.NET Core gRPC
Mysterious Avid Issue Knocks Out Mac Pro Workstations Across Hollywood
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'This Is All Wrong,' Greta Thunberg Tells World Leaders at U.N. Climate Session
The group, collectively known as Snowden’s Guardian Angels, fears for their safety as protests...
There was something important in one of the Sunday papers today about an alleged abuse of power...
It has taken Edward Snowden six years to write about Edward Snowden, and you can see why in...
An excerpt from Edward Snowden's new book: "Democracy could never be imposed at the point of...
So proud of everyone at @FreedomofPress on the @SecureDrop team! This release is a milestone...
Edward Snowden | WIRED “We learn to speak by imitating the speech of the adults around us,...
Russians Hack FBI Comms System
Helicopter Chain Saw
datasets: Historical weather data
gundeals: [Rifle] Barrett M99 50BMG Black 32" Heavy Bbl w/ Vortex Viper PST 5-25x50 FFP EBR-2C...
esp8266: Spelliterally project update - Going esp8266 & web sockets. it works much better now,...
Supreme Court: Suspending Parliament was unlawful, judges rule
National Security Letters force companies to hand over data like customer info, phone numbers,...
Fired up after reading @Snowden's new book? Put that energy into ending the Call Detail Records...
EngineeringPorn: Mechanical folding chess set that opens to reveal holder for chess pieces...
esp32: ESP32 ADC/Timing Tutorial - Working with Audio Sampling
Ecocide Should Be Recognized As a Crime Against Humanity, But We Can’t Wait for The Hague to Judge
Busy North Korean Hackers Have New Malware To Target ATMs
mycology: My birthday was really, really good.
Simple words that save lives: lessons from “expert talkers”
Asynchronous Routines for C
MachineLearning: [P] Natural Language Processing Roadmap and Keyword for students who are wondering...
EngineeringPorn: This is creative
Australia uses new technology to catch drivers on phones
Show HN: Stack – Save and explore books and book lists
A guide to set up your own round-robin DNS-over-HTTPS proxy for privacy
MeFi: Equinoctial, Old Hundredth, Roog and Chun the Unavoidable
mycology: Went chanterelle hunting, found a bunch of lobsters instead (also a few chanterelles)
WikiLeaks: Julian Assange interview from 2016 in which he discussed exposing Russian Crimes...
Podcast sponsorship revenue continues to fuel NPR’s financial growth
Les jeunes Français plébiscitent l’achat d’habillement sur le Net
Researchers Find Mystery Hidden In Early 80's Atari Game
RPi Tank Invades Living Room, Teaches OpenCV
DNA is held together by hydrophobic forces
Show HN: A website speed test tool to compare uBlock Origin with plain Chrome
Tmux Tutorial
MachineLearning: [P] CEFR Checker - an AI tool for adapting texts to language learners' CEFR levels
openwrt: Advice for OpenWRT VPN Setup
Why Open Source Misses the Point of Free Software (2007)
Startups Are Using Insect Larvae To Produce Protein-Rich Ingredients For Animals
HotPeppers: Fresh pulled Ghost for a quick spicy fridge pickle 🤤
HotPeppers: Then there’s these weirdos...
esp8266: ESP8266, Tasmoda, 2x BME (actually, BMP)280s
Crystal 0.31
Suicide Data Reveal New Intervention Spots, Such as Motels and Animal Shelters
Sweeping Language in Asylum Agreement Foists U.S. Responsibilities onto El Salvador
Secrets From A 1969 Analog Computer
New Research Promises Electric Car Batteries That Last For a Million Miles
MeFi: Unix at 50: How the OS that powered smartphones sprouted from failure
HotPeppers: Smoking my jalapeño harvest (maze pellet smoker inside).
AskElectronics: Can this small chip on a Hi-Fi Amp really handle 100W?
Travel without a phone
600k Images Removed from ImageNet After Art Project Exposes Racist Bias
Ask Slashdot: Why Doesn't the Internet In 2019 Use More Interactive 3D?
science: Today's obesity epidemic may have been caused by childhood sugar intake, the result...
Apple Neutered Ad Blockers In Safari, But Unlike Chrome, Users Didn't Say a Thing
Google Is Reducing How Much Audio It Saves For Human Review
China Boosts Government Presence At Alibaba, Private Giants
RTLSDR: My modest ground station for an evening of Inmarsat reception
Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ
Magnets Make This Panda Move
Apple Will Manufacture Its New Mac Pro In Texas
askscience: Why is the Universe’s “local” geometry (e.g. on the surface of the Earth)...
MachineLearning: [D] Is there a way to introduce a rating system for an isolated game tournament...
Face transplant recipient’s donor face now failing
Federal Prosecutors Conducting Criminal Probe of Juul
As Netflix Loses TV favorites Like 'The Office' To New Rivals, DVD and Blu-ray Sellers See...
Google Employees Explain How They Were Retaliated Against For Reporting Abuse
pwned: Role of Artificial Intelligence in Strengthening Cybersecurity
Blacksmith: Her name is Yudina (Ю́дина). 30 layer Damascus with a custom oak handle....
gundeals: [RIFLE] M&P15 Sport II rifle, Caldwell Mag Charger Tac-30 and Duty Series Gun Case....
Sony's PS5 and Microsoft's Xbox Join the Fight Against Climate Change
mycology: Sunday was a good day
Blacksmith: On lunch break from my first class at White Hart Forge. This is so much fun!!!
DataHoarder: All Models from Thingiverse - 2.04TB
Will America's debt doom us?
Is the era of the $100 graphing calculator coming to an end?
.NET Core 3.0
Show HN: Instant, Self-Destructing Websites
Is Stack Overflow allowing ads to use fingerprinting to track users?
Google Employees Explain How They Were Retaliated Against for Reporting Abuse
Nim Version 1.0 Released
LoRa-Based Plant Monitoring
NYSE Owner Launches Long-Awaited Bitcoin Futures
Silicon Valley is One of the Most Polluted Places in the Country
HamRadio: Fair price for used ICOM IC-207? It comes with the equipment here. A guy found out...
TOR: Hello reddit, I need your help...again. I‘m a TOR newbie. So, is this error 403? How...
hydro: Hi Guys I'm new but I wanted to show my new job at my uncle's. we grow lettuce.
RetroPie: I forgot to share my Null 2 project on here
ArtisanVideos: Car mechanic diagnoses a run down Mercedes - an absolute pleasure to watch master...
Can seaweed help curb global warming? | Tim Flannery
Where Theory Meets Chalk, Dust Flies
Gridgarden: A cool game to learn CSS Grid
GOP Racial Gerrymandering Mastermind Participated in Redistricting in More States Than Previously...
Samsung's Galaxy Fold, Still Extremely Fragile, Goes on Sale in the US on September 27
MeFi: Mary When You Follow Her