YouTube Removes 17,000 Channels For Hate Speech
mycology: The old man of the woods always gives me Game of Thrones vibes. Anyone else?
HamRadio: NX800 Kenwood
China Drone Attack on Crop-Eating ‘Monster’ Shows 98% Kill Rate
A Pocket QWERTY For Arduino And More
China Drone Attack on Crop-Eating 'Monster' Shows 98% Kill Rate
Over 47,000 Supermicro Servers Are Exposing BMC Ports on the Internet
gundeals: [Parts] Ballistic Advantage 16″ 5.56 Government Profile Mid Length AR15 Barrel...
gundeals: [Ammo] Federal 556 62 grain ammo for $.24 per round before tax and after rebate....
ArtisanVideos: Making a Watercooling System (Radiator/ Pump) for the 4 Stroke Engine!
Forth: The Hacker’s Language (2017)
Mozilla’s Manifest v3 FAQ
Go 1.13 Release Notes
Spam In your Calendar? Here’s What to Do.
Tesla Batteries Are Keeping Zimbabwe's Economy Running
WikiLeaks: Roger Waters and John Pilger make powerful defence of Julian Assange in London:...
ArtisanVideos: Master blade smith Kyle Royer makes feather Damascus. His channel is bing worthy
raspberry_pi: Penplotter, Raspberry Pi and HPGL - Video (as requested)
esp8266: ESP8266 and ESP32 can be remotely crashed and hijacked
Life in an Internet Shutdown
Show HN: Ackee – Self-hosted website analytics
Why the Amazon Basics Keyboard Is My Favorite Keyboard
When Project Enclosures Go Bad: A Message From The Trenches
Fraudsters Used AI to Mimic CEO's Voice in Unusual Cybercrime Case
Facebook Brings Face Recognition To All Users, Discontinues 'Tag Suggestions'
datasets: Looking for a data set or data source where I can pull US Senator's historical vote...
AskElectronics: I'm looking for beautiful PCB material.
What I learned about freedom after escaping North Korea | Yeonmi Park
What happened when we paired up thousands of strangers to talk politics | Jochen Wegner
Show HN: Fullstack ML – From Notebooks to Deployment
Android 10
Dian Fossey, Gorilla Girl
Walmart Ends All Handgun Ammunition Sales and Asks Customers Not To Carry Guns Into Stores
TOR: Orfox Paved the Way for Tor Browser on Android
AskElectronics: Heat sink question: I have four 1N3319B that are secured to an aluminum bracket....
esp32: Proof of Concept of ESP32/8266 Wi-Fi vulnerabilities
Ask HN: Who is hiring? (September 2019)
ESP8266 and ESP32 can be remotely crashed and hijacked
Clean Water Technologies Hack Chat
Android Exploits Are Now Worth More Than iOS Exploits for the First Time
Samsung Is Secretly Working on a Foldable Phone That Collapses Into a Square
AskElectronics: How to read and write from sram fast. Or other means of interfacing with an...
hydro: The Kratky Experiment continues. PK Boost 13/14
AskElectronics: How do universal laptop chargers work?
esp32: Triggering code when running on battery backup?
RetroPie: My Star Wars themed bar-top.
A climate change solution that's right under our feet | Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
Face Recognition Using Pytorch
OpenBSD was right to disable hyperthreading [video]
Firefox 69.0 Released
DeepFaceLab: A tool that utilizes ML to replace faces in videos
Here’s How Much the Democratic Party Charges to Be on Each House Committee
Sen. Joe Manchin Is Out, but an Actual Progressive Is Making a Serious Run for West Virginia...
This Machine Learning Algorithm is Meta
USB-IF To Continue Confusing Name Scheme With USB4 Gen 3x2
HotPeppers: This purple cream is so gorgeous. The pods go from solid black, to purple and finally...
HotPeppers: Propagation box served me pretty well for startup during winter (South Australia)
science: Existential isolation, feeling alone in one’s experience and separate from other...
What ping-pong taught me about life | Pico Iyer
Timeline for Logic, λ-Calculus, and Programming Language Theory (2012) [pdf]
3D Printing May be the Key to Practical Scramjets
Firefox 69 Ratchets Up Tracking Protection, Switching it On by Default
Blacksmith: First time going anywhere near a forge, made it on a 3 hour course the mrs booked...
darknetplan: Hong Kong Protestors Using Mesh Messaging App China Can't Block: Usage Up 3685%
Firefox Nightly on macOS: decrease in power usage by a factor of about 3x
China sows disinformation on Hong Kong using porn accounts on Twitter
Hurricane Dorian Is Barely Moving at All. Here's Why That Makes it Especially Dangerous
gundeals: [code]Safariland 40% off holsters & gear and 20% off comms & hearing protection....
EngineeringPorn: The bend on that pole!
RTLSDR: First NOAA Capture
Pension Funds Are Going to Be Destroyed in the Next Recession
MeFi: The Historical Significance of Black Queer Films
gundeals: [Parts] complete ar15 build kit minus lower (mystery mlok or keymod rail) - $240...
museum: Andrew Wyeth - Christina's World (1948)
You Are Not Your Code (2012)
Border agents are checking social media, but we still don’t know how closely
Now Streaming on YouTube: Confessions from a Presidential Hit Squad in Gambia
What a Senior Staff Software Engineer Does
Traffic apps turned L.A.’s neighborhoods into ”shortcuts”
Tree traversal without recursion: the tree as a state machine (2007)
Massive iPhone Hack Targets Uyghurs
Null Shard Build Blurs Line Between Game And Reality with Laser Cutting, Mold Making, 3D Printing
MeFi: No Pay, We Stay
DataHoarder: The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision - One of the largest media archives...
FreeBSD on the Lenovo Thinkpad
Tiny Japan Firm Helps to Crack Code for Next-Gen Computer Chips
museum: John Singer Sargent - Mrs Carl Meyer and her Children (1896)
datasets: Dataset for Shoe Height (Women)
Investigators who know you’ve faked your death
We, the peoples of the Amazon, are full of fear. Soon you will be too
MachineLearning: [R] Videos of Deep|Bayes 2019 – a summer school on Bayesian Deep Learning
datasets: Searching for Dutch text corpus
postmarketOS: Post-installation issues on Nexus 7
Good Code Design from Linux
The growing science of memory manipulation raises social and ethical questions
Ham Radio Gets Embedded RTL-SDR
RetroPie: OpenCade, a free 3D Printed arcade case from Wagner's Tech Talk. Video by Glen's...
Show HN: Simple tool to make a habit of exercising
NLP's Clever Hans Moment Has Arrived
Off-Grid, Solar-Powered, Zero-Battery Refrigerator