TOR: Is anyone else in favor of TOR making the dark theme the default theme?
Toy Stories: Children around the world with their most prized possessions
Facebook Accused of 'Deliberately Vague' Announcement About Face Recognition
HomeImprovement: Offer accepted. Inspector presented 90 pages of issues.
esp8266: D1 Mini Clone, Access Point Connection Problem.
mycology: Finally got to try morels! Foraged in Victoria, Australia
From FOMO to JOMO: the joy of missing out
Workers Are Fleeing Big Cities for Small Ones, and Taking Their Jobs with Them
Chandrayaan-2's Orbiter Is Still Going Strong
MachineLearning: [D] Facebook Microsoft $10M deepfake detection challenge
science: Politically incorrect speech works in politics because it can help people appear more...
gundeals: [Ammo] Geco 5.56 55gr FMJ 1000 Rd case on stripper clips $276.00 shipped .27 cpr...
ArtisanVideos: The progression is really interesting
RetroPie: Retropie on linux mint: when running A game for the 1st time, mint asks for my password,...
The True Size Of
Malicious attack on Wikipedia – what we know, and what we’re doing
Putting 3D Printed Speaker Drivers to the Test
Parts of Wikipedia Went Offline After 'Malicious' DDoS Attack
TOR: Strange Issue With Download Tor
gundeals: [Handgun] - Walther PPQ M2 9mm 4" + 2 mags | $420 free shipping
museum: Albrecht Durer - Praying Hands (1508)
DataHoarder: All Donald Duck’s released on Finland will be free to read tomorrow. Someone...
New micro-robots can break apart and remove biofilm or plaque from a tooth
Exim – remote attacker can execute programs with root privileges
India Loses Contact with Probe Just as It Prepares to Land on Moon
Blacksmith: Axe with sheath for retailer
esp8266: Should I be concerned?
esp8266: Having trouble changing Soft AP SSID from Web Server
I am stupefied every day by the awfulness of the AWS web console
WikiLeaks: Pamela Anderson Owns a Petulant Meghan McCain, Says Julian Assange Won't Be Safe...
Complex Impedences Without The Pain
hydro: Another two weeks and the indoor plant is in the lead.
EngineeringPorn: Swagbot, the latest in farming technology. This $500k prototype is being trialed...
raspberry_pi: Update on my Fruitbox inspired 1947 Era Jukebox project
The Washington Post Nominated Glenn Kessler for a Pulitzer Prize
AskElectronics: I'm looking for this slider poteimeter, I can't find it on ebay or mouser
EngineeringPorn: A surface-to-air missle launch
Sony Releases a Walkman For Its 40th Anniversary
Parallelism in Crystal
Homebrew Oscillator Is In a Glass By Itself
MachineLearning: [D] Blog post explains various evolution strategies and how they can relate...
ArtisanVideos: Making a Japanese garden
HotPeppers: Trained this one just for the hell of it, Tabasco.
What’s it like to live on less than $2 a day?
Blacksmith: I know it's rough, but I just took my experience from none to a little
WikiLeaks: Pamela Anderson on Julian Assange and 2016 Election | The View
ArtisanVideos: Building a Bar for the Wacken Open Air using Wood, Chipboard, OSB, Aluminum...
Stellarium: A free open-source planetarium for your computer
M.I.T. Media Lab concealed its relationship with Jeffrey Epstein
Police Shut Down 3,000-Person Game of Hide-and-Seek At IKEA
mycology: Made this as a gift for someone that loves mushrooms even more than I do.
HotPeppers: First real harvest! I love the depth of this photo
Mathematician Wins $3M Prize for 'Magic Wand Theorem'
Portable PS2 With A Side Of Pi
science: Artificially grown human organs are seen by many as the "holy grail" for resolving...
Door blows off Boeing 777X during stress test
First Long-Distance Heart Surgery Performed Via Robot
mycology: I present to you the foot-long mushroom
esp8266: NodeMCU and SIM800L v2
esp8266: Is there an easy way to squeeze more gpioss out of an ESP8266-01S?
An Apple Developer for 10 Years
Linux Fu: Interactive SSH Applications
Squirrels Listen To Birds' Conversations As Signal of Safety
Ask MeFi: Name that dystopian (?) novel!
HamRadio: Packet Radio (Post Apocalyptic Internet?) - Computerphile
DataHoarder: My not so humble homelab is finally complete!
AskElectronics: Would there be any damage to a multimeter by accidentally measuring resistance...
esp32: For those of you that enjoy watching Pick & Place machines running, I made a video of...
Cases of Vaping-Related Lung Illness Surge, Health Officials Say
Ask MeFi: Music with band dynamics and good lyrics
TOR: Is the information on this page still accurate?
RetroPie: Steering Wheel for the GRS Arcade Spinner - a free 3D Print
Huawei Announces Kirin 990 and Kirin 990 5G: Dual SoC Approach, Integrated 5G Modem
Streaming Makes Up 80 Percent of the Music Industry's Revenue
gundeals: [other]Brownells 'Save Freedom. Buy Ammo' Walmart parody t-shirts pre-order $14....
HotPeppers: My first year growing peppers
Origin Sells Out
Who Needs Four Wheels When You’ve Got A Gyro?
Wunderlist Founder Wants To Buy His App Back
museum: Norman Rockwell - The Holdout (1959)
EngineeringPorn: Pringel dispenser
signalidentification: Just wondering if anyone knows what this may be?
Ancient Turing Pattern Builds Feathers, Hair and Now Shark Skin
India to Attempt Moon Landing at the Lunar South Pole Today
Tax Policy Gave Us White Claw
India Loses Communication With Lunar Lander Shortly Before Scheduled Landing On the Moon
Exploit For Wormable BlueKeep Windows Bug Released Into the Wild
MeFi: :emoji:
Feds Demand Apple and Google Hand over Names of 10k Users of a Gun Scope App
Favorite Interview Questions
Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Perfume
Cryptic Wifi Networks
Qualcomm's 5G Modem is Coming To Midrange Phones Next Year
Apple Releases Public Beta of Apple Music For Web
science: Researchers have created a compound, that when tested in mice, was able to promote...
RetroPie: Issue with SCUMMVM folder names causing EmulationStation to crash
OpenBazaar: 🎥 [VIDEO] The Anonymous Ecommerce Challenge - Can You Sell Online Privately?
Let's Encrypt makes certs for 30% of web domains
"The remaining Snowden refugees in Hong Kong... face torture and death. Mr Trudeau continues...
Reading the Water Meter In A Literal Sense With An ESP8266