TOR: What’s better? Using Whonix on a VM or Tails from a USB?
MachineLearning: [R] Using Fractal Neural Networks to Play SimCity 1 and Conway’s Game of...
hydro: Healthy Sweet #Peppers growing in #Aeroponic System at Pakistan #Hydroponics Climate...
museum: Kawase Hasui - Snow at Ueno, Toshogu Shrine (1929)
Smoothieboard Gets An Ambitious Update For V2
datasets: Christian Church Spending
Our Open-Plan Office Failed, So We’re Moving to a Towering Panopticon (2017)
esp32: ESP32 Cam with dual display?
esp8266: I have designed a new PCB to be utilized for BrewManiacEX and BrewPiLess - Input needed!
AskElectronics: Why does electricity confound me so much? - Can anyone offer some insight into PoE?
science: Results from a large (n=48188), 18-year follow-up from the prospective EPIC-Oxford...
Candidates for Mozilla's IRC Successor
Astronomers Have Spotted An Interstellar Comet Flying Toward Earth
askscience: Ask Anything Wednesday - Economics, Political Science, Linguistics, Anthropology
10-Way Game Console Lets Everyone Play
AskElectronics: Is it possible to use transistor curve trace data with a Spice program?
A high-speed network driver written in C, Rust, Go, C#, Java
McDonald's is to replace human servers with voice gen in its US drive-throughs
EngineeringPorn: Fully functional 4 speed + reverse transmission!
Dissatisfied with Docker
No Bones About It: People Recognize Objects By Visualizing Their 'Skeletons'
esp8266: PLC to microcontroller encoder pulse matching
esp8266: ESP8266 (ESP-01) firmware
esp8266: Motion controlled LED strip, please check.
The Soul of Erlang and Elixir [video]
Custom Lego Server Case Looks As Though It Came Straight From A Data Center
Most Android Flashlight Apps Request An Absurd Number of Permissions
RTLSDR: What is this cricket? I am using a inexpensive rtl-sdr and scrolling around discovered...
The speed reading fallacy: the case for slow reading
California Approves Statewide Rent Control
Two Mathematicians Solve Old Math Riddle, Possibly the Meaning of Life
MeFi: This routine gyno procedure could mean you never orgasm again
MachineLearning: [R] CTRL: A Conditional Transformer Language Mode for Controllable Generation...
raspberry_pi: Getting close on the 1947 Restomod Fruitbox Jukebox. Just awaiting the new receiver...
DataHoarder: maybe of interest? forgive “secretly”
Another Interstellar Object Detected in the Solar System
Why is Rust slightly slower than C?
It's Not 'X', It's 'Cross' -- the PlayStation Joypad Revelation That's Caused an Outrage
Taylor Swift Reportedly Threatened To Sue Microsoft Over Racist Twitter Bot
mycology: taste the rainbow
ArtisanVideos: Traditional glass pane blowing using the cylinder method [3:26]
Rideable Tank Tread: It’s a Monotrack Motorcycle That Begs You To Stop Very Slowly
Trump Calls On FDA To Ban All Flavored Vapes After Mystery Lung Illness
Objects Can Now Change Colors Like a Chameleon
MetaTalk: MetaAnniversary: FizzRecordings? nightFizz?
WikiLeaks: 'The state Assange is in, it's a wonder, don't know how I would cope,' Vivienne...
Blacksmith: Handmade karambit knife on hand engraved design
HotPeppers: Photos of the sugar rush striped. I'd love to acquire these seeds!
Update on AB5
Open-Source Database Scylla Gains DynamoDB Compatibility
Ask MeFi: Cheer up, Buttercup!
TOR: New tor browser app allows javascript by default
museum: Francisco de Zurbaran (1598-1664), Saint Francis of Assisi
RetroPie: TheGamesDB no longer returning results
What is the new Apple U1 chip?
Australian House Committee To Look Into Age Verification For Porn
Apple's iPhone 11 Pro Is Triggering 'Fear of Holes' Or Trypophobia In Some
MeFi: dominicana de nacimiento, miembro de su sindicato
science: Water found in a habitable super-Earth's atmosphere for the first time. Thanks to...
HotPeppers: Hot harvest! All Reapers, 200ish!
Mayo Clinic to partner with Google
Technical Breakdown of a new NES game written in Lisp
Water found on a potentially life-friendly alien planet
Netanyahu Hints Trump Peace Plan Will Allow Israel to Annex Key West Bank Territory
Handheld LoRa Joystick For Long-Range Bots
After Payroll Provider Collapses, Banks Drain Employee Accounts
gundeals: [Rifle] Colt M4 Carbine w/ Magpul MOE Furniture - $899 (in b4 effective today Colt...
Malaria breakthrough as scientists find ‘highly effective’ way to kill parasite
Compensation in 2019 – new grad tech offers
Joe Biden Is Demanding Financial Transparency While Concealing His Own Wealth
A Famous Argument Against Free Will Has Been Debunked
Expert Predicts 25% of Colleges Will 'Fail' in the Next 20 Years
esp32: How to connect esp32 and HID BLE Device
museum: Pietro Longhi - Clara the Rhinoceros (1751)
OpenBazaar: EOS powered gaming blockchain DAO.Casino rebrands to DAObet
esp32: Using SD Cards with ESP8266 Boards + Using a Micro SD Adapter as a free reader module
Smart Buoy Rides the Citizen Science Wave
Foucault Pendulum
GameStop Closing 200 Stores Following Another Quarter of Dismal Sales
Court Rules That 'Scraping' Public Website Data Isn't Hacking
science: New evidence shows why it's so important to vaccinate boys for HPV, and comes with...
datasets: Coding Tricks : Using Multi-Editing in Notepad++ to do your tasks faster
AskElectronics: Capacitor derating at DC bias - What's up with Samsung?
Are black holes made of dark energy?
People Recognize Objects by Visualizing Their “Skeletons”
Harvesting LinkedIn data for fun and profit
Physicists Finally Nail the Proton’s Size, and Hope Dies
Books You Should Read: Exact Constraint: Machine Design Using Kinematic Principles
Google Chrome Now Lets You Send Webpages To Other Devices
raspberry_pi: Volumio broken radio fix
OpenBazaar: How do I use Duo Search?
Socrates Was Against Writing (2011)
The CIA's Secret Quest For Mind Control
The FBI Was Deeply Involved in CIA Black Site Interrogations Despite Years of Denials, Guantánamo...
California Bill Makes App-Based Companies Treat Workers as Employees
SpaceX Confirms It's Almost Ready To Test Its Orbital Starship
AskElectronics: How to fix analog multimeter
signalidentification: unknown signal, any one can identify?
Study shows it is impossible for an individual to day trade stocks for a living
Kom kom! Missa inte nästa veckas världssläpp av @Snowden nya bok. Jag modererar och ser...