En direct, guerre en Ukraine : deux morts, des blessés dans un bombardement russe à Soumy,...
gardening: Too… Many… Tomatoes…
Black Areas in Text
privacy: Each doctor's visit sends your data through a dozen companies you don't even know...
MeFi: How blue exactly?
How to subdivide in Blender
technology: Chinese Scientists Say They’ve Found the Secret to Building the World’s Fastest...
Get Thee to Git
technology: Cops lure pedophiles with AI pics of teen girl. Ethical triumph or new disaster?
Kosovo : après quelques heures de blocage, les deux postes frontaliers avec la Serbie fermés...
Python: Astral.sh (the company behind uv) paid product: is it going to be a Heroku replacement?
amateurradio: That feeling you get when you make the very first measurement on a brand new...
compsci: Started a discord channel where people can share and review technical papers and books....
The Laplacian matrix in GNN
netsec: Frida 16.5 is out with new hardware breakpoint and watchpoint APIs, Windows ARM support,...
Permaculture: An Australian gardener after 30 years of trying has created a new variety of...
worldnews: Unsealed FBI Doc Exposes Terrifying Depth of Russian Disinfo Scheme. 2.800 influencers...