RetroPie: Trying to hook raspberry pi zero to ps1 slim (sph101) to play games from sd card
RetroPie: Who else has RetroPi running on Pi 4?
RetroPie: So our 2017 car has a 7" indash monitor and we go on trips alot and I was wondering...
Ask HN: Are available domain names still important when naming a company?
FCC Fails, Robocalls (and Complaints) Increase, Along with Number-Hijacking
openwrt: OpenWRT with RAID1
raspberry_pi: My Pi project: dns servers
DataHoarder: I forgot I had this shirt
How Do Developers Promote Open Source Projects?
"Wenn ich dafür lebenslänglich bekommen soll, will ich wenigstens ein faires Verfahren",...
Monster Bush Plane is a One-Off Engineering Masterpiece
'King of Kong' Billy Mitchell Argues He Was Framed for Donkey Kong Cheating, Threatens Legal Action
hydro: I bought T5 lights in the age of LEDs. And I made a video about it. What kind of lights...
gundeals: [Pistol] Aero Precision / Black Dirt 7.5” AR15 With Stainless Wylde 223 Barrel...
AskElectronics: Will my portable UV LED Lightbox design work safely?
esp8266: Esphome - Any best practices for using deep sleep for sensors?
esp8266: Best approach to stream 160x160 image from ESP8266.
OpenBazaar: Installing on Qubes
Google ML/AI Comic
PineTime Is a $25 Smartwatch / Companion for PinePhone Linux Phone
One more note since I've got a lot of new followers. I spent 18 years in the IC in various...
Just preordered @Snowden 's new book . #PermanentRecord on @Flipkart
Inspired By Harry Potter, 150 Colleges Now Have Quidditch Teams
openwrt: OpenVPN/Mullvad - changing default location Sweden set to closer server
esp32: It works!! 10 Cams taking pictures simultaneously. Now 50 more :)
Let Children Get Bored Again
Excerpt from @Snowden's new book: on 9/11 and how the US turned all that good will on its own...
The Next Energy-Efficient Architecture Revolution: A House Built By Robots
Box86, an x86 app player for ARM with native rendering performance
3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image
This is a must-read thread by a former intelligence worker that definitely does not go the...
Edward @Snowden à France Inter : "On a si peur du terrorisme, de ceci, de cela, qu'on commence...
GymCam Knows Exactly What You’ve Been Doing In The Gym
Ask Slashdot: Can A Lack of Privacy Be Weaponized?
Blacksmith: Decorative bolt head
museum: Bart van der Leck - The Drinker (1919)
2013 ist Snowden mit geheimen Dokumenten an die Öffentlichkeit gegangen, die eine massenhafte...
Will love reading this
wait how old is Ash
Google's Search Results Begin Prioritizing 'Original Reporting'
ArtisanVideos: 手技TEWAZA「燕鎚起銅器」tsubame hand-hammered copperware [4:19]
MachineLearning: [P] PyTorch implementation of 17 Deep RL algorithms
ArtisanVideos: Polyhedrons made from wood with just a table saw and a mitre saw.
EngineeringPorn: Jack Ma's special message in a bottle. Gift to #Alibaba staff for the company's...
esp8266: Relay doesn't work well with wemos, Help!
How do wombats make cubed poo?
Test-driven development: A great idea hiding behind a terrible implementation?
Cartridge Printed Circuit Boards
China is increasingly using exit bans to bar Americans from leaving
At the moment of the worst terrorist attack in US history, the staff of the NSA – the major...
IOS 13 Lock Screen Lets Anyone See Your Address Book
MeFi: L'Obvs: "It's time to go beyond capitalism"
gundeals: [Optics] Sig Romeo 5 1x20 M1913 2MOA - $99 + Ship
gundeals: [NFA] Dead Air Sandman S, 7.62, $710 shipped
raspberry_pi: Just received my first ever pi .. excited
Hubble Reveals Latest Portrait of Saturn
IBM introduces z15 mainframe
Scratch Built Media Player Channels 1980s Design
Python 2 Sunsets in 107 Days. JPMorgan Isn't Ready
HamRadio: 5 Tips for Ham Radio Antenna Builders
TOR: Question about hostname
datasets: 27,000 Games from Steam Store with SteamSpy data such as Owners and Playtime
science: Marital satisfaction is linked to women’s sexual desire, suggests a new study, which...
«On se décide sans s’en rendre compte et ce n’est qu’ensuite qu’on réalise, lorsqu’on...
Edward @Snowden bringt ein Buch (Permanent Record: Meine Geschichte) heraus. Toll, nur ist...
The 'World's Safest' Bike Helmet Has A Built-in Airbag
esp8266: ESP Week - 36, 2019
science: Perth scientists crack the code to crops resilient to climate change. By identifying...
Nicht die Rebellion, die Regierungstreue steht am Anfang dieser Biographie: Edward Snowden...
Just pre-ordered @Snowden 's book #PermanentRecord. I'm so stoked. His actions inspired me...
In revealing everything he did, including his own identity, to the probable detriment of his...
Everywhere your phone travels becomes a part of your #PermanentRecord.
Industrialized Militaries Are a Bigger Part of the Climate Emergency Than You Know
openwrt: Can someone explain me what is this batman on openwrt?
HotPeppers: Count Dracula, the spookiest pepper
The Rise of the Comfort College
What’s in a Trump Straw?
Atomic Pi Gets A 3D-Printed Mac Makeover
Released from Prison, Spammer Who Stole 17.5 Million Passwords Apologizes and Reforms
MeFi: "Ask Literally Any Fat Person"
esp32: I made an esp32 boilerplate over esp-idf, it generates C code boilerplate from cuelang...
Tesla has applied for a patent for a new electromagnetic windshield-wiper system
RTLSDR: Does anyone know why SatNOGS isn't way more known and talked about in this subreddit?
hydro: Does hydroponics affect spiciness of chillies?
AWS Fargate Deep Dive
Blacksmith: Took my first blacksmithing class today. Go back tomorrow for the second half.
signalidentification: Weird signal popping up occasionally and disappearing quickly between...
Leak of Microsoft Salaries Shows Fight for Higher Compensation
Walking Arm Trebuchet Is Different, But Effective
DataHoarder: Filling up a Backblaze Storage Pod 3.0 with 45x 1 TB drives.
DataHoarder: Anyone recognize this NAS case? Never seen it before.
DataHoarder: The Nuclear Bunker That Is Storing Your Data | How Cities Work [Stockholm]
Show HN: PyCParser, C parser and interpreter in Python
Would Consumers Be Safer With a National Data Broker Registry?
museum: Hans Vandekerckhove - Going Home (2003)
museum: Theo van Doesburg - Counter-Composition V (1924)
EngineeringPorn: Connected staircases
Show HN: WhatFreeWords: Open-Source Geocoding for What3Words
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