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Map Shows How a Location Has Changed over the Past 750M Years
Amazon Employees Pledge to Walk Out as Part of Global Climate Strike
Everything You Wanted To Know About Padauk MCUs And More
Microsoft Redesigns To Do App To Make it Look More Like its Wunderlist Predecessor
MeFi: A Library for Bartenders
RetroPie: Arcade pie for my wedding
datasets: Dementia dataset
openwrt: Dummy needs help HTTP Server
How Top-Valued Microsoft Has Avoided the Big Tech Backlash
Someone Just Moved $1B in Bitcoin
science: In lab secrets, Tesla is talking about 20-year lithium ion batteries: Researchers...
Running GitHub on Rails 6.0
50 U.S. states and territories announce broad antitrust investigation of Google
9th Circuit holds that scraping a public website does not violate the CFAA [pdf]
Koch Data Mining Company Helped Inundate Voters With Anti-Immigrant Messages
YouTube Promised To Halt Comments on Kids Videos Already. It Hasn't.
HamRadio: Who makes this antenna?
openwrt: gl.inet ar300m ext issues
ArtisanVideos: Forging metal face Bagatur
OpenBazaar: Scammer Mega-Thread: Information about scam moderators or vendors
Dead Sea scrolls study raises new questions over texts' origins
ProjectPSX – A C# coded emulator of the original Playstation
GCC eBPF for Linux port has landed
Project Naptha: Make Text in Browser Images Selectable
Solder Ninja Dabbles In USB Power Arcana
Juul Violated Federal Rules by Marketing Vaping Products as Safer Than Cigarettes, FDA Says
Nearly Every State Is Launching An Antitrust Investigation Of Google
94,504 BTC (1,018,147,922 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to unknown wallet
Trump Was Foolish to Invite the Taliban to Camp David but the War in Afghanistan Must End
Lego House: Right Next to Denmark’s Legoland, But Way Cooler
Secret Service Investigates Breach at U.S. Govt IT Contractor
If You Asked Equifax For $125, You Need To Update Your Request
Ask MeFi: best chicken leg/thigh recipes
gundeals: [CODES] Never ending list of Brownells codes. $10 off $100, $15 off $150, $40 off...
HotPeppers: The struggle is real
RetroPie: How is it possible that SNES is slow on my ubuntu 19.04 Ryzen 5 2400g box?
signalidentification: hi again, what might be this signal? Any idea? Location (TurkeY)
Why you should be a climate activist | Luisa Neubauer
Japanese Settlement Found in Forests of British Columbia
Systems Thinking in Practice (2016)
Machine Learning with Microcontrollers Hack Chat
How’s That 2.5D Printer Working For You?
Unreachable State
The Feature-rich Vivaldi Browser Arrives on Android
Dozens of Google Employees Say They Were Retaliated Against For Reporting Harassment
AskElectronics: I have a 400V 5700µF capacitor.
HotPeppers: My pepper guardian almost asleep on the Job
RTLSDR: L-Band QFH, just arrived in my mailbox :)
Cheese Grater Now Grates Cheese
On Apple's Response To Google's Project Zero
TOR: What else do you use Tor for?
museum: Sandro Botticelli - Idealized Portrait of a Lady (1480)
esp32: first trial on stand and sit
How we can turn racism into a solvable problem -- and improve policing | Phillip Atiba Goff
DMVs in the U.S. are selling drivers’ information to private investigators
Apple Stacked the App Store with Its Own Products
Can You Really Use the Raspberry Pi 4 as a Desktop Machine?
The Fake Town Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Blacksmith: Weaver's pods
openwrt: Wndr3700 V4 : from ar71xx to ath79
Questions to ask a company during a job interview
Firefly III – Self-hosted financial manager
How Apple Stacked the App Store With Its Own Products
openwrt: Newbie here trying to set up OpenWRT with Cake. I'm clueless.
hydro: I want to move this chilli to a hydro setup. Would removing all the fruits result in...
gundeals: [Optics] Magpul Gen 2 Front and Rear Back-up Sight Set $49.99 after code "MBUSSET"
science: Artificial leaf produces first drugs using sunlight, reports a new study, successfully...
EngineeringPorn: Mmmm... Tiny tolerances.
EngineeringPorn: Chopper engine from our upcoming game. What do you think?
DataHoarder: Over 200GB of finnish Donald Duck Comics
science: A newly synthesized chemical could pave the way for the manufacture of calcium-based...
Gombe Chimpanzee War
Google Feedback on TypeScript 3.5
WikiLeaks: Pamela Anderson defends Assange, challenges McCain’s daughter on US TV: Anderson’s...
Blacksmith: Got these hammers finished up today!
AskElectronics: P-Channel MOSFET polarity protection measurements
DataHoarder: Download whole folders from
Clarifying ProtonMail and Huawei
Plasma-Powered Thrusters For Your Homebrew Satellite Needs
MachineLearning: [D] When the A.I. Professor Leaves, Students Suffer, Study Says
Artificial intelligence is changing every aspect of war
Eyewitnesses describe brutal beatings by HK police
The Cult of Kubernetes
Biohackers Use a Raspberry Pi to Implant a Networked Hard Drive
HotPeppers: My biggest one day harvest. Exactly 300 peppers!
esp8266: Using NodeMCU / D1 mini as USB-to-Serial converter!
AskElectronics: With 2020 around the corner, what area of technology are you surprised hasn't...
openwrt: Upgrading linksys EA3500 18.6.2 to 18.6.4
How a deadly fall revealed CIA secrets
Why Americans pay more for lunch than Britons do
Why Haskell Is Important
Vandalize Your Car
Apple and Foxconn broke a Chinese labor law to build the latest iPhones
Sunsetting Python 2
One-Motor Domino Laying Machine Works For Tips
RetroPie: Can Raspberry Pi 3b+ handle 4 external Bluetooth dongles?