Swiss Copyright Law: Downloading Stays Legal, No Site Blocking
How Chicago Police Created a False Narrative After Officers Killed Harith Augustus
How Would You Like Your Steak Printed?
MeFi: A prop is any object the actors handle or touch onscreen
museum: Pablo Picasso - Large Bird, Black Face (1951)
ArtisanVideos: Designing DBZ Vans with Copic!
esp32: [UPDATE] ESP 3D Scanner
Revisiting Software Vulnerabilities in the Boeing 787
Israel: Democracy or Apartheid?
AgileFall – When Waterfall Sneaks Back into Agile
Google Fi Unlimited Plan
Banks, Arbitrary Password Restrictions and Why They Don't Matter
Announcing Yugabyte DB 2.0 GA: High-Performance Distributed SQL
Smart TVs sending sensitive user data to Netflix and Facebook
Show HN: Python Tests That Write Themselves
AT&T Explores Parting Ways With DirecTV
MachineLearning: [N] Google swallows DeepMind Health
esp8266: Story: I feeded 5v in the esp by mistake and after i try 3.3 v but it was to late...
Oh shit, my weekend project turned into an App Store Best New App (2018)
That Game Cartridge Isn’t As Straightforward As You’d Think
RTLSDR: Meteor M2-2 137.900 MHz 72K OQPSK. East coast Oz.
postmarketOS: Troubleshooting Ouya
Pure Bash Bible
askscience: Question from my 5 year old. Would Gatorade keep you hydrated better than water?
HamRadio: [SDR] Usable LO drift for ssb signal Es'Hail nb transponder
datasets: [Request] Any datasets on uninversity/college presidential searches?
Repo companies have passively scanned & uploaded locations of 9B license plates
Cisco Is Said to Have Offered $7B-Plus for DataDog
Navy Confirms Existence of UFOs Seen In Leaked Footage
RTLSDR: Is a dish necessary for GOES reception?
Memcached 1.5.18 can now recover its cache between restarts
How the “Mail and Guardian” got taken down
WiringPi Library To Be Deprecated
EngineeringPorn: A self solving Rubik’s cube
science: Simply telling people (n=7,250) they would receive a tax rebate increased their support...
Switzerland in the age of automatic exchange of banking information
Blacksmith: Storm
EngineeringPorn: An old water powered corn mill up and running again
At Dynamicland, the Building Is the Computer
Tom Delonge’s UFO Research Center Is Making Politicians Demand Answers
Kubernetes 1.16 Is Released
Research Finds Black Carbon Breathed By Mothers Can Cross Into Unborn Children
mycology: Me too Lactarius Indigo, me too.
raspberry_pi: Got jealous of my wife's new car, needed to upgrade mine
Hackable Ham Radio Multitool Contributes To Long Term Survival Of The Hobby
C-Section Babies Have More Potentially Infectious Gut Bacteria
askscience: AskScience AMA Series: We're James Heathers and Maria Kowalczuk here to discuss...
pwned: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Strengthening Cybersecurity
WikiLeaks: Why Assange is in prison in the UK? because the UK won't allow any dissent to obstruct...
openwrt: How can I permanently throttle traffic from a domain? I don't want it deprioritized,...
esp32: MicroPython based Shell
Workers Accuse Kickstarter of Union-Busting In Federal Complaint
AI Can't Protect Us From Deepfakes, Argues New Report
TOR: I need bridges (ofsb4)
HotPeppers: Handful of peppers
gundeals: [shotgun] Remington 870 DM 12 Gauge Pump-Shotgun with Hardwood Stock and Detachable...
esp8266: Working on a sleep monitor with bells and whistles and hit several dead ends in a row.
DataHoarder: Well, thats a big Blu Ray
esp8266: Update about the WiFi par light controller: It left the breadboard and is mounted...
The Gravitational-Wave “Revolution” Is Underway
Navy Confirms UFO Videos Are Real and Should Not Have Been Released
Apple Is Trying To Trademark 'Slofie'
New Eco-Friendly Game Packaging Could Save Tons of Plastic Each Year
MeFi: September Strikes
gundeals: [Pistol] WaltherPPK/S .22LR BLACK $239.99
TOR: Where is a safe area I could get Tor from?
AskElectronics: What are leading causes of black coloring on ALL solder joints on a used board...
RetroPie: My 4 Player Setup Complete.
esp32: What esp32/tiny computing device would you create if you had the time/funds/expertise?
Reddit has been down for nearly two hours
.penultimate. | For those who want a taste of my story,...
Exposed RDP Servers See 150K Brute-Force Attempts Per Week
TOR: VPN over tor
museum: Caspar David Friedrich - The Sea of Ice (1823)
esp32: Looking to recreate USB HID relay with just a single chip.
openwrt: Recommended settings for maximum security on WRT32X?
Launch HN: Dashblock (YC S19) – Turn Any Website into an API
Democratic Candidates Fail to Impress Workers Who Are Dissatisfied With Trump
Tiny Woodshop Is Packed With Space-Saving Hacks
Programmers Complain that Huawei's Ark Compiler is 'Not Even Half-Finished'
Facebook Plans Launch of Its Own 'Supreme Court' For Handling Takedown Appeals
The @FBI is not only worse than you imagine, it's worse than you can imagine. My @reason podcast...
Just ordered @Snowden , thank you U.S. gov for the book
Well I won't be sleeping tonight...
Just got my copy a few minutes ago —> @Snowden — US Seizing My Book Revenue is 'Good for...
India Bans E-cigarettes as Global Vaping Backlash Grows
MeFi: "Eating is a prerequisite for life"
Going Fast Slowly
The Internet Archive is waging war on misinformation
Caesarean babies have different gut bacteria, microbiome study finds
Welcoming Semmle to the GitHub Family
Love and respect, brother. …
Arthur King was the pen name I used for the earliest manuscript, to prevent leaks. https:/...
Stunning 4-Cylinder Solenoid Motor Should Be A Hit With Subaru Fans
California Governor Signs Labor Law, Setting Up Bitter Gig Economy Fight
The FBI Tried To Plant a Backdoor in an Encrypted Phone Network
Blacksmith: A door handle I just finished, nothing amazing but I really enjoyed the different...
Jsonbox – A HTTP based JSON storage
My derelict pub still got TripAdvisor reviews