RetroPie: Renegade Labs September Sale
Anduril, a startup from Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, now valued at $1B
Efficient string copying and concatenation in C
New use of insulin compound could treat aggressive brain cancer: study
Building a license plate reader from scratch with deep learning
Google One Now Backs Up Texts, 'Original Quality' Photos, and Videos on Android
Google Maps Shows Sunken Car Where Missing Man's Body Was Found
datasets: Datasets for Top 10 Visualizations Every Data Scientist Should Know
Israel Accused of Planting Mysterious Spy Devices Near the White House
mycology: Today's work in progress...
esp32: How to write to esp-idf bluetooth classic spp from another task?
ArtisanVideos: 1890's Blacksmith Forge Repair and Restoration
Community-powered criminal justice reform | Raj Jayadev
The Rise of the Electric Scooter
Google Maps shows sunken car where missing man’s body was found
Particle Mesh Powers The Internet Of Fans
A $30 Device Turns the Cold of Outer Space Into Renewable Energy
Arch Linux-based Manjaro 18.1.0 'Juhraya' Now Available With GNOME, KDE, or Xfce
datasets: Looking for a dataset on job applications/searches (or other employment outcomes)...
California bans private prisons
Just got our copy of Edward @Snowden's book/memoir, Permanent Record! So much has been said...
Muito animado! Acabei de receber o livro de memórias do meu amigo Edward @Snowden. Esta cópia...
Wir gratulieren Eman al-Nadschan - Gewinnerin des Prize for Courage. Die Bloggerin verteidigt...
Herzlichen Glückwunsch Caroline Muscat - Prize for Independence-Gewinnerin. @muscatcar begründete...
Der Prize for Impact geht an #PhamDoanTrang aus #Vietnam. Die #Aktivistin verfasste mehrere...
Climate Change is Real and Things Will Get Worse -- But Because We Understand the Driver of...
MeFi: "What's country?" and "Who's country?"
MeFi: Tori Amos B-Sides
Blacksmith: Incoming!
gundeals: [optics] Romeo 5 Juliet 3x combo - $300 before shipping
gundeals: [Acc] Magpul Bipod Picatinny Rail $85 free shipping
Another Interstellar ‘Visitor’ Is Headed Our Way
WebGPU and WSL in Safari
Spotify Wants To Know Where You Live and Will Be Checking In
Loot Boxes in Games Are Gambling and Should Be Banned For Kids, Say UK MPs
MachineLearning: [Discussion] Google Patents "Generating output sequences from input sequences...
datasets: [dataset] Database of all ATP Grand Slam Men's Single Tournaments, Players and Matches
gundeals: [Parts] Buy a Magpul AK MOE Handguard in Gray or OD at $15.95 and receive a free...
AskElectronics: First time design of a PCB heater
RTLSDR: Re-create 90s-era TV scrambling
DataHoarder: MangaRock
AntennaDesign: Cheap Quadcopter Remote
Two Browsers Walked into a Scrollbar
Dark Mode for Slack
A 4G Rover And The Benefits Of A Shakedown Mission
PC Shipments On The Decline
MeFi: Songs of Pain
openwrt: Samba Performance on WDR4300
It’s not just p=0.048 vs. p=0.052
Natural Language in Python Using SpaCy: An Introduction
Rich Hickey on Datomic (2012) [video]
What happens to tech workers when their skills become obsolete?
The iPhone and Apple's Services Strategy
Two California hikers found a family's message in a bottle and helped save them
A lighter V8
145 Executives Demand Senate Action on Gun Violence
New Simjacker Attack Exploited In the Wild To Track Users For At Least Two Years
hydro: The Epstein-funded MIT lab has an ambitious project that purports to revolutionize ...
AskElectronics: One connection or logic gate, not called "or" or "or-1"
raspberry_pi: I am making a led matrix with raspberry pi windows iot using c# and uwp.
esp32: Generating 2 PWM signals that are 180 degress out of phase
Parasite SEO
Attempto Controlled English
Summer heat killed nearly 1,500 in France, officials say
Israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House
'bic': A C interpreter and API explorer
With Trump in Office, Newspapers Increasingly Quoted Anti-Immigrant Groups Without Explaining...
Modified Tombstone Welder Contains a Host of Hacks
Government Orders Google: Let Employees Speak Out
WikiLeaks: Pamela Anderson Defends Julian Assange On The View
Blacksmith: Time for some actual Damascus
TOR: Are there any other web browsers or ways to access the deep web other than Tor?
EngineeringPorn: If only it could fly
OpenBazaar: OpenBazaar monthly developer call, 11am EDT (one hour from posting)
science: 7 positive childhood experiences (PCEs) linked to better adult mental health, finds...
What reading slowly taught me about writing | Jacqueline Woodson
Ask HN: R U OK?
Watching the Watchers: The State of Space Surveillance
Drivers? Never Heard of Them, Says Uber
Amazon Will Let Anyone Answer Your Alexa Questions Now
science: Doctors have successfully treated an infant with a rare childhood leukemia using a...
museum: Edmund Leighton - Off (1899)
RetroPie: Multiple Xbox One Controllers
HotPeppers: Never expected my ghost peppers would get so big!
The beauty of functional languages in deep learning – Clojure and Haskell
RetroPie: What is the correct way to format an external usb to ext4 and use it for roms ?
AskElectronics: 1:1 Isolated DC Converter with a Range?
AskElectronics: Best way to regulate 5v from USB power
HotPeppers: Some idiot tried to destroy my pepper plant. Moved it inside. Photos a few days...
esp8266: Today I discovered that ESP's are not tolerant to 45 Volts. ;)
McDonald's Is To Replace Human Workers With Voice-Based Tech In US Drive-Throughs
MeFi: Tie a Yellowhammer Round the Old UK
datasets: Help to find dataset - Images that fit together best
openwrt: RAVPower FileHub RP-WD03
gundeals: [Handgun] Used Hi Point CF380 for .9 Hi Points - $89.99
RetroPie: Best site for GameShark/Action Replay/etc. codes?
RTLSDR: Help with wiring up an LNA
Ban children from gambling in games, MPs say
Fabricated Voice Used in Financial Fraud
AskElectronics: Product Display TV input help