TOR: Which “TOR” app should I get?
TOR: What is the default window size for Tor?
MachineLearning: [D] Privacy with GANs: Can training samples be recovered in GANs?
datasets: Santa Monica/Los Angeles Weather for past 1-10 years
Kickstarter’s Year of Turmoil
Upcoming Speaking Engagements
AI Makes Hyperbolic Brain Hats A Reality
Was Advertising in Open Source Software a Useful Experiment?
gundeals: [Magazine] Custom 3 Stripes Magpul Gen 2 PMAG 30 AK/AKM - $20 plus shipping
gundeals: [Pistol] Smith and Wesson Shield M2.0 9MM Pistol w/ safety $279.99. Free ship and...
Blacksmith: A hairpin I made as a present for my sister
RetroPie: Been living in the twilight zone for the past week. Got gamers thumb, then this bad...
esp32: Killed the diode and I didn't have any better fits, it works though!
Tonight's Asteroid Will Pass So Close To Earth, Home Telescopes Can See It
TOR: Just need some
Ask HN: Where can I find remote or quality oriented freelancing work?
Little Alchemy 2
China Seeks to Buy Control of Hong Kong Companies
Java EE 'Goes All In' on Open Source with Jakarta EE 8
mycology: It took far too long, but I've finally found the complete canister set, including...
museum: Ilya Repin - Portrait of the Composer Modest Mussorgsky (1881)
RTLSDR: Building a QFH Antenna. Because why not 🥴
OpenBazaar: Haven Wallet transactions not showing up..!
Warcraft 3: Remastered Will Work with Old Custom Maps
Kickstarter employees fired for trying to unionize
"It’s the times when it is the most unwise to speak in terms of consequences that it is the...
Gerade erfahren das @Snowden ein Buch raus bringt. Direkt mal
So many reviews of the new Snowden book and yet no one is mentioning that the call-detail records...
Analyzing Data To Build Better Surfboards
Richard Stallman Challenges 'Misleading' Coverage of His Comments on Marvin Minsky
MeFi: Milton's Shakespeare
HotPeppers: Is there a better feeling?
ArtisanVideos: Microscopically reweaving a 1907 painting
Ruby One-Liners
Parallel GCC: a research project aiming to parallelize a real-world compiler
Genetically modified mosquitoes breed in Brazil
Show HN: RemoteMore – We connect developers with full-time remote jobs
the people who favor the government cant reconcile this scenario > there are a bunch of rules >...
"Bombers remind us what Leonardo Da Vinci expected of man in flight; that he was to ascend...
Europe's Space Industry Is Working On Reusable Rockets With Environmentally-Friendly Fuel
raspberry_pi: PiPrinter: We've had a lot of rain lately and I've got receipts to prove it
RetroPie: Custom Game Collection Title/Folder Pic?
RetroPie: Wangan midnight on retropie
Lenovo crams unremovable crapware into laptops by hiding it in the BIOS (2015)
I need that @Snowden Book #PermanentRecord
Everything we do now lasts forever; not because we want to remember, but because we are no...
I can't wait to get your book! I am a very old lady and have seen the decline of my country,...
Are Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Really Healthier Than Meat?
HomeImprovement: Driveway meets garage crack
HamRadio: State or nationally monitored emergency frequency
TOR: Surfing TOR browser for purchasing PayPal from DEEP WEB
darknetplan: [Updated September 2019] Buying Credit Cards and PayPal from DEEP WEB
openwrt: New to OpenWrt - Should I extroot and other packages?
Saudi Arabia Shuts Down About Half Its Oil Output After Drone Strikes
Doublé @Snowden dans nos pages ce matin à l’occasion de la parution de son livre « Mémoires...
'Edward Snowden’s Education': @xlorentzen reviews 'Permanent Record'
Cheap Sensors and an SDR Monitor Conditions in this Filament Drying Farm
Kickstarter Accused of 'Union-Busting' After Firing Three Employees
mycology: [OC] looks like my oyster mushroom experiment is working 🍄
openwrt: Connecting OpenWRT device to network via eth0
EngineeringPorn: A subway tunnel cleaning machine, Chicago, 1952
esp32: Cannot Use ADC2 For BLE Data Transfer (PlatformIO)
science: Using "time outs" to discipline children is not going to harm them or your relationship...
Curryfinger – Find the Server Behind the CDN
Microsoft President: Democracy Is At Stake. Regulate Big Tech
Transgenic Mosquitoes Transferred Their Genes Into a Natural Population
museum: Piet Mondriaan - Lozenge Composition with Two Lines (1931)
TOR: How to bookmark a torblocked website?
HotPeppers: A Ghostly Sight.
HotPeppers: Dehydrated harvest
The Case for Doing Nothing
Age Discrimination at Work
Two Penetration Testers Arrested For Attempted Burglary
mycology: Was able to induce fruiting bodies of Macrocybe sp. after 4 months using carbonized...
gundeals: [Pistol] IWI Galil Ace 8.3" 5.56 with Folding Brace - $1469 + shipping
AskElectronics: What is this part from a cheap FM radio?
DataHoarder: I made a website that lets you search Amazon by price per TB and GB, among many others!
Cabin releases 2nd-gen fleet of sleeper bus from SF to LA and back
Request for Comments on Patenting Artificial Intelligence Inventions
France and Germany Agree to Block Facebook's Libra
@Snowden i can't wait for see your words. It is releasing 17 sept in India. I pre-ordered your...
RCA Created Video Records too Late
Google Unveils Code Completion Powered by Machine Learning in Dart SDK
askscience: Why doesn't our brain go haywire when magnetic flux is present around it?
WikiLeaks: British judge jails Assange indefinitely, despite end of prison sentence
Blacksmith: Working knife
gundeals: [Pistol] Walther PPK/S 22lr in black $258 after shipping
ArtisanVideos: Mazda CX 30 - Clay Modelling [7:33]
Es geht dabei auch nicht darum, Leben zu retten, sondern es geht um diplomatischen Einfluss,...
Endlich!!! @Snowden lüftet das Geheimnis über seine US-Spionagetätigkeit in der...
esp8266: My first google assistance using Arduino + esp8266-01 + thingspeak
France Took One Look At Facebook's Cryptocurrency and Said, 'Hell, Non'
arduino: Arduino Ocean Explorer - Will it float? (Pun intended)
Taking a year to explain computer things
How the FBI Increased Its Power After 9/11 and Helped Put Trump in Office
Stack Those Boards For An Extra-Special Backlit LED Effect
@Snowden : “Creo que los Gobiernos europeos me tienen miedo”
Mourning and Resistance in Kashmir After India Revoked the State’s Special Status
Linux Foundation Survey Proves Open-Source Offices Work Better
Ask MeFi: Recommend me some grungy Americana/Alt-Country