What streaming means for the future of entertainment | Emmett Shear
Why Angry Librarians Are Going to War with Publishers over E-Books
123-Reg and NamesCo registered millions of .uk domains without asking customers
Volkswagen’s plan to create a new car operating system
iOS 13’s privacy pop-ups of Facebook data grabs
Best Smartphones That Still Have a Headphone Jack
Attention Mechanism in Deep Learning
What does it mean for American innovation to be backed by oil wealth?
Why Go and Not Rust?
LastPass bug leaks credentials from previous site
Comprehensive Guide on Data Visualization with Pandas
The Benefits And Pitfalls Of Using PCBs As An Enclosure
LastPass Bug Leaks Credentials From Previous Site
WikiLeaks: "Please save my life": Julian Assange-In two exclusive interviews with the European...
HamRadio: Books for Beginners?
Facebook is trying to register BOOK as trademark in Europe
Snowden calls on France’s Macron to grant him asylum
Hams in Space: Gearing Up for the Lunar Gateway
Russia Carried Out a 'Stunning' Breach of FBI Communications System, Escalating the Spy Game...
Mozilla and Creative Commons Want To Reimagine the Internet Without Ads, and They Have $100M...
MachineLearning: [D] Why are Kaggle prizes so low?
DataHoarder: Love hard drive!
gundeals: [Parts] Mission First Tactical Battlelink Minimalist, $34.95 + Free Shipping
EngineeringPorn: Flatpacking a wind turbine
esp8266: ESP32 Flappy Bird game -tutorial and code
esp32: ESP32 Flappy Bird game -tutorial and code
How two dead accounts allowed remote crash of any Instagram Android user
Wasps: If you can't love them, at least admire them
Why Is the Amazon Rain Forest Disappearing?
A man repopulated a rare butterfly species in his backyard (2016)
A nice app on Elm street
mycology: Mushroom of the day. Pushing up dirt and moss on it's gentle way up to the surface
Blacksmith: Rant: F#cked up beginner tongs...why encourage this with dishonest feedback?
WikiLeaks: Ecuadorian data breach has file on Assange
openwrt: Click on a link to get connected through my router in a hotel
HotPeppers: Today's Harvest. Growing peppers in 5a is no joke
Show HN: I build an online image editor using WebGL and CSS transforms
esp32: FIDO2 Authenticator on ESP32
MachineLearning: [P] SpeedTorch. 4x faster pinned CPU -> GPU data transfer than Pytorch pinned...
One Man Singlehandedly Repopulated a Rare Butterfly Species in His Backyard
Another Side Channel in Intel Chips
Over-Engineered Cat Door Makes Purrfect Sense
mycology: Found my first Amanita muscaria! NW Ontario
esp8266: Home automation only with esp module without internet
An important quantum algorithm may be a property of nature
Being ‘Indistractable’ Will Be the Skill of the Future
Only a Green New Deal Can Douse the Fires of Eco-Fascism
Extreme Weather Events This Decade Have Cost America $750B
datasets: What do you guys do with the datasets?
hydro: In the Kratky's 4 days now. These lil fella's are going for it!
Quds 1 missile
Upping The Story-Telling Game With Dialog And The Å-Machine
TOR: The site Tech Advisor is apparently using Tor as bait in a bait and switch to install...
EngineeringPorn: I think this fits here
AndOTP: Open-source two-factor authentication for Android
Neovim v0.4.0
Edward @Snowden sur les GAFAM : "On voit l'autoritarisme croître à travers le monde, et la...
Es bleibt ein krasses Armutszeugnis für Europa, dass sich ein Whistleblower wie Ed @snowden...
WikiLeaks: Lawless UK Kangaroo Court orders Political Prisoner Julian Assange to stay in prison...
science: Genetic markers of modified mosquitos were detected in a wild population of A.aegypti...
3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image
Australia concluded China was behind hack on parliament, political parties
'Men In Black' Director Barry Sonnenfeld Calls 8K, Netflix HDR 'Stupid'
AskElectronics: What does this big Honeywell potentiometer (Model 2715) do?
Purdue Pharma Files for Bankruptcy to Wipe Out 2k Lawsuits
Black Hole Imaging Scientists Win 2020 Breakthrough Prize
MeFi: a fair enough trade
openwrt: Linksys WRT AC3200 the one to get currently?
MIT Unveils the World's Most Advance Carbon Nanotube Chip
openwrt: Confusion about vlan and DHCP
HotPeppers: Cayenapeños results (Cayenne x Jalapeños) in comments
Blacksmith: Finally handled some of the pan ive been making.
gundeals: [Handgun] HERITAGE ROUGH RIDER 22LR 6.5” REVOLVER, BLUED - $99
TOR: How do I run a hidden service off of a Raspberry Pi?
HotPeppers: Looks like it’s time to make some Aji Amarillo Paste.
Sorting 2 Tons of Lego, Many Questions, Results (2017)
Sandstorm Oasis Is Shutting Down
Threatening War for Oil, Donald Trump Calls His Own Offer of Iran Talks “Fake News”
Using The Electricity Grid In Cities As A Source Of Heat
HotPeppers: First time growing Carolina Reapers!
ArtisanVideos: From construction of Turbo Jet engine to first flight - (In Russian with subtitles)
science: High schools where students are more connected to peers and adult staff, and share...
RTLSDR: Getting nothing with GQRX, despite the same dongle working on a different computer.
Time to Abolish "Statistical Significance"?
A Game That Made Rats Jump for Joy
How common was it for parents to lose a child?
Storm Area 51: The joke that became a ‘possible humanitarian disaster’
Show HN: Vue-file-agent – Uploader with multi-file, preview, progress support
Ask HN: What are some of your recent successes?
The history and legacy of jQuery
Pine64 Confirms $25 'PineTime' Smartwatch for Linux Smartphones
seedswap: Mini seed swap?
HotPeppers: Another 60 ghost chilis from my pepper jungle. Couple hundred left on the plants...
China Telecom's BGP Hijacking [pdf]
For every retweet this gets, I will add an Uncomfortable AWS Truth to the thread
MeFi: My Terezín Diary
HamRadio: I love how my Flex 6600M gives me such great situational awareness in the VHF contest...
esp8266: Built Eunchan Park's "Trash-Eating Robot" Using a WeMos D1 Mini