ArtisanVideos: Woodturning Blue Scraps Bowl
iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max
Apple Launches iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max
Uber Lays Off 435 People Across Engineering and Product Teams
HotPeppers: Homemade pineapple/mango and Yellow Carolina Reaper hot sauce!
EngineeringPorn: In the 20’s, Fiat had a test track on top of their production warehouse.
Americans' fear of losing their jobs grows
Apple Watch Series 5
Bring Back the SE
Uber lays off 435 people across engineering and product teams
Meet the 20 Finalists in the 2019 Hackaday Prize
Storm Area 51 Festival Canceled Because It Was a 'Possible Humanitarian Disaster'
AskElectronics: EMI shield slot geometry
darknetplan: A couple of noob questions about meshnet/Darknet
AskElectronics: Broken Power Supply Help
The Riemann Hypothesis (Part 2)
Frustrations with React Hooks
Show HN: Search Engine on the Top of Twitter to Find Jobs
Sex lives of app users 'shared with Facebook'
Show HN: Browse Reddit in 3D
Why Ada Is The Language You Want To Be Programming Your Systems With
51 Tech CEOs Send Open Letter To Congress Asking For a Federal Data Privacy Law
Apple Prices TV+ Video Service at $4.99 a Month, Hitting Netflix and Disney
HotPeppers: My first ever jalapeno pepper (Pakistan)
MachineLearning: [P] SpeechBrain: A PyTorch-based Speech Toolkit.
AskElectronics: Soft Latching Switches: Why use an MCU?
It's later than you think
We Need To Prepare for the Future of War, NSA Official Says
Trump Says He Fired National Security Advisor John Bolton -- But Bolton Says He 'Offered To Resign'
gundeals: [Ammo] Fiocchi 45 ACP 230gr - 50rds - $12.99 - .26/rd
Universal Resume Template
Margrethe Vestager stays on as EU competition head in blow for tech giants
I Lost My $50k Twitter Username
California Labor Bill, Near Passage, Is Blow to Uber and Lyft
Firefox’s Test Pilot Program Returns
WeWork Bonds Drop Below Par for First Time Since IPO Filing
The Amazon Is Not the Earth’s Lungs
Stripe Corporate Card
Because Conventional Laser Harps Aren’t Dangerous Enough
Mozilla Launches VPN as Part of Resurrected Firefox Test Pilot Program
museum: Ferdinand Hodler - The Shoemaker (1878)
ArtisanVideos: Mesmerizing video of a cobbler re-soling a shoe. Makes me want to buy something...
datasets: Web scraping doesn’t violate anti-hacking law, appeals court rules
RetroPie: More new pixel art for obscure consoles - VTech V.Smile
museum: Kazimir Malevich - Suprematist Painting (with Black Trapezium and Red Square) (1915)
EngineeringPorn: Technology has advanced so much
RTLSDR: My best ever Meteor capture! 100% noise free and you can see both Greenland and Northern...
science: Majority of Americans, including gun and non-gun owners, across political parties,...
A "living drug" that could change the way we treat cancer | Carl June
NSA Official: We Need to Prepare for the Future of War
Norovirus Smartphone: Using Megapixels and Microfluidics to Fight the Other Kind of Virus Infection
EU Reappoints Top Antitrust Cop Who Led Crackdown on Tech Giants
Loophole That Lets People Share Your Private Instagram Pics and Stories Isn't a 'Hack' -- but...
esp8266: Building a Bed Occupancy sensor for Home Assistant (yet more load cell guides!)
gundeals: [Optics] Steiner DBAL-A3 $999 shipped
datasets: Mold Dataset
Troubles Mount for the We Company as Softbank Reportedly Calls for Shelving IPO
gundeals: [Optic] Why so cheap? Sig Sauer ROMEO5 1x20mm 2 MOA Red Dot $99.99
Blacksmith: I took a blacksmithing class and I'm hooked!
TOR: Answering FAQs about running a Tor relay/bridge, plus lots of links to Tor Project's relay...
hydro: So much for waiting another week to sort them out. Its been only three days between...
RTLSDR: Why is there a blank FM station?
OpenBazaar: Is anyone running OpenBazaar smoothly on Mac OSX?
How Steep Is That Sidewalk? A Digital Map for People with Disabilities
The Future of Mathematics? [pdf]
GPT-2 is not as dangerous as OpenAI thought it might be
Elasticsearch is a great example of a modern monolithic application
Creating Hyper-Accurate Maps from Open-Source Maps and Real-Time Data
Scientists Discover New Evidence of the Asteroid That Killed Off the Dinosaurs
MachineLearning: [P] Twitter bot using a GPT2 model trained on Trump's tweets
ArtisanVideos: Extensive Florsheim Shoe Restoration 58:23
Ballerina, a langauge with structural type system
Il faut exfiltrer les « réfugiés Snowden. » Coverage of the new documentary on the Snowden...
On Cybersecurity Insurance
Detecting Cars with an ESP8266 Magnetometer
Show HN: Cyberpunk web design made easy, really easy
MeFi: Ctrl Alt Delete: a workplace comedy set in an abortion clinic
MachineLearning: [D] Is transfer learning still worth entering into as a researcher?
openwrt: wireguard interface on separate Wifi SSID
openwrt: Restart service after reconnecting to the internet?
Jon Ossoff is Back: “I’m Still Standing and I’m Ready to Fight”
US Charges Chinese Professor With Fraud For Allegedly Taking Tech From a California Company...
seedswap: [Aus only] crosspost:Swaps now we're getting into spring?
Core Rope Memory Makes One Of The Oddest LED Flashers We’ve Ever Seen
museum: Peder Monsted - A Wooded Winter Landscape with Deer (1912)
openwrt: Hosts file appended after every reboot
RetroPie: .sav files?
esp32: Rust on the ESP32
Effect of High-Dose Vitamin D on Volumetric Bone Density and Bone Strength
Show HN: Enter your URL and view CVEs affecting your stack over last 6 months
New games for the Atari Lynx
Unencrypted patient medical information is being broadcast across Vancouver
American Phrase Book
MachineLearning: [D] Scanning books
esp32: DIY breakout board for ESP module
RetroPie: 3.5mm jack to gameboy speaker and or ~3" micro HDMI to HDMI?
Artificial leaf produces first drugs using sunlight
Waltz: A Distributed Write-Ahead Log
Jack Ma retires as Alibaba’s chairman
New Models Suggest Titan Lakes Are Explosion Craters