Hurricane Dorian Is Barely Moving at All. Here's Why That Makes it Especially Dangerous
gundeals: [code]Safariland 40% off holsters & gear and 20% off comms & hearing protection....
EngineeringPorn: The bend on that pole!
RTLSDR: First NOAA Capture
Pension Funds Are Going to Be Destroyed in the Next Recession
MeFi: The Historical Significance of Black Queer Films
gundeals: [Parts] complete ar15 build kit minus lower (mystery mlok or keymod rail) - $240...
museum: Andrew Wyeth - Christina's World (1948)
You Are Not Your Code (2012)
Border agents are checking social media, but we still don’t know how closely
Now Streaming on YouTube: Confessions from a Presidential Hit Squad in Gambia
What a Senior Staff Software Engineer Does
Traffic apps turned L.A.’s neighborhoods into ”shortcuts”
Tree traversal without recursion: the tree as a state machine (2007)
Massive iPhone Hack Targets Uyghurs
Null Shard Build Blurs Line Between Game And Reality with Laser Cutting, Mold Making, 3D Printing
MeFi: No Pay, We Stay
DataHoarder: The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision - One of the largest media archives...
FreeBSD on the Lenovo Thinkpad
Tiny Japan Firm Helps to Crack Code for Next-Gen Computer Chips
museum: John Singer Sargent - Mrs Carl Meyer and her Children (1896)
datasets: Dataset for Shoe Height (Women)
Investigators who know you’ve faked your death
We, the peoples of the Amazon, are full of fear. Soon you will be too
MachineLearning: [R] Videos of Deep|Bayes 2019 – a summer school on Bayesian Deep Learning
datasets: Searching for Dutch text corpus
postmarketOS: Post-installation issues on Nexus 7
Good Code Design from Linux
The growing science of memory manipulation raises social and ethical questions
Ham Radio Gets Embedded RTL-SDR
RetroPie: OpenCade, a free 3D Printed arcade case from Wagner's Tech Talk. Video by Glen's...
Show HN: Simple tool to make a habit of exercising
NLP's Clever Hans Moment Has Arrived
Off-Grid, Solar-Powered, Zero-Battery Refrigerator
ArtisanVideos: Refining a $27000 Gold Bar (48:20)
Upcoming Firefox Update Will Decrease Power Usage on macOS by Up To Three Times
TOR: Labtop was confiscated by Police department after I was caught selling weed. Will they...
gundeals: [Rifle] Del-Ton Sierra 316L 16” Mid Length AR-15, Free float MLOK, $399.99 + shipping
openwrt: Cannot establish pptp client connection in openwrt
Evidence for superconductivity above 260 K at megabar pressures (2018)
RuneScape GBA Controller is a Nostalgic Mash-Up
Blacksmith: WIP - Pesh Kabs/Khanjar with a fantasy flair. My damascus, bog oak and mammoth.
AskElectronics: Checking DC Polarity with Multimeter
raspberry_pi: I did it! Nothing glamorous but I finished my first Pi project
science: Teen went blind after eating only Pringles, fries, ham and sausage: case study
Aussies Find The True Meaning Of Drone Flight
Hong Kong Protester Forum Says Some DDoS Attacks Came From China
gundeals: [Pistol] PTR Industries 9KT Pistol 9mm 5.8-inch 30Rds Threaded Barrel - $1506.99 shipped
seedswap: UK Perennials Seed Swap
science: Humans haven’t just changed what dogs look like — we’ve altered the very structure...
Hong Kong Protestors Using Mesh Messaging App China Can't Block: Usage Up 3685%
MeFi: Strike! Strike! Strike!
HamRadio: What is this device called, and what does it do?
hydro: LED strip lights as cheap DIY grow light solution - thoughts and consolidation
RTLSDR: Anyone know what this is? Around 162.295 MHz
How a secret Dutch mole aided the U.S.-Israeli Stuxnet cyberattack on Iran
Open Forensic Science in R
Homebrew removes MongoDB from core formulas
HotPeppers: Fear the Reaper! Just about ripe and can't wait for the sauce. :) Anyone try to...
HotPeppers: I'm getting about this many a day! My dehydrator is on over time
The Crash of United Flight 232 (2017)
Curl Cookbook
SpaceX Refused to Move Satellite at Risk of Collision with a European Satellite
South African authorities admit to mass surveillance
The Numberwang Badge Brought Cheer To CCCamp 2019
datasets: Request: M*A*S*H scripts
How a Secret Dutch Mole Aided the US-Israeli Stuxnet Cyberattack on Iran
Blacksmith: Tire hammers are a very handy machine. This is based off of a clay Spencer design...
hydro: Disadvantages of steeper incline of NFT channels?
Show HN: Face Generator
'The 2018 MacBook Pro Keyboard Drives Me Crazy'
MeFi: Dr. Jen Gunter's vagenda: share accurate info about the vagina and vulva
esp8266: ESP8266 on Solar Cell wont to boot up on its own
openwrt: Netgear EX2700 (MT7620A), OpenWRT 18.06.4, WiFi notably slower than on stock firmware
AskElectronics: Why is a Transconductance Amplifier considered a current source (Re: Forrest...
DIY 40FPS 16bpp Platformer on a Cortex M0+
Feds Allege Adconion Employees Hijacked IP Addresses for Spamming
Don't Get Locked Up Into Avoiding Lock-in
askscience: How do super storms like Hurricane Dorian affect marine life as the storm travels...
seedswap: [Want] Dominican oregano [Have] Padrón peppers, Montserrat tomatoes
esp8266: Newbie with questions about ESP8266 and Tasmota
Activists release code to generate free public transportation tickets in U.K
Game Show
Chinese Deepfake App Zao Sparks Privacy Row After Going Viral
MeFi: "The only way I see out is to no longer play football."
WikiLeaks: Roger Waters holds concert: Take forward the fight to free Julian Assange!
RetroPie: Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 nvram for those who want it
gundeals: [Optics] Sig Romeo 5 - $97 Shipped (Code: LABOR)
Ask Slashdot: What Lightweight Alternative To Chrome or Firefox Do You Use?
MachineLearning: [Research] Google Research Finds a Way to Reduce Noise in Training Data
datasets: Dataset of prize money won by players in esports
OpenBazaar: Two direct orders did not get to me - nothing in Sales, no payment either
esp32: I made ESP32 Brake Lights for an old 1970 GMC
Show HN: Hacker News Clone – Clojure, GraphQL Learning Project
Dual AMD EPYC 7742 Crushes Quad Intel Xeon 8180M's in Geekbench 4
The Secret History of Dune
Just Delete Me – A directory of direct links to delete your account
Effects of short-term fasting on cancer treatment
Tired of Stack Overflow