Australian Federal Government Adopts 'Nuanced' Position On Data-Sharing Consent
esp32: ESP32-S2 Processor Datasheet Released, Development Boards Unveiled
Why Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes (2013)
Kinetic Lamp Sheds Light on Scientific Principles
science: Students who do not date are not social misfits, suggests new study of 594 10th graders,...
CircleCI Security Incident
askscience: Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology
HamRadio: Help with Icom IC-PCR1000
raspberry_pi: My first venture into the wonderful world of Pi! Made a picture frame that you...
One Number Shows Something Is Fundamentally Wrong With Our Conception of the Universe
RTLSDR: Hurricane Dorian today --Animated GIF created from GOES 16 captures
museum: Raphael - School of Athens [1509-1511]
Tesla’s Autopilot found partly to blame for 2018 crash on the 405
Browser Fingerprinting: An Introduction and the Challenges Ahead
A Teeny Tiny 3D Printed Macro Extension Tube
openwrt: Join a network that requires a proxy?
YC Office Hours for Startups Tackling Climate Issues
Sally Floyd, who helped things run smoothly online, has died
esp32: Esp32 development under WSL
ArtisanVideos: Making an Origami Truncated Icosahedron out of 342 small strips of paper [8:31]
RetroPie: GPi Case Available again at The US Amazon store
22 Million Pounds of Plastics Enter the Great Lakes Each Year
hydro: Hi ya’ll I’m kinda a newbie at this and I’m trying out some jar systems. I’m...
MachineLearning: [D] Neurips 2019 Registration Lottery
TinyGo Brings Go To Arduino
Crystalline Nets Harvest Water From Desert Air, Turn CO2 Into Liquid Fuel
Blacksmith: Spent a grand total of 0 Dollars on all this stuff including the air compressor...
MachineLearning: [R] A 2019 Guide for Automatic Speech Recognition
EngineeringPorn: I always love finding an elegant mechanism I'd never seen before. This latch...
Google, Industry Try To Water Down First US Data-Privacy Law
esp32: Cross-post - ESP-IDF with Atom
Dear Search Guard Users
Lab-Testing Startup uBiome Files For Bankruptcy
Electric Car Charge Posts To Be Installed In Every New Home In England
gundeals: [Rifle] Aero Precision M4E1 Complete AR15 Lower with M4 Collapsing Stock - $169.99
esp32: External password generator
Eagle Reborn: F-15 Simulator From A Wreck
Up Close With the Taycan, Porsche's First Electric Car
Johns Hopkins Launches Center for Psychedelic Research
Whatever happened to Six Sigma?
Human Speech May Have a Universal Transmission Rate: 39 Bits Per Second
Senator: Mark Zuckerberg Should Face 'the Possibility of a Prison Term'
WikiLeaks: In ‘disgusting’ move, US punishes Wikileaks associates – Ben Swann
TOR: Issue with installing - I keep hitting this
datasets: Is there a fitness and workout dataset somewhere ?
HotPeppers: My Jalapeños are huge this year!
esp8266: Image Processing with esp8285 to read a water meter
How U.S. Banks Took Over the World
Debugging WebAssembly outside of the browser
Solving Every Sudoku Puzzle (2006)
DRM Broke Its Promise
A database of Facebook users’ phone numbers found online
Human speech may have a universal transmission rate: 39 bits per second
After Climate Forum, Biden Heads to a Fundraiser Co-Hosted by a Fossil Fuel Executive
Mozilla Outlines Plan For Manifest V3 Extensions API
Announcing Maesh, a Simpler Service Mesh Made by the Traefik Team
A 2019 Guide for Automatic Speech Recognition
Warning: Implicit Backdoor
The effects of Portal 2 and Lumosity on cognitive and noncognitive skills
Mechpen: SCARA Drawbot For The Big Picture
A Huge Database of Facebook Users' Phone Numbers Found Online
Trump Administration Is Rolling Back Rules Requiring More Energy-Efficient Bulbs
MeFi: We Hurt Where We Care
HotPeppers: Primotalii. 7 Pot Primo X Fatalii. Love these peppers. Super Hot nice taste. And...
museum: Alexei Savrasov - The Rooks Have Returned (1871)
AskElectronics: Where to find nice buttons / levers?
science: A study of 17 different languages has found that they all communicated information...
"Stumbling towards intimacy": An improvised TED Talk | Anthony Veneziale
Rust in Large Organizations (Notes)
Study Shows Some Political Beliefs Are Just Historical Accidents
A Restart For the Aptera Electric Car?
RTLSDR: Hacking Iridium Satellites With Iridium Toolkit
seedswap: W: passion fruit H: lavender
gundeals: [Optic] Sig Sauer Romeo5 1x20mm Compact Red Dot Sight (Open Box) for $89.99, free...
WeWork CEO gives back $5.9M from 'We' trademark after criticism
Open Source Smart Smoker Brings The Heat (Slowly)
A Breakthrough for AI Technology: Passing an 8th-Grade Science Test
MeFi: Trebek Affirmation Soundboard
WikiLeaks: Anonymous hacker in Stratfor leak moved to jail with Manning to testify against...
HamRadio: Ham and CB freqs?
seedswap: suggestions for indoor
gundeals: [code] Optics Planet: 10% off orders of $50+ with code LABOR ; ends 9/5 at 11:59pm CDT
AskElectronics: Chip Recommendations for WWVB/60kHz Reception
raspberry_pi: Touchscreen Internet radio in gui zero with weather
Neutralizing Tear Gas
The Big Short’s Michael Burry Explains Why Index Funds Are Like Subprime CDOs
Mental-health information 'sold to advertisers'
BornHack 2019, A Laid-Back Hacker Camp in A Danish Forest
Michigan Set To Become First State To Ban Flavored E-cigarettes
MeFi: All Power To All Workers
RetroPie: Is there a way to play with a PS2 controller on emulationstation?
DataHoarder: Amazon AWS had a power failure, their backup generators failed, which killed their...
EngineeringPorn: 20th century pedestrian shield for cars
RetroPie: Does anyone know where I can order a replacement thumb stick for the waveshare game hat?
esp32: SMM2 Troll levels with consequences. If I die, I get shot by air-soft rifle.
Conservative Revolt Against Boris Johnson Exposes Republicans’ Complicity in the Cult of Trump
Google Has Secret Webpages That Feed Your Personal Data To Advertisers, Report Says
WeWork CEO Returns $5.9 Million For 'We' Trademark To Company After Criticism
hydro: Second lettuce harvest...