WikiLeaks: Pamela Anderson defends Assange, challenges McCain’s daughter on US TV: Anderson’s...
Blacksmith: Got these hammers finished up today!
AskElectronics: P-Channel MOSFET polarity protection measurements
DataHoarder: Download whole folders from
Clarifying ProtonMail and Huawei
Plasma-Powered Thrusters For Your Homebrew Satellite Needs
MachineLearning: [D] When the A.I. Professor Leaves, Students Suffer, Study Says
Artificial intelligence is changing every aspect of war
Eyewitnesses describe brutal beatings by HK police
The Cult of Kubernetes
Biohackers Use a Raspberry Pi to Implant a Networked Hard Drive
HotPeppers: My biggest one day harvest. Exactly 300 peppers!
esp8266: Using NodeMCU / D1 mini as USB-to-Serial converter!
AskElectronics: With 2020 around the corner, what area of technology are you surprised hasn't...
openwrt: Upgrading linksys EA3500 18.6.2 to 18.6.4
How a deadly fall revealed CIA secrets
Why Americans pay more for lunch than Britons do
Why Haskell Is Important
Vandalize Your Car
Apple and Foxconn broke a Chinese labor law to build the latest iPhones
Sunsetting Python 2
One-Motor Domino Laying Machine Works For Tips
RetroPie: Can Raspberry Pi 3b+ handle 4 external Bluetooth dongles?
OpenBazaar: Moderators Anyone?
Smoke point of cooking oils
Ask HN: What are your favorite books or essays written at least 100 years ago?
CDC says stop vaping as mystery lung condition spreads
Ask Slashdot: How Can You Limit the Charging Range of Your Batteries?
MeFi: Magic Eraser Juice
datasets: I'm not sure if you are aware, but you can get some pretty interesting datasets for...
Ask HN: Compiler Engineers, what would you advise new grads/students to learn?
String Lengths in Unicode
esp32: Just found the infinite boot reason with esp-idf, but seems cannot fix with arduino-esp32.
SNES Drone Aims To Rock The SPC700
New Windows 10 Update Bugs Include Orange Screenshots
MeFi: A Young Person's Guide to Unseen Worlds, mixed by Visible Cloaks
HamRadio: Hams in Bahamas
raspberry_pi: DIN mounting for the Pi • White Wolf Musings
Popcount CPU instruction
MachineLearning: [D] Machine Learning - WAYR (What Are You Reading) - Week 70
seedswap: Pawpaw seeds
gundeals: [AMMO] Geco 9mm 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket Case of 1000 rounds for $166.99 + tax....
HotPeppers: I finally had a few ripen up. First timer!
museum: Kazimir Malevich - Yellow Plane in Dissolution (1918)
Show HN: A Senior Engineer's CheckList
Chrome OS Bug Started Mistakenly Sending 'Final Update' Notifications
Ask Hackaday: At What Point Is Hand Pick And Place Too Much Work?
HotPeppers: A somewhat decent harvest. Finally! Still waiting for the super hits..
HotPeppers: Roasted 5 pepper and garlic salsa in progress
RTLSDR: My first GOES-16 fd/fc (humble brag)
OpenBazaar: 📣[NEWS] Haven 1.2.4 Update: Bring on the categories!
It Shouldn't Be This Hard to Responsibly Fly a Drone
Australia Formally Censors Christchurch Attack Videos
Ask MeFi: Watching the Tele
hydro: Help! Spots showing up on my tomato leaves? What is it? Google suggests edema... in...
hydro: Suggestions for plants, growing easily, not very large and not much is needed (like basil)
ArtisanVideos: Guy Making Engagement Ring For His Fiancé
Strange life-forms found deep in a mine point to vast 'underground Galapagos'
S0lly's Cellivization – Civ 1 Clone in Excel
25 Years of PHP [video]
Philosophy of Computer Science [pdf]
MeFi: Uncle Nearest Whiskey
HomeImprovement: Learn from my stupidity regarding dryer vents
science: Most doctors think Obamacare has helped patients get better healthcare, even as a...
Eric's Guide to Hiring Software Developers
Hackaday Links: September 8, 2019
Manjaro Linux Tries Forming A Company To Fund Full-Time Development
WikiLeaks: "U.S. Unleashes Military to Fight Fake News, Disinformation". The latest development...
seedswap: [Wanted] corn seed infected with corn smut
Ask HN: What is key to good technical documentation?
Purism Finally Starts Shipping Its Privacy-Focused 'Librem 5' Smartphone
Blacksmith: Hot hammers going through normalizing cycles. 3lb cross peen and 4lb rounding hammer.
AskElectronics: I dropped my digital piano and snapped a PCB - is it fixable?
RTLSDR: issues streaming with rtl-fm
The Riemann Hypothesis
Spring Cyberattack on US Power Grid 'Probably Just Some Script Kiddie'
ArtisanVideos: MIKE STINNETT carves his most challenging walking stick yet [19:49]
Tesla battery researcher unveils new cell that could last 1M miles
Tiny LED Cube Packs A Meter of Madness
Short Film 'The Comet' Uses Real Images From ESA's Rosetta Space Probe
askscience: Are identical twins much more-likely to have the same sexual orientation?
mycology: A sticker I saw at a boutique in my city
Wunderlist founder wants to buy his app back from Microsoft
India locates lander lost on final approach to moon
'It's Not You. Software Has Gotten Far More Expensive'
gundeals: [Acc] Magpul PMAG Gen M3 30rd 10-Pack Mags - $99
raspberry_pi: Raspberry Pi 4 cartoonification complete. Took about 2 hours, using graphics...
MSI-1436 stimulates regeneration of heart and multiple other tissues
Game developer loses multiplayer service code
Ask HN: What Have You Learned at Google as a Software Engineer?
One of America's Biggest Markets for AI-Powered Security Cameras: Schools
Tesla Battery Researcher Unveils New Cell That Could Last 1 Million Miles
DataHoarder: What started/fuelled your datahoarding obsession?
esp8266: Learn how to make your Esp8266 dimmer and switch in just one board.
Vinyl set to outsell CDs for first time since 1986
Tiler: Build Images with Images
ALEKYA Builds With Bricks And Mortar
One of America's Biggest Market for AI-Powered Security Cameras: Schools