TypeScript vs. ReasonML
Google accused of secretly feeding personal data to advertisers
Are Hydrogen Cars Still Happening?
mycology: Nashville Hot Chicken of the Woods
AskElectronics: How can I learn to design circuits?
ArtisanVideos: Teardown, Repair & Analysis of a ~$20,000 Rohde & Schwarz 40GHz spectrum analyser...
Brave Uncovers Google’s GDPR Workaround
MeFi: Super Tiny Steaks
datasets: Meteorological Dataset of India
HotPeppers: Let the fermentation begin 🌶. My first time doing this, not 100% sure I’m...
SQL Window Functions
We Let Machine Learning Design Logos
Real-Time maps warn Hong Kong protesters of water cannons and riot police
How do people learn to cook a poisonous plant safely?
De l’art délicat de dépoussiérer les vieux classiques du jeu vidéo
Ask MeFi: Famous women you learned to like... after recognizing societal misogyny
MachineLearning: [P] 'ceviche' -- Simulating Maxwell's Equations using Automatic Differentiation.
datasets: 11,700 of John Margolies' images of roadside America
openwrt: OpenWRT on MyBookLiveDuo
museum: Johan Jongkind - Overschie in the Moonlight (1871)
science: People with lower emotional intelligence are more likely to hold right-wing views,...
California bill could force Uber and Lyft to reclassify drivers as employees
Chinese people who show sympathy for HK protests risk getting doxxed by friends
What Is a Tech Company?
Some good Git practices (2009)
Regex Crossword
Credit Card Privacy
The Ultimate Guide to Artisan USB Cables
MachineLearning: [R] Face-to-Parameter Translation for Game Character Auto-Creation
Hong Kong leader to announce formal withdrawal of extradition bill
WikiLeaks: Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, cowardly refuses to say anything when asked about Julian...
TOR: My first snowflake
Tin Plasma Extreme Ultraviolet Radiation Makes 5nm Integrated Circuits Possible
Upcoming Firefox update will decrease power usage on macOS by up to three times
Blacksmith: Pair of axes two students of mine forged during a class this past weekend. Both...
C++ is not a superset of C
Is OK Good Enough for an Incumbent in the Face of the Climate Crisis?
An Arduino Pro Micro With USB-C
MachineLearning: [N] Major Release for mlfinlab
The Eternal Mainframe (2013)
Static TypeScript: A Static Compiler for the TypeScript Language
In a swipe at Chrome, Firefox now blocks ad trackers by default
Blacksmith: Reddit, I got my first anvil today
openwrt: Connecting router to PDANet hotspot with proxy?
Crystalline nets harvest water from desert air, turn CO2 into liquid fuel
3D Printer Emission Monitor Quantifies The Stench
MachineLearning: [D] NeurIPS 2019 decisions are out
Blacksmith: Here is the finished knife! I call it “The big ol’ little hunter” 1084 blade...
A German Idea of Freedom: Nude Ping-Pong, Nude Sledding, Nude Anything
Show HN: Array with Constant Time Access and Fast Insertion and Deletion
‘Satori’ IoT Botnet Operator Pleads Guilty
gundeals: [Pistol] $700 Shipped - Sig Sauer P226 EXTREME 9mm
AskElectronics: Troubleshooting / Component Level Repair YouTube Channel Suggestions
EngineeringPorn: diving plane...ETH Zürich
signalidentification: how did he do that?
Soft Drinks, Including Sugar-Free, Linked To Increased Risk of Early Death
museum: Marc Chagall - Self-Portrait with Seven Fingers (1913)
Improved VPC Networking for AWS Lambda
Solar-Harvesting Blinkenlights
Scottish Developers Announce Subsidy-Free Onshore Wind Farm
HotPeppers: This absolute UNIT protecting my Spice Girls
ORMs Are Backwards
'Why the Amazon Basics Keyboard Is My Favorite Keyboard'
mycology: A fairy circle of chanterelles in the Swedish forest
TOR: New Release: Tor Browser 8.5.5
RTLSDR: First false color image from GOES-16!
Android 10 Launches Today, and Pixel Phones Get the Day One Update
Ask Slashdot: What Would Computing Look Like Today If the Amiga Had Survived?
science: A theory that Parkinson's disease can arise in the intestinal system and from there...
Amazon’s Next-Day Delivery System Has Brought Chaos to America’s Streets
Building A Full-Fat Air Quality Monitor
A Fingerprint of Earth From Space
openwrt: Recommend a device / network structure... thoughts, ideas, suggestions.
DataHoarder: Western Digital Announced 18TB CMR & 20TB SMR HDDs For 2020
Need a USB Cable? Build One
USB4 Specification
Apple Patents Watch Band That Could ID You From Your Wrist Skin
E-Bikes Are Now Allowed In US National Parks
seedswap: Fall Cuttings Swap
hydro: Built my own automated hydro system - update
openwrt: DHCP Forwarder
YouTube Removes 17,000 Channels For Hate Speech
mycology: The old man of the woods always gives me Game of Thrones vibes. Anyone else?
HamRadio: NX800 Kenwood
China Drone Attack on Crop-Eating ‘Monster’ Shows 98% Kill Rate
A Pocket QWERTY For Arduino And More
China Drone Attack on Crop-Eating 'Monster' Shows 98% Kill Rate
Over 47,000 Supermicro Servers Are Exposing BMC Ports on the Internet
gundeals: [Parts] Ballistic Advantage 16″ 5.56 Government Profile Mid Length AR15 Barrel...
gundeals: [Ammo] Federal 556 62 grain ammo for $.24 per round before tax and after rebate....
ArtisanVideos: Making a Watercooling System (Radiator/ Pump) for the 4 Stroke Engine!
Forth: The Hacker’s Language (2017)
Mozilla’s Manifest v3 FAQ
Go 1.13 Release Notes
Spam In your Calendar? Here’s What to Do.
Tesla Batteries Are Keeping Zimbabwe's Economy Running
WikiLeaks: Roger Waters and John Pilger make powerful defence of Julian Assange in London:...
ArtisanVideos: Master blade smith Kyle Royer makes feather Damascus. His channel is bing worthy
raspberry_pi: Penplotter, Raspberry Pi and HPGL - Video (as requested)