to Home Depot for a drain snake. Left with a ton of stuff.
hydro: I'm really excited about my hydro habañeros
Hong Kong police spraying protesters with blue-dye water to mark for arrest
I find journaling indispensable and how you can too
EngineeringPorn: Commercial Pilots Oxygen Mask
AskElectronics: Perfboard soldering and wiring tips?
raspberry_pi: Raspberry Pi 4 Plex w/multiple external hard drives
Race RC Cars From Anywhere On Earth
science: People who drank red wine had an increased gut microbiota diversity (a sign of gut...
EFF Warns: 'Don't Play in Google's Privacy Sandbox'
science: A study of more than 5,700 men found that those who have less sex past 50 see their...
datasets: Monthly discussion thread | September, 2019
gundeals: [rifle] kel-tec sub-2000 9mm multi at PSA--$299 plus shipping
raspberry_pi: Best Buy with the new pi
eBay's TSV Utilities: Command line tools for large, tabular data files
science: Even if atmospheric CO2 stabilizes around current levels, the global mean sea level...
datasets: Looking for special character dataset
esp32: How do I check my esp board type?
How to Make Billions of Dollars Reducing Loneliness
Cue: A new configuration language from Google
A Manager’s Guide to Kubernetes Adoption
Alcohol Belts of Europe
RISC-V Uses Carbon Nanotubes
'Why PHP Still Beats Your Next Favourite Alternative'
gundeals: [RIFLE] Labor Day Sale through Monday! Romanian AIMS-74 with JMAC Customs barrel,...
The Big Levandowski: Could an Uber Engineer's Indictment Discourage Workers From Changing Jobs?
askscience: How/why did the Dancing Plagues occur? Why aren't there any dancing plagues (or...
openwrt: OpenWRT Improvements to MT76-based Routers Incoming & Support for Netgear R6260 + R6850
Should the Linux Kernel Accept Drivers Written In Rust?
ArtisanVideos: Making Marple Candy
ArtisanVideos: Celtic Tree of Life stone carving time-lapse
AskElectronics: Buck converter current limit implementation review