Fritz ends 15-year American wait for male Slam finalist
« Accueillir les Palestiniens de Gaza qui ne peuvent pas recevoir de soins dont ils ont besoin...
Would UV’s get distorted after posing my character?
compsci: Intuitive question about circuits/computers
Frugal: Was quoted $990 for front and rear brake pads installed so I went directly to the parts...
Tough new test of parental responsibility in Georgia shooting case
Opinion: Christmas is starting early in Venezuela
Bluetooth Version 6.0 Core Specification Released
Hardware Acceleration of LLMs: A comprehensive survey and comparison
Water Filtration
Art: Garden Of Earthly Delights, McFrazzlestache, Pumpkin, 2021
technology: Court: Uber’s $81 million tax bill wiped as it doesn't ‘pay’ wages to drivers,...
Man, 20, held in Canada accused of New York terror plot
Etats-Unis : arrestation d’un Pakistanais soupçonné de vouloir commettre un attentat contre...
Au Brésil, le ministre des droits humains démis de ses fonctions après des accusations de...
Non-destructive nurbs
worldnews: American F-35 stealth fighters landed on a highway in Europe for the first time...
worldnews: ‘All friendships are over’: Lithuania fortifies border with Russia’s Kaliningrad
Physics: Is there a video somewhere showing the motion of molecules of a solid object? Like...
programming: How to convince your Product Manager to prioritize technical debt
Cockpit audio indicates issues with de-icing in deadly Brazil plane crash
privacy: Ford Patents In-Car System That Eavesdrops So It Can Play You Ads
Starliner undocks from ISS to return to Earth without crew
Kamala Harris's pain-free campaign faces first crunch moment
Man charged with plotting shooting at a Jewish center on anniversary of Hamas attack
Hot Water Heater Hacked To Run On Solar Juice
Donald Trump voit le prononcé de sa peine dans l’affaire Stormy Daniels reporté après...
Define sharp edge angle by material
Staircase fitting around a curve
gardening: My downstairs neighbor started a garden (NYC)
gardening: Bright day, brighter flowers!!
Permaculture: Is it normal for a tree to have so many apples? This stood out from thousands...
amateurradio: Not a bad way to spend a lakeside morning.
worldnews: ‘I couldn’t say no’: anger grows over topless medical exams in Japan schools
gardening: I made an autumn wreath out of my hops.
RFK wins bid to remove name from ballot in two swing states
SocialEngineering: What actions are good for endearing someone towards you?
Art: Autumn Chile, me(BobbyZeikArt), illustration, 2024
PINE64official: Would this universal laptop charger work for Pinecil V2? Thanks.
MeFi: U.S. indictment reveals far-right influencers bankrolled by Kremlin
U.K. is investigating Ticketmaster after Oasis tour prices surprised fans
Effects of Gen AI on High Skilled Work: Experiments with Software Developers
Godot founders had desperately hoped Unity wouldn't 'blow up'
Live Video of Promachoteuthis Squid
OSINT: OSINT Switzerland association
blender: "Kinetic Rush" 3D Community Challenge Submission
hackers: I honestly know nothing about the first few programs but my kid downloaded them and...
business: Owner of Onlyfans paid $631M as subscriptions rise
MeFi: An 'Unhinged Werewolf' Will Make It Clear Who Voted
Can't edit air particles: "Point cache must be baked in memory"
europe: The EU’s births hit record low with 3.8 million babies born in 2022 as the average...
privacy: Just found out Copilot on Windows 11 is a f***ing spyware
technology: X Is Working With a GOP Consulting Firm
Trump gets criminal sentencing delayed till after presidential election
Is Netanyahu an Obstacle to a Ceasefire Deal Between Israel and Hamas?
An Automatic Cat Feeder Built With A 4060 Binary Counter
Nginx has moved to GitHub
Show HN: Infinity – Realistic AI characters that can speak
Le point sur la situation au Proche-Orient : l’armée israélienne se retire de Jénine,...
HomeImprovement: HOA says door must be flat $#%*^ Caulk? Putty?
nature: Australia’s dingo debate is heating up as traditional owners call for protections...
gardening: Look at this absolute unit of an Alocasia(?)!
gardening: Biggest and prettiest Coleus I have ever grown
Python: PyJSX - Write JSX directly in Python
business: Employers added 142,000 jobs in August, as labor market cools
Brazilian music legend Sérgio Mendes dies at 83
How Much Resolution Does Film Really Have?
Permaculture: Elderberry help
Python: protatoquests: Proxy Rotation Requests
amateurradio: Field day with a military radio
business: TradingView Premium_FREE_for Good Guys
Python: optimized proximity matrices in basic_colormath 0.4.0
programming: David Airlie, Red Hat kernel maintainer, about the Rust-for-Linux drama: "if people...
MeFi: Montreal Kicked Cars to the Curb and Thrived
Trump's criminal sentencing delayed until after election
China ends most international adoptions, leaving many children, families in limbo
8-year-old tames (wooden) lion in Queens, New York
South Korea investigates Telegram over alleged sexual deepfakes
The latest jobs data provides a really confusing picture. Here are 4 things to know
Ask Hackaday, What’s Next?
En direct, guerre en Ukraine : après une visite en Allemagne, Volodymyr Zelensky est arrivé...
Ukraine : l’armée enrichit son arsenal d’un « dragon drone » crachant une munition...
Donald Trump : l’annonce de sa peine dans le procès pour des paiements dissimulés à une...
gardening: Sacre Bleu Bean. I couldn't believe my eye when I open the pod
blender: How would you make this more realistic?
What makes you “you”? An actor and a neuroscientist answer | Yara Shahidi and Anil Seth
What does it take to create change? An artist and a conservationist answer | Kristine McDivitt...
Judge recounts moment defendant attacked her in court
Stranded astronauts' capsule to head home without them
Red Lobster off the hook? Federal judge approves restructuring plan
Climate Solutions Week: The future of food
Hackaday Podcast Episode 287: Raspberry Pi Woes, Blacker than Black, and Printing with Klipper
Study: Playing D&D helps autistic players in social interactions
« Le Mage du Kremlin », une plongée glaçante au cœur du pouvoir russe
« Entre la Chine et l’Afrique, la lune de miel est un peu finie »
Decal displace : geometry nodes
How To Rig Stitches?
Permaculture: Study: Since 1950 the Nutrient Content in 43 Different Food Crops has Declined...
nasa: Brazil's Três Marias Reservoir, as seen from the International Space Station