Superbly Synchronized Servos Swaying Softly
Crypto-mining Malware Saw New Life Over the Summer as Monero Value Tripled
WikiLeaks: Edward Snowden: U.S. Planning to Seize Profits From Book Is 'Good for Bitcoin'
MachineLearning: [P] Gobbli: A Python Framework for Text Classification Projects
datasets: Image dataset of Mathematical Symbols and English letters
hydro: Dwarf cherry tomatoes 21 days into there system.
EngineeringPorn: Braiding a metal hose
This could be why you're depressed and anxious | Johann Hari
Whole Foods Will Cut Health-Care Benefits for Nearly 2k Employees
“A riveting account... Reads like a literary thriller" @nytimesbooks. Hear @Snowden's story...
What’s in a Name? Tales of Python, Perl, and The GIMP
Facebook Contractors Have Been Listening To 'Hey Portal' Clips
AI Learned To Use Tools After Nearly 500 Million Games of Hide and Seek
RetroPie: A couple technical questions about Retropie on GPi Case
HamRadio: Radio for 4m?
HotPeppers: Any love for some Gator Jigsaw’s?
Asciicker – an online 3D game demo rendering to ASCII text
Estados Unidos demanda a Edward Snowden por publicar su libro sin enviarlo antes a la CIA y...
Edward Snowden is not a dangerous criminal. He's a whistleblower whose conscience compelled...
Cracking Forgotten Passwords
Blacksmith: Just recently turned 19. My present to myself
datasets: [Request] [Dataset] Looking for long-term national park visitation data around the...
Too Many Video Streaming Choices May Drive Users Back To Piracy
#Libertés publiques : la #France doit-elle accueillir Edward @Snowden ?
Heureux de voir le journal "Le Monde" demander comme nous l'accueil d'@Snowden en France puisqu'il...
«Els EUA van néixer d'un acte de traïció. La Declaració d'Independència va ser una e...
El drama de los "amigos" de Snowden "Él necesitaba ayuda en aquel momento. Somos humanos,...
Edward Snowden sued by Trump's DOJ over memoir government "does not want you to read" http...
E. Snowden rend fou le gouvernement américain
Snowden's book topped Amazon's bestseller list on its first day on the market. The US wants...
Saudi Arabia Denies Its Key Role in Climate Change Even As It Prepares for the Worst
Massive, Blimplike Experiment Lowers Weight Limit On Neutrino
mycology: Facts
Colorado Town Offers 1 Gbps for $60 After Years of Battling Comcast
Arduino, Accelerometer, and TensorFlow Make You a Real-World Street Fighter
EngineeringPorn: Omnidirectional Wheels on a Forklift
RetroPie: Emulators don't follow configured joystick mappings
esp8266: DIY Smart Glasses
esp8266: NodeMCU
Amazon Confirms 'Lord of the Rings' TV Series Will Be Filmed In New Zealand
science: Not all instances of gender inequality are equally concerning. An emphasis on women's...
AskElectronics: Electric field around wires
ArtisanVideos: 手技TEWAZA「堺打刃物」Japan Sakai Forged Knife [03:49]
RTLSDR: My first ever pic from NOAA 18! Captured with audio recorder and Baofeng UV-5R!
Pizza Oven Build Exercises Forgotten Gym Ball
RetroPie: Netplay Question???
openwrt: Access Point with replaceable wifi chip
AskElectronics: Connecting a SOT23 Diode (BAS40)
Functor, Applicative, and Monad
esp32: Espeon: Gameboy emulator for the ESP32
WeWork’s Back Is Against a Wall
UCLA’s 1948 Mechanical Computer [video]
Software Architecture Is Overrated, Clear and Simple Design Is Underrated
Inkscape 1.0 beta1 available for testing
Egypt's Massive 1.8-Gigawatt Benban Solar Park Nears Completion
MachineLearning: [R] 3D Ken Burns Effect from a Single Image
I’m Suing Lyft
Keeping Clocks On Time, The Swiss Way
MachineLearning: [Discussion] What is the state-of-the-art for entity extraction and relation...
Handshake: Decentralizing DNS to Improve the Security of the Internet
Men Arrested at Courthouse Say They Were Sent to Test Its Security
science: Scientists found two short peptides, or strings of amino acids, that when injected...
Earth Warming More Quickly Than Thought, New Climate Models Show
MeFi: Novel Fencing Material
AskElectronics: Analog oscilloscope tilt adjustment
datasets: Request: 8chan text dataset
museum: Piet Mondrian - Windmill (1917)
HotPeppers: One of my Scotch Bonnet plants.
A Love Letter to Personal Websites
Your Next Robot Needs Googly Eyes, And Other Lessons from Disney
Facebook Expands Definition of Terrorist Organizations To Limit Extremism
Blacksmith: I love when you just get it fired up and the coal is gray on the outside still...
TOR: Your browser does not appear to be tor browser.
gundeals: [Pistol] CZ SCORPION EVO 3 S1 9MM LUGER 7.72" 20+1 OD GREEN 91355 $769.99
seedexchange: They said to post this here I'm going to have ghost peppers soon so will also...
A neural network to auto-complete your thoughts
Fossil Fuel Divestment Has 'Zero' Climate Impact, Says Bill Gates
MachineLearning: [R] Emergent Tool Use from Multi-Agent Interaction
mycology: Never seen blue mushrooms
signalidentification: Repeating digital signal, 454.48 MHz, NBFM, Chicago, 11:00. Does not...
"So good, it shouldn't be legal!" –US Department of Justice. Get @Snowden's book: https...
“This far-reaching censorship system simply can’t be squared with the Constitution...this...
Hours after the United States government filed a lawsuit seeking to punish the publication...
AT&T Sued For Allegedly Inflating DirecTV Now Subscriber Numbers
Researchers Uncover 125 Vulnerabilities Across 13 Routers and NAS Devices
gundeals: [Handgun] Happy Prepper Deal Tuesday! Today's Deal is a CZ P-10 Pistol - CZ P-10F...
gundeals: [Ammo] Geco 9 MM 124 GR. FMJ 1000 ROUNDS $159.75 @ 16 cpr And Free Shipping Orders...
AskElectronics: Capacitive coupling / decoupling with plasmas
Open sourcing crypto-arbitrage bot in Python – back to the dawn of crypto hype
Slack Shared Channels
Fossil fuel divestment has ‘zero’ climate impact, says Bill Gates
"Me llamo Edward Joseph Snowden. Antes trabajaba para el Gobierno, pero ahora trabajo para...
Huge mistake by US govt in filing civil lawsuit against Snowden over publication of memoir....
in conclusion this is good for bitcoin
After the DOJ announced its repressive lawsuit to seize the proceeds of Snowden's book (good...
Glitching LED Display Proves Crowd Favorite
Millions of Americans' Medical Images and Data Are Available On the Internet
RTLSDR: Hurricane Humberto and Tropical Storm Imelda HRPT image I captured from Fengyun 3B...