signalidentification: 256.5MHz frequency
The Epstein scandal at MIT shows the moral bankruptcy of techno elites
'Google's Chrome Has My Dead Grandpa's Data and He Never Used the Internet'
esp32: Streaming from an esp32 cam
museum: Joan Miró - Constellation: Toward The Rainbow (1941)
science: Emotional breakthroughs during psychedelic experiences linked to future increases...
Writing papers for American college students has become lucrative overseas
Our journey to type checking 4M lines of Python
DNA from cigarette leads to Dakota Access arrest warrant 3 years later
WikiLeaks: 'How many innocents has US killed?' Pam Anderson schools Meghan McCain on Julian...
esp8266: esp8266 to control fireplace
Anatomy Of A Power Outage: Explaining the August Outage Affecting 5% of Britain
openwrt: Help with Learning how to Build Firmware for R6250
gundeals: [other] Chambersburg PA Gander Outdoors is doing 15% off on guns & ammo, 40% off...
raspberry_pi: Pi3 Car Display Hack Followup
HotPeppers: It's the most wonderful time of the year...
MIT Media Lab Chief Joi Ito Resigns Following Ronan Farrow's New Yorker Expose
gundeals: [Optic] Vortex Spitfire 1x Prism Sight - $150 + tax, free shipping
HotPeppers: Today at Grand Army Farmers Market - This Weeks Hot Sauce Pick: Trinidad Scorpion
DataHoarder: Smallest setup i can think of for a 10 TB setup
RetroPie: Waiting patiently
Wired Lists 'The Windows 10 Privacy Settings You Should Check Right Now'
MeFi: Cognitive effort, and learning more but feeling like I'm learning less
seedswap: ISO Purslane, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, papaver somniferum, giant orange amaranth,...
RTLSDR: Can a yagi antenna be useful for receiving anything interesting?
RTLSDR: Dorian mapped on HF GYA wefax - RX via mini whip HamItUp/NESDR
science: Taxing Sweetened Drinks by the Amount of Sugar Could Cut Obesity & Boost Economic...
HK protesters use “unblockable” messaging via a bluetooth mesh
Fail Of The Week: Taking Apart A Tesla Battery
150 Microsoft Employees Release a New Music Video: 'Microsoft: The Musical'
mycology: Today's walk.
The American Father and Son Exporting Tear Gas to Hong Kong
Two College Students Nearly Grabbed Donald Trump's Tax Returns Online
AskElectronics: Am I correct in saying the following: I want to power eight white LEDs in series...
EngineeringPorn: This foldable stair.
Google Expands Bug Bounty Programme To All Apps With Over 100M Installs
HotPeppers: 16 Quarts Fresh to 1/2 Quart Dehydrated
The Future of Wind Turbines? No Blades (2015)
The days are long but the decades are short (2015)
Joichi Ito Resigns After Outcry over Jeffrey Epstein Ties
Reducing Drill Bit Wear the Cryogenic Way
Hong Kong Protesters Using Mesh Messaging App China Can't Block: Usage Up 3685%
esp32: Reading the value of a load cell (adc) with an ESP 32
hydro: found this buttercup growing ontop of the water
CSRF is really dead
South Africa, UK Acknowledge Mass Surveillance By Tapping Undersea Internet Cables
AskElectronics: Anything else you would recommend I buy for my first project?
What’s Next in Making Encrypted DNS-over-HTTPS the Default
Apple Hints China Behind ‘Billion Device iPhone Hack’ That Google Reported
How China is Cashing in on Group Chats
COBOL Turns 60. Why It Will Outlive Us All
RTLSDR: GOES16, Need help finding Satellite: : NESDR Smartee + Sawbird(goes) + Premiertek Outdoor...
openwrt: Potentially bad flashed.
NYC Subway is replacing printed maps with low-resolution digital maps
Show HN: A simple Unix-like operating system that runs Doom
Goodreads Is Broken
Is Solar Right for You? Find Out!
University of Texas Announces Fastest Academic Supercomputer In the World
datasets: Looking to start a project on Medical Image Diagnosis for blood conditions.
askscience: Why, after quick deceleration in most vehicles, is there a sudden lurch in the...
HamRadio: Was wondering if you all could tell me a little bit more about these antennas?
TOR: Is anyone else in favor of TOR making the dark theme the default theme?
Toy Stories: Children around the world with their most prized possessions
Facebook Accused of 'Deliberately Vague' Announcement About Face Recognition
HomeImprovement: Offer accepted. Inspector presented 90 pages of issues.
esp8266: D1 Mini Clone, Access Point Connection Problem.
mycology: Finally got to try morels! Foraged in Victoria, Australia
From FOMO to JOMO: the joy of missing out
Workers Are Fleeing Big Cities for Small Ones, and Taking Their Jobs with Them
Chandrayaan-2's Orbiter Is Still Going Strong
MachineLearning: [D] Facebook Microsoft $10M deepfake detection challenge
science: Politically incorrect speech works in politics because it can help people appear more...
gundeals: [Ammo] Geco 5.56 55gr FMJ 1000 Rd case on stripper clips $276.00 shipped .27 cpr...
ArtisanVideos: The progression is really interesting
RetroPie: Retropie on linux mint: when running A game for the 1st time, mint asks for my password,...
The True Size Of
Malicious attack on Wikipedia – what we know, and what we’re doing
Putting 3D Printed Speaker Drivers to the Test
Parts of Wikipedia Went Offline After 'Malicious' DDoS Attack
TOR: Strange Issue With Download Tor
gundeals: [Handgun] - Walther PPQ M2 9mm 4" + 2 mags | $420 free shipping
museum: Albrecht Durer - Praying Hands (1508)
DataHoarder: All Donald Duck’s released on Finland will be free to read tomorrow. Someone...
New micro-robots can break apart and remove biofilm or plaque from a tooth
Exim – remote attacker can execute programs with root privileges
India Loses Contact with Probe Just as It Prepares to Land on Moon
Blacksmith: Axe with sheath for retailer
esp8266: Should I be concerned?
esp8266: Having trouble changing Soft AP SSID from Web Server
I am stupefied every day by the awfulness of the AWS web console
WikiLeaks: Pamela Anderson Owns a Petulant Meghan McCain, Says Julian Assange Won't Be Safe...
Complex Impedences Without The Pain
hydro: Another two weeks and the indoor plant is in the lead.
EngineeringPorn: Swagbot, the latest in farming technology. This $500k prototype is being trialed...
raspberry_pi: Update on my Fruitbox inspired 1947 Era Jukebox project
The Washington Post Nominated Glenn Kessler for a Pulitzer Prize
AskElectronics: I'm looking for this slider poteimeter, I can't find it on ebay or mouser
EngineeringPorn: A surface-to-air missle launch
Sony Releases a Walkman For Its 40th Anniversary
Parallelism in Crystal