gundeals: [Pistol] Sig Sauer M400 Tread AR Pistol, 11" mlok | $718.64 add to cart price, $15...
museum: Norman Rockwell - Two Plumbers (1951)
gundeals: [PARTS][CODE] Black Hole Weaponry / Columbia River Arms - No Beto Sale - 35% off...
esp32: ttgo taudio :- Has anyone made a project with this yet? Anyone tried to design a 3D...
RaptorCS Power9 Blackbird PC: An expensive mistake
Update from Chef
Until I read #PermanentRecord, I really had no idea how bad it is: @DDGuttenplan on "bulk ...
Got my copy of @Snowden's book. Absolutely vital to learn about this man's journey and what's...
Fick en intressant bok signerad och ett trevlig och intressant möte med @Snowden Tillsammans...
What’s Your Fidget Spinner Say?
Mavis Beacon
Some WeWork Directors Want To Remove Its CEO, Reports Say
Yahoo Data-Breach Settlement: You'll Get $100, If You're Lucky
museum: Konstantin Makovsky - A Boyar Wedding Feast (1883)
museum: Arman - The Attila of the Violins (1968)
AskElectronics: What is this mysterious blue trace you can see when filming an analog oscilloscope?
postmarketOS: A weird Russian-Chinese smartphone running postmarketOS on 3.10 kernel
science: Negative news is more often published than positive news because on average. humans...
.NET Core 3.0
Is A Cheap Inverter Welder Worth It?
Linux Foundation Exec Believes Edge Computing Will Be More Important Than Cloud Computing
HotPeppers: Yesterday I was cutting Naga Jolokia and capsaicin got through 2 layers of latex,...
hydro: Thought I'd share my newly completed solar powered hydroponic greenhouse (crosspost...
How Google Discovered the Value of Surveillance
Farm animals in India and China are becoming more resistant to antibiotics
Apple’s New Mac Pro to Be Made in Texas
Climate Change Causes and Impacts Are Increasing, UN Report Says
Google Play Pass Bundles 350 Android Games and Apps For $4.99 Per Month
MachineLearning: [P] SOTA Atari learning with Recurrent IQN
seedswap: US ONLY - Who wants Kohlrabi Seeds?
datasets: Audi has released a new dataset for autonomous driving, A2D2
raspberry_pi: Finally... Internet radio complete
raspberry_pi: OpenCV RPi Tank 🤖🚦 / Socket Keyboard Controls / Socket Video Streaming....
esp32: ESP32 Cam serial
Snap Detailed Facebook’s Aggressive Tactics in ‘Project Voldemort’ Dossier
Punch Through Switches Gears, Shucks Beans
High-Speed PCB Design Hack Chat with Bil Herd
Snap Detailed Facebook's Aggressive Tactics in 'Project Voldemort' Dossier
EngineeringPorn: Such a satisfying door
openwrt: Compiling OpenWRT from Source - Missing Ath10k Drivers and Firmware
A bold plan to empower 1.6 million out-of-school girls in India | Safeena Husain
Ask HN: Parents of HN, what are your best sources for evidence-based parenting?
FIDO2: The Dream Of Password-Free Authentication On The WWW
HBO Fends Off Streamers at Emmys While Other TV Networks Struggle
Cloudflare Has a New Plan To Fight Bots -- and Climate Change
raspberry_pi: Lakka Officially Brings Game Emulation to the Raspberry Pi 4
My Talk at Microsoft – Richard Stallman
WikiLeaks: Majority of Americans support the prosecution of Julian Assange. Almost half of...
Blacksmith: Geez, ya make one hair pin and suddenly everybody wants one. Good chance to refine...
TOR: OrangePi Zero hosting a HS
HotPeppers: My first habanero ripened! I have never eaten anything that hot before, but I have...
datasets: Most popular games on YouTube based on video views
Why I don't love Light Rail Transit
MeFi: the entire park was a monument to the memory of his young body
AskElectronics: Is there any good recomended precision screwdriver kit for electronic hobbyists?
ArtisanVideos: I visited Day Basket Factory (founded 1876) to see how the decanter baskets...
HotPeppers: How can someone not love Chocolate Scotch Bonnet chilis?
RTLSDR: Ground Station for Link to the article in comment
The Awkward but Essential Art of Office Chitchat
Building a Dark Web Crawler in Go
Reinventing Home Directories
Indigenous People Are Already Working “Green Jobs” — but They’re Unrecognized and Unpaid
Speeding Up Drawing To MCU-Connected Serial Displays
HotPeppers: My first attempt at growing
esp32: Geofencing with ESP32?
When TCP sockets refuse to die
France Outlines Its Approach to Cyberwar
Challenging Facebook and Google, Apple's New OS Warns Users When Data Is Collected
gundeals: [Parts] ODIN Works Complete Lower Parts Kit- $39.95, $5 Shipping
science: Scientists Were Wrong About DNA – It Is Actually Held Together by Hydrophobic Forces....
openwrt: BT SmartHub 2 as a modem and IPv6 forwarding
esp8266: Where to start
gundeals: [Pistol] GP SP9A1 (non-recip) Stribog 9mm w/ HBI SBT Folding Brace & 3x 30rd mags...
Reverse-engineering precision op amps from a 1969 analog computer
Thomas Cook collapses, stranding 150k UK holidaymakers
Serverless: 15% slower and 8x more expensive
Windows 3.1 Screensavers, Now On Twitter
science: Marijuana use was more common among adults with medical conditions than those without...
Silicon Valley is one of the most polluted places in the country
Keyhut POS, Free, Single Dev QBasic POS for DOS
Ask Slashdot: Could Climate Change Be Solved By Manipulating Photons in Space?
HamRadio: Shooters
Folding Paper Globes
mycology: Many Mushrooms, me, acrylic on canvas
TOR: Should I install Orbot or Tor browser for my Android phone ?
The Church of Interruption
Edward Snowden in His Own Words: Why I Became a Whistle-Blower
The Miniware TS100 As A USB-C Soldering Iron
MeFi: Untitled goose game
esp32: lolin D32 PRO with LOLIN_EPD_Library, links in the comments
AskElectronics: Problem with static shocks on usb keyboard
RTLSDR: Quick test of the BBQ Grills off freq
Money as a System of Control (2017)
Google Loans Cameras To Volunteers To Fill Gaps in 'Street View'
HotPeppers: 5ft tall 10 plant jungle keeps producing beautiful pods
openwrt: [HELP] Wireless Repeater doesn't pass unique device IP to Router
Quantum Supremacy Using a Programmable Superconducting Processor
Vance Bergeron, chercheur tétraplégique, et militant sportif
Blacksmith: After 2 years of trying to afford to get my first setup together, I can finally...