DevOps didn’t exist when I started as a developer
U.S. to leave global postal union next month barring last-minute action
Facebook removed a fact-check on anti-abortion video after Ted Cruz complained
So I get stopped in the hallway as I’m carrying this old computer that I need to copy the...
Je vous comprends très bien, mon ami. Séjour libre.
A very smart, incisive, fair and ultimately quite glowing review in the @nytimes of Edward...
DJ Xiaomi Spins Beats And Brushes At The Same Time
MoviePass Will Shut Down For Good on September 14
Whole Foods To Cut Health-Care Benefits For 1,900 Part-Time Employees Starting Next Year
Discord is Axing its Nitro Games Catalog Since Almost Nobody Plays Them
mycology: Found some dragons eggs today
The Myth of the Wealthy Welder
Carcinogens Have Infiltrated the Generic Drug Supply in the U.S.
If you have something important to say, don't say it in a paywalled publication
Greta Thunberg has done her science homework
Whistleblower Edward Snowden: "Sollte ich jemals aus dem Fenster fallen, dann seien Sie sicher:...
If you could change the world, would you? Six years later, I talk to @EwenMacAskill and the...
"I was very much a person the most powerful government in the world wanted to go away." Edward...
NSA/@CIA-whistleblower Edward @snowden wrote a thrilling autobiography ("Permanent Record"...
Edward @Snowden will join us to discuss his new book, “Permanent Record," which will be released...
Congress Is Investigating Apple's Repair Monopoly
hydro: What can you add in Nutrient Solution to kill fungus gnats?
gundeals: [Magazine] Gen 2 PMAGS $8.58 + $5 flat rate shipping - $176.59 for 20 (cheaper than...
ArtisanVideos: Making unique Nevermore axe from a common wood axe [8:15]
The grandmaster diet: How to lose weight while barely moving
Joe Biden’s Stunningly Racist Answer on the Legacy of Slavery Has Been Overlooked
A Masterpiece, But Our Maestro Is A CNC Machine
Earth-Like Exoplanet
MeFi: To kill with the point lacked artistry.
HomeImprovement: Update: found toile curtains in my shed, but they’re crawling with bugs!
askscience: Is it possible to get eye damage, or even a sunburn, from the moon's light?
mycology: Snapped this picture on my foray yesterday. Just wanted to share!
Billiards Is a Good Game
Hands-On: BornHack’s Light Sabre Badge
Google To Pay $1 Billion in France To Settle Fiscal Fraud Probe
Blacksmith: A reproduction Seneca treaty pipe hawk I finished recently. Mild tubing with 1080...
museum: Ito Jakuchu - Lotus Pond and Fish (1765)
RetroPie: Have the "fixed" Pi 4s started shipping yet?
WeWork considers IPO valuation of as low as $10B
When Biology Becomes Software
Donald Trump Just Admitted That It Makes Sense for America’s Enemies to Get Nuclear Weapons
An Asylum Officer Speaks Out Against the Trump Administration’s “Supervillain” Attacks...
Hackaday Podcast 035: LED Cubes Taking Over, Ada Vanquishes C Bugs, Rad Monitoring is Hot,...
Twitter's Stenciled San Francisco Street Tweets Illegal Graffiti, City Says
T-Mobile Has a Secret Setting To Protect Your Account From Hackers That it Refuses To Talk About
MeFi: Heroes and monsters: school shootings and Ancient Greek stories
Ask MeFi: Vegetarian Mains
TOR: Tor’s Bug Smash Fund: $86K Raised!
hydro: [Music] Toadies - I come from the water
ArtisanVideos: Framing Floors and Stairs with Larry Haun
esp32: esp32 not running code
The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward | Nick Hanauer
Positional Scarcity
Elevating original reporting in Search
Der Whistleblower Edward @snowden hat seine Autobiographie geschrieben ("Permanent Record"...
Greta Thunberg on the Climate Fight: “If We Can Save the Banks, Then We Can Save the World”
Is It A Boat? Is It A Hammock? No, It’s Both!
Los Angeles OKs a Deal For Record-Cheap Solar Power and Battery Storage
EngineeringPorn: A Caterpillar tractor being tested in Stockton, California, 1906
gundeals: [Acc] CAA Glock MCK - Micro Conversion Kit Black or Tan ~$170 Free 2 day with code...
Simple SFTP Hosting
Hundreds of dogs in Norway hit by sudden mystery illness, killing dozens
"ll vero valore di una persona non si misura dai valori in cui sostiene di credere, ma da che...
I interviewed @Snowden for the Italian release of his book #PermanentRecord, in which he...
This Week in Security: Simjacker, Microsoft Updates, Apple Vs Google, Audio DeepFakes, and NetCAT
Mozilla Launches Paid Premium Support for Enterprise Customers
Toyota Is Trying To Figure Out How To Make a Car Run Forever
Blacksmith: Hand sanding forged blade.
HotPeppers: Mash got a tad too ROWDY...I heard a loud pop at about 3am...just figured out what...
gundeals: [Parts] SpiceTac | Raptor-LT Charging Handles (Black, FDE, Grey) $52.95 In Stock...
science: It’s not just bees that are being harmed by the pesticides called neonicotinoids,...
Algorithm No One Knows About (2016)
Google to pay $1B in France to settle fiscal fraud probe
The first review of my new book, which you can order now: "riveting" and reads like a literary...
Can't wait to read @Snowden's book: "The second half of “Permanent Record” reads like a...
Smart Watches and Cheating on Tests
RetroPie: Questions on scrapers (for GPi but can apply to other Pi)
Blacksmith: Finished up my second Knife!
datasets: Rstats code to visualise topic/time for last night's US democrats debate.
HotPeppers: A baby habanero pokes its head out for the first time
Templates for Cutting Gears from Wood
Don't build growth teams
EPA Rolls Back Obama-Era Regulations On Clean Water
MeFi: Rice cakes from the moon
raspberry_pi: I'm back with an update report. It's working!
DataHoarder: Which one of you was it?
"Revealing state secrets is hard, but revealing yourself in a memoir might be harder." NYT...
I just got a copy of @Snowden's memoir! Heading to a coffee shop to start reading his story,...
#ALaUne Edward Snowden : les mémoires d'un lanceur d'alerte mondial // Plus de 500 personnalités...
Mémoires d’Edward Snowden : dans le sillage du 11-Septembre, un recul durable du contrôle...
En un adelanto de sus memorias a El PAÍS, el exanalista de la NSA @Snowden reflexiona sobre...
Nous publions les bonnes feuilles de l’autobiographie d’Edward @Snowden, en librairie jeudi....
Side-Channel Attack Shows Vulnerabilities of Cryptocurrency Wallets
WikiLeaks: Pamela Anderson defends Julian Assange: “Journalism is not a crime!”: Actress...
MachineLearning: [D] Do people use meta learning in production?
AskElectronics: Is solder splatter a normal part of soldering?
The ancient world teemed with birds
Color Emulation
"Errore di sistema" (@LibriLonganesi) non è non il diario di un esiliato, ma la lucida analisi...
À cette occasion, je dresse le portrait de @Snowden, ce geek brillant dont le patriotisme...