Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable Superconducting Processor
Vance Bergeron, chercheur tétraplégique, et militant sportif
Blacksmith: After 2 years of trying to afford to get my first setup together, I can finally...
AskElectronics: Tool to manipulate voltage on the fly?
museum: Mark Maggiori - Thunderhead Riders (2016)
AskElectronics: Help with Transistor Circuit.
Control Lighting Effects Without Programming
RetroPie: My Horror Bartop
Reporters Should Stop Helping Donald Trump Spread Lies About Joe Biden and Ukraine
Do Coders Crave a Sense of Control?
Ask MeFi: Unquestioned assumptions in American society?
MeFi: A Developer Deletes His Code to Protest Its Use by ICE
MachineLearning: [D] Siraj Apologizes and Promises Refunds within 30 days
datasets: A platform to share, request and label datasets
EngineeringPorn: Larger-than-average electric motor
DataHoarder: Urban explorer discovers huge cache of photos and media in an abandoned mall,...
ProtoThreads: Lightweight, Stackless Threads in C
"I didn't cooperate with the Russian intelligence services — I haven't and I won't," Edward...
Ahora que acaba de publicarse el libro de Edward Snowden titulado PERMANENT RECORD, reproduzco...
Enlightening, honest, fascinating and - especially in its final chapters - breathtaking. Permanent...
Today I will be arranging for purchase of Edward @Snowden's book through independent #Vancouver...
"The reason you're reading this book is that I did a dangerous thing for a man in my position:...
RTLSDR: Why is my hand wound Unun so much noisier than my Nooelec Unun?
hydro: Harvest day!
RetroPie: Anyone got success converting PS/2 to USB on the Pi?
science: By 2100, increasing water temperatures brought on by a warming planet could result...
Using Gooey as a Universal Front End for Any Language or CLI Application
Hackaday Links: September 22, 2019
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 'Nog' Actor Aron Eisenberg Has Died at 50
MeFi: Tell the Moon-dog, Tell the March-hare
Blacksmith: Grateful
datasets: Are you working in the area you studied in college/trade school/ect..
gundeals: [handgun] POSSIBLY THE BEST MEME GUN DEAL EVER - Hi Point CF 380 Handgun AND Rohm...
Four common mistakes in audio development
NUMA Siloing in the FreeBSD Network Stack [pdf]
The young #edhead. She wants me to read @Snowden uncle's book as bed time story about the fight...
Inspired! Bravo, Nick. I suspect everyone who read the book will be charmed by this. [Photo:...
I used to say these things too. Used to. And then I realised, hey, it's actually not about...
How the Microsoft Store Urges Customers To Trade In Their iPhones
esp32: Wemos LoLin32 Lite with IPS 80x160 display
OpenBazaar: Subsidy given by U.S. for postal mail (and packages) from abroad ends next month
My father was IBM’s first black software engineer
Is 'The Far Side' Comic Strip Coming Back?
HomeImprovement: I’ve done it! Project with only 1 trip to Home Depot*
WikiLeaks: "Anyone who exposes fraud, crimes, unconstitutional activity can be traced and shut down"
Absurd Design – Free Surrealist Illustrations and Vector Art
A Burning B-52 Nearly Caused A Nuclear Catastrophe
Goodbye Aron Eisenberg:( — aka Nog (DS9)
Getting the Heat On with A Thermal Camera
US Military Apologizes For Joking about Bombing 'Millennials' Who Might Storm Area 51
askscience: If we return to the moon, is there a telescope on earth today strong enough to...
esp8266: How to power up Lolin NodeMCU v3 using rechargeable batteries?
Show HN: I made a neural net that analyzes privacy policies for you
Apple Watch May Have Saved A Biker's Life
HotPeppers: My first ever harvest from my little plant! I don’t know what they are but I...
gundeals: [Magazine] C Products Defense 30 Round .223 / 5.56 AR-15 Magazine $7.79 each w/ flat...
seedswap: lots of tithonia Seeds are available for postage
HotPeppers: Dollar store ($2.50) skeleton 💀jar find.
openwrt: I need some help configuring my network
Xv6 for RISC-V
Ask HN: PostgreSQL or MySQL?
A Blue Collar Slob’s Introduction to the Rare Oakland Manzanita
Hacking the Brain
Some WeWork Board Members Seek to Remove Adam Neumann as CEO
Is Air Travel Really Bad For the Climate?
esp8266: Storing and Playing .wav files directly on the SoC!
TOR: How to connect bridges in Sphere
The tech behind building an independent, internet radio station
A Son’s Race to Give His Dying Father Artificial Immortality (2017)
Watch Legged Robot Run Circles Around Its Bigger Brethren
Researchers Determine the 120 Most Surveilled (CCTV) Cities In the World
mycology: House of the fungus wizard
AskElectronics: Budget oscilloscope?
Blacksmith: New forge door. Hands Free!
museum: Fyodor Bronnikov - Parable of Lazarus (1886)
Almost one in five men admits to having no close friends, a survey has found
"It's free, and provides MUCH better sound quality!" .... "Oh, and it provides better security...
reading @Snowden's Permanent Record in Copenhagen
As Criticism Grows After Crashes, Boeing Committee May Recommend Organizational Changes
TOR: Another VPN + TOR question
hydro: What challenges do you face with outdoor hydro that you may not have indoors?
openwrt: WRT1900 ACS sysupgrade is not working
ArtisanVideos: 3d pen craftsman's Baron Nashor making video
Vela Incident
A look back on OCaml since 2011
Neqo, an Implementation of QUIC Written in Rust
I started with just one person who liked me enough to put up with it. When someone new wanted...
Very true! "Things that are the easiest to say on screen become the most difficult to say...
"J’avais espéré servir mon pays mais à la place je me suis mis à travailler pour lui."...
Rainy Sunday morning Cup of coffee @Snowden’s new book Bob Dylan on the stereo It’s...
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‘Le président de la République ne peut pas considérer @Snowden comme un encombrant...
I am currently in a small village in Croatia and I'm basically living like that cat. Off-the-grid...
The Ozone Layer Is On Track To Completely Repair Itself by the 2060s
AskElectronics: How worried should I be about a burn area on a PCB under a resistor.
MachineLearning: [D] What are your favorite YouTube channels that features advanced research...
gundeals: [Handgun] Ruger Mark IV Hunter 22LR - $559 Shipped
AskElectronics: Need help reading schematic drawing
RTLSDR: What kind of antenna is this?
EngineeringPorn: A Bugatti built of LEGO pieces and powered by LEGO motors