AskElectronics: How do I properly attach bypass capacitors to a bread board?
DataHoarder: Never only rely on the WayBackMachine for your 'backups' of websites
OpenBazaar: The Tatiana Show! - TTS210 Brian Hoffman of Open Bazaar
The Fry’s Era
Escher-Like Spiral Tilings
Fridge Condenser Fans – Old and New [video]
datasets: Dave's Redistricting App
gundeals: [parts] AR-15 Populated Mil-Spec Forged Upper Receiver - $46.95 - Free SH > $99
gundeals: [Parts] AR Stoner Billet Upper Receiver Stripped with M-Lok Handguard; $76.38 for...
science: Researchers have gained control of the elusive “particle” of sound, the phonon,...
Automate Sorting Your Trash With Some Healthy Machine Learning
Optimism Increases Lifespan By 11-15%, New Study Finds
Blacksmith: WIP update! This is the final pattern on my first attempt at mokume gane. Now just...
datasets: Looking for US population Income data
Tesla Batteries Are Keeping Zimbabwe’s Economy Running
mycology: Some life advice from Gary Lincoff
Depression, anxiety rising among U.S. college students
The Mysterious Vaping Illness That’s ‘Becoming an Epidemic’
5000 years ago Sahara was a green landscape with lakes and rivers
Greg Kroah-Hartman Reveals His New Favorite Linux Distro
MeFi: :emoji:
AskElectronics: Will this circuit divide a frequency by 600?
HotPeppers: Chipotles anyone?
Amazon’s “two-pizza teams”: The ultimate divisional organization (2013)
Hackaday Links: September 1, 2019
IS AMD Returning to Open-Source BIOS/Coreboot Support?
Wag's new TOS charges users $1000 for going off Wag
Updated iBrowse Web Browser Released for AmigaOS 3.x
New Stats Suggest Strong Sales For AMD
RetroPie: RetroPie controller settings
The Amiga Smart File System
Leon Sans, a geometric typeface made with code
On the Far Side of the Moon, China's Rover Discovers a Strangely-Colored Gel-Like Substance
RetroPie: Any way to compile 'openXCOM' nightly versions on the Raspberry?
ArtisanVideos: Wolf Head Wood Carving
AskElectronics: What is a good book/tutorial guide to learn STM Microcontrollers?
Stack of Plant Saucers, Transformed Into Low Cost Solar Shield
Scooters In Cities Are Becoming A Huge Problem
museum: Berthold Woltze -The Irritating Gentleman (1874)
Bad Customer Service Is Profitable
What 'RC' in '.bashrc' Stands For
Alan Turing to be the face of new £50 note
Tell HN: Thank you for not redesigning Hacker News
Physicists Release Step-by-Step Instructions For Building a Wormhole
MachineLearning: [R] Random Search Outperforms State-Of-The-Art NAS Algorithms
esp32: When the dog barks, you will get a "woof" text message, allowing your best friend to...
Amazon Is Telling Police Departments What To Say About Its Ring Surveillance Cameras
openwrt: Huawei E5776 with OpenWRT
openwrt: Using OpenWRT router as dongle for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz
Ultra Benchy Is A Big Plastic Boat, Alright
US Air Force's Mysterious X-37B Space Plane Sets New Record For Time In Space
Blacksmith: I made a adjustable vise mounted bending jig today
raspberry_pi: Weapon of mass destruction. (Pi running raspian and tools for Wifi pentest)
PySceneDetect – A tool for detecting scenes in movies
Does Playing Video Games Improve Your Workplace Performance?
gundeals: [Ammo] 12 gauge 00 Buckshot $79.50 for 250 shells
ArtisanVideos: The Restoration of Ave Maria
EngineeringPorn: Mechanical iris used for marking and measuring circles.
Study Shows Some Exoplanets May Have Greater Variety of Life Than Exists On Earth
MeFi: "I will *not* start World War Three for you."
askscience: How do we know how to build large scale, but rare, civil engineering projects?...
science: An indigenous farming technique that’s been around for thousands of years provides...
Knoppix 8.6 abandons systemd
What a tweet tells us about spy satellites [video]
The “mail is hard” myth
Elsa Godart : « Le virtuel pose la question de l’effacement des limites »
Le numérique abolit la frontière entre réel et virtuel
Human-Powered Henhouse Keeps Chickens on the Job
Here's What Would Happen If You Tried to Storm Area 51
WikiLeaks: The Story Of A Hero: Man Is Walking 280 Miles For Julian Assange and Catalan Political...
science: Scientists used CRISPR to create albino lizards - the first-ever gene-edited reptiles....
HamRadio: Not Ham, but still a radio, 2kW local radio transmitter
TOR: Defend the Open Internet
MachineLearning: [D] What are some promising research directions for model-based RL?
gundeals: [Rifle] $250 shipped Mossberg 715P .22 LR 25rd 6" Semi-Automatic Pistol w/ Red Dot Sight
EngineeringPorn: Scaling up a pen
esp32: Interfacing an ESP32 gateway with a wireless 433Mhz fire alarm, get notifications on...
NetNewsWire 5.0 – Open-Source RSS Reader for Mac
Some of the Best Video Game Streamers Are Senior Citizens
Ask MeFi: Looking for the coziest procedurals on TV
Blacksmith: Rebar cradle for the power hammer foundation. This is going to be a sweaty day...
esp8266: Newbie Question: What is this thing? [attached:image]
museum: Max Ernst - Meal of the Gods (1948)
AskElectronics: What type of bulb is this?
HotPeppers: Stingers
RetroPie: On screen controls
datasets: Looking for Uighur Human Rights Data
hydro: Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System - Loads of sweet juicy cherry tomatoes at #PakistanHydroponics
ArtisanVideos: How canal lock gates in the UK are created.
RTLSDR: Made a shield for my LNA4ALL
How White Nationalists Have Been Inspired by the Genocide of Muslims in Bosnia
Running Doom on a Doomed GPS
ArtisanVideos: Timelapse: Classic Range Rover meticulously restored
museum: Rembrandt van Rijn - Belshazzar's Feast (1635)
Vector – Open-source Rust utility for logs, metrics and events
Should We Be Allowed To Kick Robots?
mycology: Gorgeous.
HamRadio: Direct qsling by email qso?
DataHoarder: First post here, thought some of you may like Skyrim as much as I do