Amazon’s Shipping Empire Is Challenging UPS and FedEx
A hierarchy of software engineering discourse
Print A Drill Press For Your Printed Circuit Boards
Why California May Go Nuclear
Trusted Face Smart Unlock Method Has Been Removed From Android Devices
MachineLearning: [Discussion] Category-theoretic approach to machine learning
hydro: Aeroponic System - Healthy Sweet Peppers growing in Pakistan Hydroponics Climate Controlled...
ArtisanVideos: Sea Foam Resin Bowl (16:42)
raspberry_pi: Progress on a project I'm working on! Quite simple, but I'm really proud of this.
Debate in Austria over enshrining use of cash in the constitution
Mach kernel
Librem 5 Shipping Announcement
Samsung Announces Key-Value SSD Prototype
Chinese Scientists Regrow Tooth Enamel In 48 Hours With Phosphate Gel
MeFi: Inside the Terror
mycology: Mushrooms growing out of a scooter seat
WikiLeaks: Australian Whistleblower Crackdown
datasets: NFL Datasets
hydro: Can you put kratky mason jars ouside?
Mystery surrounds lost German sea data station
Hack Your Brain to Stop Overeating
Apple Has Copied Some of the Most Popular Apps in the App Store For its iPhone
Facebook is Making Its Own Deepfakes and Offering Prizes For Detecting Them
Blacksmith: My EDC... I make kitchen knives tough enough for the shop...
seedswap: Thunder Mountain Longhorn
datasets: Shoplifting dataset
AskElectronics: Best way to switch between multiple power rails based on whether they're present...
Cloudflare-sync – Tool for using Cloudflare as a dynamic DNS provider
Stripe Capital
3D Printering: The Search for Better Search
Free Software Advocate Richard Stallman Spoke at Microsoft Research This Week
science: Consumption of plant protien rather than animal protein is associated with lower risk...
HotPeppers: My first ghost from this 2nd year plant
science: We can tell where a whale has travelled from the themes in its song, suggests a new...
Debunking the Silly “Passive [Investing] Is a Bubble” Myth
An Introduction to D3.js
Apple Change Causes Scramble Among Private Messaging App Makers
MeFi: Live Through This
esp8266: Wemos D1 Mini and TMP36 for Analog Temperature
esp8266: Is it possible to use an ESP8266 as a transparent TTL to MQTT bridge?
Inside the bizarre world of internet trolls and propagandists | Andrew Marantz
The growing need for human robot-minders could juice the remote workforce
WeWork Parent Weighs Slashing Its Valuation in Half
Facebook Dating
This LED Cube Is One Heck Of An ICEBreaker
How Amazon's Shipping Empire Is Challenging UPS and FedEx
China Hacked Asian Telcos To Spy on Uighur Travelers
Blacksmith: S - grind chef knife I've finished recently. Steel is 14260, thickest point is...
museum: Charles Edward Perugini - A Summer Shower (1888)
Hackaday Celebrates 15 Years and Oh How the Hardware Has Changed
WeWork Weighs Slashing Valuation by More Than Half Amid IPO Skepticism
gundeals: [ammo] Federal HST 50% off various calibers (9mm 0.40 cpr)
Secushare: A decentralized, secure social network built on GNUnet
Differential Privacy
Google Search is Getting Personalized TV and Movie Recommendations
TOR: New Release: Tor Browser 9.0a6
DataHoarder: 20TB by 2020: world’s largest hard drive to land within months
esp8266: FastLED + WS2811 + ESP8266 = Bleh
seedexchange: Looking for reynoutria sachalinensis/fallopia japonica
AskElectronics: Where to find inexpensive coaxial cables and antennas for WiFi in bulk?
OpenBazaar: OSX + Tor and password hash.
Ask HN: Good Remote Work Literature?
Review of Moneyland by Oliver Bullough (2018)
Sally Floyd, Who Helped Things Run Smoothly Online, Dies At 69
ESP8266 and ESP32 WiFi Hacked!
MachineLearning: [D] What does your ML pipeline look like?
Judge Rules Terrorism Watchlist Violates Constitutional Rights
Weighted blankets might ease insomnia and anxiety
The Doghouse: Crown Sterling
Open Source Intel Helps Reveal US Spy Sat Capabilities
openwrt: Reset and upgrade failed
TOR: GitHub - GouveaHeitor/nipe: Nipe is a script to make Tor Network your default gateway.
Marks & Spencer relégué en seconde division de la Bourse de Londres
Australian Federal Government Adopts 'Nuanced' Position On Data-Sharing Consent
esp32: ESP32-S2 Processor Datasheet Released, Development Boards Unveiled
Why Finnish babies sleep in cardboard boxes (2013)
Kinetic Lamp Sheds Light on Scientific Principles
science: Students who do not date are not social misfits, suggests new study of 594 10th graders,...
CircleCI Security Incident
askscience: Ask Anything Wednesday - Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience, Medicine, Psychology
HamRadio: Help with Icom IC-PCR1000
raspberry_pi: My first venture into the wonderful world of Pi! Made a picture frame that you...
One Number Shows Something Is Fundamentally Wrong With Our Conception of the Universe
RTLSDR: Hurricane Dorian today --Animated GIF created from GOES 16 captures
museum: Raphael - School of Athens [1509-1511]
Tesla’s Autopilot found partly to blame for 2018 crash on the 405
Browser Fingerprinting: An Introduction and the Challenges Ahead
A Teeny Tiny 3D Printed Macro Extension Tube
openwrt: Join a network that requires a proxy?
YC Office Hours for Startups Tackling Climate Issues
Sally Floyd, who helped things run smoothly online, has died
esp32: Esp32 development under WSL
ArtisanVideos: Making an Origami Truncated Icosahedron out of 342 small strips of paper [8:31]
RetroPie: GPi Case Available again at The US Amazon store
22 Million Pounds of Plastics Enter the Great Lakes Each Year
hydro: Hi ya’ll I’m kinda a newbie at this and I’m trying out some jar systems. I’m...
MachineLearning: [D] Neurips 2019 Registration Lottery
TinyGo Brings Go To Arduino
Crystalline Nets Harvest Water From Desert Air, Turn CO2 Into Liquid Fuel
Blacksmith: Spent a grand total of 0 Dollars on all this stuff including the air compressor...