This Week in Security: Simjacker, Microsoft Updates, Apple Vs Google, Audio DeepFakes, and NetCAT
Mozilla Launches Paid Premium Support for Enterprise Customers
Toyota Is Trying To Figure Out How To Make a Car Run Forever
Blacksmith: Hand sanding forged blade.
HotPeppers: Mash got a tad too ROWDY...I heard a loud pop at about 3am...just figured out what...
gundeals: [Parts] SpiceTac | Raptor-LT Charging Handles (Black, FDE, Grey) $52.95 In Stock...
science: It’s not just bees that are being harmed by the pesticides called neonicotinoids,...
Algorithm No One Knows About (2016)
Google to pay $1B in France to settle fiscal fraud probe
The first review of my new book, which you can order now: "riveting" and reads like a literary...
Can't wait to read @Snowden's book: "The second half of “Permanent Record” reads like a...
Smart Watches and Cheating on Tests
RetroPie: Questions on scrapers (for GPi but can apply to other Pi)
Blacksmith: Finished up my second Knife!
datasets: Rstats code to visualise topic/time for last night's US democrats debate.
HotPeppers: A baby habanero pokes its head out for the first time
Templates for Cutting Gears from Wood
Don't build growth teams
EPA Rolls Back Obama-Era Regulations On Clean Water
MeFi: Rice cakes from the moon
raspberry_pi: I'm back with an update report. It's working!
DataHoarder: Which one of you was it?
"Revealing state secrets is hard, but revealing yourself in a memoir might be harder." NYT...
I just got a copy of @Snowden's memoir! Heading to a coffee shop to start reading his story,...
#ALaUne Edward Snowden : les mémoires d'un lanceur d'alerte mondial // Plus de 500 personnalités...
Mémoires d’Edward Snowden : dans le sillage du 11-Septembre, un recul durable du contrôle...
En un adelanto de sus memorias a El PAÍS, el exanalista de la NSA @Snowden reflexiona sobre...
Nous publions les bonnes feuilles de l’autobiographie d’Edward @Snowden, en librairie jeudi....
Side-Channel Attack Shows Vulnerabilities of Cryptocurrency Wallets
WikiLeaks: Pamela Anderson defends Julian Assange: “Journalism is not a crime!”: Actress...
MachineLearning: [D] Do people use meta learning in production?
AskElectronics: Is solder splatter a normal part of soldering?
The ancient world teemed with birds
Color Emulation
"Errore di sistema" (@LibriLonganesi) non è non il diario di un esiliato, ma la lucida analisi...
À cette occasion, je dresse le portrait de @Snowden, ce geek brillant dont le patriotisme...
Democratic Debate: Is Joe Biden OK?
mycology: Hit the jackpot with this lion’s mane! So delicious! PNW
Cloudflare S-1/Amendment
Oiseaux tués, insectes en surchauffe…, démêler le vrai du faux sur les animaux et la 5G
AskElectronics: What is the easiest reliable way to modify an AC welder to produce square waves?
Steel Battalion Controller Grows up and Gets a Job
SpaceX Says It Will Deploy Satellite Broadband Across US Faster Than Expected
TOR: VPN+Tor (on Windows) versus Tails?
esp8266: Yesterdays robot. Unfortunately, bananas are out of season, so I used the camera for...
ArtisanVideos: As an amateur artist myself, it was amazing to see how much could be done within...
AskElectronics: Is the resistor exterior just a plastic cover, or is it the resistor itself?
HamRadio: Need some Mobilelinkd TNC3 help
AskElectronics: Linear Power Supply - what should I be sure to consider?
The exponential function is a miracle
ChocoPy: A Programming Language for Compilers Courses
openwrt: Which Wifi configuration for a gopro?
French city of Dunkirk tests out free transport
Toyota is trying to put solar panels on a Prius to charge battery during the day
Wall-Mounted Ground Station Tames Unruly SatNOGS Node
Andrew Yang Announces Universal Basic Income Pilot Program At Debate
RetroPie: Retropie is not booting anymore
museum: Giorgio de Chirico - Ariadne (1913)
esp32: Confused about power
The SR-71's predecessor used cesium-laced fuel to create radar-absorbing exhaust
HotPeppers: The colors of this plant when it ripens.😍
museum: Odilon Redon - Chimera (Fantastic Monster) (1883)
RetroPie: Possible to apply coin acceptor for other emulators?
RetroPie: help to add commodore64 and games to my retropi !
RTLSDR: This guy is building a meme satellite!
End Software Patents
Creepy Republican Ad During Democratic Debate Attacks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
CRISPR Gene-Editing May Offer Path To Cure For HIV, First Published Report Shows
museum: Kazimir Malevich - Suprematist Composition (with Yellow, Orange and Green Rectangle) (1916)
esp8266: Anyone got this thing working? (2.13in e-ink display)
China Experiments with a New Kind of Megalopolis
TypeScript 3.7: The Biggest Features and How to Use Them
Frequency Counting a Different Way
New Device Harvests Energy In Darkness
gundeals: [Handgun] Walther Arms PPQ M2 Q5 MATCH SF 9mm 15 round Steel Frame Pistol w/ 3 mags...
TOR: Is Torbox compatible with a RPi 2 model B?
gundeals: [Handgun] CZ 97B .45acp $659.00 Shipped!
Huawei Starts Selling Laptops With Linux Preinstalled
MeFi: Electric Zine Maker
EngineeringPorn: The stability of an artillery gun on a ship
A Million Digits of Pi in 9 Lines of JavaScript
Building a Better Go Linker
AT&T To Lose 1.1 Million TV Subscribers As DirecTV Continues Nosedive
GNOME 3.34 Released
science: When false claims are repeated, we start to believe they are true, suggests a new...
science: Physicists have 'heard' the ringing of an infant black hole for the first time, and...
Norway's Bold Plan to Tackle Overtourism
SIM Vulnerability leads to information disclosure via malicious SMS
Senate Democrats Draft Pro Athlete Instagram Influencers Into Climate Fight
These Tips Make Assembling a Few Hundred PCBs Easier
ASUS ROG Phone II Proves To Be the Fastest Android Phone On the Market Currently
gundeals: [Pistol] Sig P226 ExTrEm3!!!! 9mm - $700 free ship
RetroPie: Renegade Labs September Sale
Anduril, a startup from Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, now valued at $1B
Efficient string copying and concatenation in C
New use of insulin compound could treat aggressive brain cancer: study
Building a license plate reader from scratch with deep learning
Google One Now Backs Up Texts, 'Original Quality' Photos, and Videos on Android
Google Maps Shows Sunken Car Where Missing Man's Body Was Found
datasets: Datasets for Top 10 Visualizations Every Data Scientist Should Know