Qualcomm's 5G Modem is Coming To Midrange Phones Next Year
Apple Releases Public Beta of Apple Music For Web
science: Researchers have created a compound, that when tested in mice, was able to promote...
RetroPie: Issue with SCUMMVM folder names causing EmulationStation to crash
OpenBazaar: 🎥 [VIDEO] The Anonymous Ecommerce Challenge - Can You Sell Online Privately?
Let's Encrypt makes certs for 30% of web domains
"The remaining Snowden refugees in Hong Kong... face torture and death. Mr Trudeau continues...
Reading the Water Meter In A Literal Sense With An ESP8266
Feds Order Apple and Google To Hand Over Names of 10,000+ Users of Gun Scope App
AskElectronics: Anyone wear reading glasses for soldering?
RTLSDR: Dorian from Meteor-M N2. Considering how far west I am, I feel like this is a great capture.
openwrt: Thank you OpenWrt team!
OpenBazaar: 🔦 WEEKLY SPOTLIGHT - Share your OpenBazaar & Haven stores & buying requests! (9/6)
AskElectronics: Mixing 3 audio inputs
You Can Now Tell Facebook to Delete Its Internal Record of Your Face
Joe Biden Is Proud of His Record on Iraq, but His Plan to Segregate It Would Have Unleashed Chaos
US To Collect Social Media Profiles From Immigrants, Asylum Seekers, and Refugees
Watch India's Chandrayaan-2 Make Its Historic Moon Landing Attempt
Blacksmith: Finished my first shovel!
datasets: Facebook Introduces Dataset & Challenge to Counter DeepFakes
raspberry_pi: Mooomba - The Cow Roomba - More info in comments
DataHoarder: Reddit takeout: export your account data as JSON: comments, submissions, upvotes, etc.
I’m Peter Roberts, immigration attorney who does work for YC and startups. AMA
New Google and Facebook Inquiries
A Message about iOS Security
Building a GPS With Bug Eyes And Ancient Wisdom
Apple Disputes Google's Claims of a Devastating iPhone Hack
Drinking More Than 2 Sodas Per Day Can Increase Your Risk of Dying, Study Finds
WikiLeaks: In ‘disgusting’ move, US punishes WikiLeaks associates
ArtisanVideos: Adam Savage Builds Star-Lord's Walkman [35:00]
signalidentification: hi, what is this signal? Any idea?
At 97, lithium-ion battery pioneer John Goodenough says his work is not done
Everything I googled in a week as a professional software engineer
Sensor Filters for Coders
Intel Is Suddenly Very Concerned With 'Real-World' Benchmarking
esp32: esp_idf OTA file upload
MachineLearning: [R] [1806.04510v1] Dank Learning: Generating Memes Using Deep Neural Networks
AskElectronics: Where to store Na2Co3?
EngineeringPorn: 3D concrete printer
science: Strong support for Trump linked to willingness to persecute immigrants, suggests a...
I Got More Data, My Model Is More Refined, but My Estimator Is Getting Worse [pdf]
MLIR Primer: A Compiler Infrastructure for the End of Moore’s Law
There are no adults in the room
Police Shut Down a 3k-Person Game of Hide-and-Seek at IKEA
Hackaday Podcast 034: 15 Years of Hackaday, ESP8266 Hacked, Hydrogen Seeps Into Cars, Giant...
Why Phones That Secretly Listen To Us Are a Myth
Huawei Eyes ProtonMail as It Searches for Gmail Alternative
askscience: Mechanistically, why is benzene carcinogenic?
Was Etsy too good to be true?
42 is found to be the sum of three cubes
Sorry, we can't join your slack
Big And Glowy Tetris Via Arduino
Israeli Spyware Firm NSO Group is Wildly Profitable Despite Concerns Over Misuse of its Technology,...
Ask MeFi: What trivial, obnoxious habits have you quit?
HamRadio: Can anyone tell me what this is? I cant find any information on "Weather Measure...
gundeals: [handgun] jericho 941 , 9mm israeli police surplus $370 plus shipping
hydro: 1 Pepper plant with 5 different colors of peppers. 5 Color Chinese Pepper Plant Growing...
Why I became a climate activist -- and why you should too | Luisa Neubauer
How Amazon Hooked America on Fast Delivery, Avoiding Responsibility for Crashes
Richard Stallman spoke at Microsoft Research this week
Exxon Mobil Is Funding Centrist Democratic Think Tank, Disclosures Reveal
Livestream: The Right to a Future — With Naomi Klein and Greta Thunberg
This week in Security: Mass iPhone Compromise, More VPN Vulns, Telegram Leaking Data, and the...
New York Attorney General is Investigating Facebook For Possible Antitrust Violations
esp8266: Proof of concept for a ultrasonic sensor. I Want to use this for switching my screen...
gundeals: [Parts] SpiceTac | Raptor-LT Charging Handles (Black, FDE, Grey) $52.95 Shipped (Add...
museum: From his Japanese period: Vincent van Gogh - The Courtesan (1887)
raspberry_pi: Raspberry Pi 4 Ubuntu Server / Desktop 18.04.3 Image (unofficial)
esp32: TTGO LoRa module performs better with tiny supplied antenna than with larger, more expensive...
esp8266: Tutorial: Connecting a DHT11 sensor to the cloud with an ESP8266-based board
How porn changes the way teens think about sex | Emily F. Rothman
Why doesn’t anyone weep for Docker?
Richard Stallman at Microsoft (no, we do not dream)
Fancy Zones, a tiling window manager from Microsoft
Secret Terrorism Watchlist Found Unconstitutional in Historic Decision
DMVs Are Selling Your Data to Private Investigators
mycology: [OC] almost got it!
WikiLeaks: We Are In Danger, Not Just Assange
HamRadio: FT3D Yaesu
hydro: It’s time for indoor recovery? Temp: 11 C min (51 F), Tabasco with some flowers and fruits.
Don’t Trust Facebook with Your Love Life
Facebook Wants To Be the Hot New Dating App
datasets: DS master program PS. Need help
HotPeppers: Smoked a bunch of habaneros. They smell delicious; can’t wait to make sauce.
Default Password for GPS Trackers
Capture a Star in a Jar with Sonoluminescence
OpenBazaar: Move HAVEN to new device - how to?
RetroPie: Alternatives to raspberry pi?
EASA Insists on Testing Boeing 737 Max Itself Before Lifting Ban
AskElectronics: Are these TV power supply PCBs interchangeable?
TOR: How do I figure out if all of my connections are end to end encrypted?
RTLSDR: Cruising the ISM band, I found this strange signal. Anyone ever come across something...
High Voltage Protects Low Denominations
DataHoarder: Welp, I did it guys, my ISP unplugged me because I used to much data on my unlimitted...
MachineLearning: [R] Neural Linguistic Steganography
HotPeppers: Today's small, but vibrant, yield.
ArtisanVideos: Primitive Technology: Adobe wall (dry stacked)
openwrt: DHCP not sending leases
esp32: Is wifi robustness on pure esp-idf as low as the Arduino library?
Differentiable Programming Mega-Proposal