seedswap: [Aus only] crosspost:Swaps now we're getting into spring?
Core Rope Memory Makes One Of The Oddest LED Flashers We’ve Ever Seen
museum: Peder Monsted - A Wooded Winter Landscape with Deer (1912)
openwrt: Hosts file appended after every reboot
RetroPie: .sav files?
esp32: Rust on the ESP32
Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D on Volumetric Bone Density and Bone Strength
Show HN: Enter your URL and view CVEs affecting your stack over last 6 months
New games for the Atari Lynx
Unencrypted patient medical information is being broadcast across Vancouver
American Phrase Book
MachineLearning: [D] Scanning books
esp32: DIY breakout board for ESP module
RetroPie: 3.5mm jack to gameboy speaker and or ~3" micro HDMI to HDMI?
Artificial leaf produces first drugs using sunlight
Waltz: A Distributed Write-Ahead Log
Jack Ma retires as Alibaba’s chairman
New Models Suggest Titan Lakes Are Explosion Craters
Blacksmith: My first knife
MeFi: The anti-liberal moment
science: Researchers have found that one or two naps a week can reduce your chance of having...
MachineLearning: [R] No Press Diplomacy: Modeling Multi-Agent Gameplay
EngineeringPorn: Cyberpunk version 0.01 alpha
‘We May Have to Shoot Down This Aircraft’
This CT Scan Of A PCB Is The Accidental ASMR We Didn’t Know We Needed
WikiLeaks: Exclusive: Edward Snowden's full interview with France24
museum: Kazimir Malevich - Lady at a Poster Column (1914)
RetroPie: RetroTINK Custom Base Image for Pi3B/B+
esp8266: Made an ESP 8266 breakout board..
Most Americans see catastrophic weather events worsening
Artificial Leaf Produces First Drugs Using Sunlight
Blacksmith: 2 of my favorites from this last small batch I did. 4lb rounder and 3lb hex rounder.
esp8266: What is this called?
AskElectronics: Should I have decoupling capacitors for my 555 audio circuit?
HotPeppers: Today's haul
signalidentification: Found this at 937 MHz, searched for ages online to figure out what it...
Ask HN: What things do you wish you discovered earlier?
Why Positive Cashflow Matters
New Prosthetic Legs Let Amputees Feel Their Foot and Knee In Real-Time
AskElectronics: Integrating Google Voice kit into a Army C-845/U Radio
AskElectronics: Should I purchase calibration option for my oscilloscope
DataHoarder: 9th Circuit holds that scraping a public website does not violate the CFAA [pdf]
science: Low confidence in math abilities linked to worse financial, medical outcomes, even...
Google bans family cafe for offensive content for posting photo of British dish
Menstruation Apps Are Sharing Your Data
BST-863 Hot Air Rework Station Teardown
Thousands of Servers Infected With New Lilocked (Lilu) Ransomware
TOR: Noob question sorry. When you use TOR browser to visit a site that isn’t a (dot)onion...
gundeals: [Rifle] - Kel Tec RDB 5.56 17" Bullpup rifle OD Green | $750
hydro: A quick tour of how my outdoor DIY RDWC is coming along. 2x Purple Russian Tomato vines...
raspberry_pi: My Magic Mirror! Hand built the whole frame. Uses a RPi 3 b+ as the core and...
Gitlab: Maturity
Amazon Employees Are Walking Out Over the Company's Huge Carbon Footprint
Gas Plants Will Get Crushed By Wind, Solar By 2035, Study Says
esp8266: Can't upload to esp8266. esptool.FatalError: Timed out waiting for packet header.
Health system sues thousands of patients, seizes pay and puts liens on homes
EXCLUSIVE: On the run in Hong Kong, Edward Snowden was sheltered by a group of refugees. France...
“Todos saben que @facebook no está haciendo las cosas bien. Google no busca ser bueno. Todas...
NYC Mayor and Presidential Hopeful Bill De Blasio Wants a Tax On Robots
TOR: New Release: Tor Browser 8.5.6
esp8266: FastLED Library
Show HN: wehatecaptchas – we’ll keep the bots out without annoying your users
Web Scraping Doesn't Violate Anti-Hacking Law, Appeal Court Rules
YouTube Creators Are Turning the Site Into a Podcast Network
openwrt: OpenWRT and Hyperoptic ISP
gundeals: [ammo] 9mm 500 round ammo can Monarch brass case 115gr $84.99 (17cpr) free ship over $25.
Map Shows How a Location Has Changed over the Past 750M Years
Amazon Employees Pledge to Walk Out as Part of Global Climate Strike
Everything You Wanted To Know About Padauk MCUs And More
Microsoft Redesigns To Do App To Make it Look More Like its Wunderlist Predecessor
MeFi: A Library for Bartenders
RetroPie: Arcade pie for my wedding
datasets: Dementia dataset
openwrt: Dummy needs help HTTP Server
How Top-Valued Microsoft Has Avoided the Big Tech Backlash
Someone Just Moved $1B in Bitcoin
science: In lab secrets, Tesla is talking about 20-year lithium ion batteries: Researchers...
Running GitHub on Rails 6.0
50 U.S. states and territories announce broad antitrust investigation of Google
9th Circuit holds that scraping a public website does not violate the CFAA [pdf]
Koch Data Mining Company Helped Inundate Voters With Anti-Immigrant Messages
YouTube Promised To Halt Comments on Kids Videos Already. It Hasn't.
HamRadio: Who makes this antenna?
openwrt: gl.inet ar300m ext issues
ArtisanVideos: Forging metal face Bagatur
OpenBazaar: Scammer Mega-Thread: Information about scam moderators or vendors
Dead Sea scrolls study raises new questions over texts' origins
ProjectPSX – A C# coded emulator of the original Playstation
GCC eBPF for Linux port has landed
Project Naptha: Make Text in Browser Images Selectable
Solder Ninja Dabbles In USB Power Arcana
Juul Violated Federal Rules by Marketing Vaping Products as Safer Than Cigarettes, FDA Says
Nearly Every State Is Launching An Antitrust Investigation Of Google
94,504 BTC (1,018,147,922 USD) transferred from unknown wallet to unknown wallet
Trump Was Foolish to Invite the Taliban to Camp David but the War in Afghanistan Must End
Lego House: Right Next to Denmark’s Legoland, But Way Cooler
Secret Service Investigates Breach at U.S. Govt IT Contractor
If You Asked Equifax For $125, You Need To Update Your Request
Ask MeFi: best chicken leg/thigh recipes